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An Era of Exploration

An Era of Exploration. What happened as a result of Columbus discovering the new world?. Early Voyages to the Americas. Vikings Chinese BUT they didn ’ t publicize. Columbus Reaches America. Columbus wants to go to the West Indies to make some money

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An Era of Exploration

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  1. An Era of Exploration What happened as a result of Columbus discovering the new world?

  2. Early Voyages to the Americas • Vikings • Chinese • BUT they didn’t publicize

  3. Columbus Reaches America • Columbus wants to go to the West Indies to make some money • Asked Portugal to finance the trip they said no • Went to Spain and asked King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella

  4. Columbus Reaches America • Spain said yes but no one wanted to go with Columbus • He went to the prisons and rounded up prisoners to go with him

  5. Columbus Reaches America • August 1492 • 90 sailors • 3 ships: Santa Maria, Nina, & Piñta • Left for West Indies • http://www.history.com/videos/columbus-ships-are-marvels-of-engineering

  6. Columbus Reaches America • Lots of ocean and not a lot of sight seeing • October 7th • Columbus saw birds • What does this mean?

  7. Columbus Reaches America • Columbus’ crew was not very happy with him they were one day away from committing munity! • Munity: overthrowing the Captain • http://www.history.com/videos/columbus-faces-down-the-mutinous-crew

  8. Columbus Reaches America • October 11 • Land was seen! YEAH!!!!!! • At dawn the Spanish flag was planted • 3 months Columbus explored the West Indies • He found gold!!!!!

  9. Haiti and Dominican Republican Today http://www.hispaniola.com/

  10. Colonizing North America • Columbus gives gifts to Spain! • Tobacco • Pineapples • Hammocks • Parrots • Pearls • Spain gives more money to start a colony • Colony: group of people who settle in a distance land but are still ruled by the government of their native land

  11. Summarize • They ... brought us parrots and balls of cotton and spears and many other things, which they exchanged for the glass beads and hawks' bells. They willingly traded everything they owned... . They were well-built, with good bodies and handsome features.... They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance. They have no iron. Their spears are made of cane... . They would make fine servants.... With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want.

  12. What does that passage mean? • What does Columbus plan to do? • What does Columbus think about the natives? • What does subjugate mean? • With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want.

  13. Colonizing America • Columbus became of governor of new land and was bad at his job • Let’s talk about the passage you already read earlier

  14. Colonizing America • Do you think he is a bad guy?

  15. Columbus • No one likes him • He returns to the islands multiple times • He will go on trial for his crimes and found guilty

  16. Colonization of America • More people go to explore the new world • 1511 Spain conquered Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and Cuba • Vasco Nunez de Balboa: explored the jungles of the Isthmus of Panama • Saw the Pacific Ocean

  17. Colonization of America • Ferdinand Magellan: sailed around the tip of Africa • His crew was not happy • 5 ships 250 people • Left in 1519 and 9 months later returned with one ship 18 people • Magellan died in conflict with natives • Circumnavigate: sail completely around the Earth

  18. Global Cultural Exchange

  19. Global Cultural Exchange • From Europe: • Pigs • Cattle • Horses • Bananas • Oranges • Figs • Lemons • disease

  20. Global Cultural Exchange • From America: • Cotton • Tobacco • 3 sisters • Peanuts • Blueberries • Tomatoes • Hot peppers • Snow shoes • Furs from beavers • Paddling a canoe

  21. Work Cited • http://lib.lbcc.edu/handouts/images/Vikings/vikings3.jpg • http://www.threes.com/cms/images/stories/history/pinta_and_santa_maria_nina.jpg • http://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/lookandlearn-preview/M/M002/M002872.jpg • http://www.freeinfosociety.com/article.php?id=149

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