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HMS 2012-13 Student Orientation. Welcome to Houston Middle School Home of the Hawks. CHAMP. MAKE-YOUR-DAY. Steps: Used when a student interferes with the SAFETY, WELL-BEING or LEARNING of others Moving up through Steps (1-4)
HMS 2012-13 Student Orientation Welcome to Houston Middle School Home of the Hawks
MAKE-YOUR-DAY • Steps: Used when a student interferes with the SAFETY, WELL-BEING or LEARNING of others • Moving up through Steps (1-4) • Students who engage in minor infractions must be given the opportunity to choose Step. • Examples of minor infractions: disrupt the learning environment (talking, interrupting, singing, humming, etc), interfere with someone’s well-being (call another student a name, make fun of them, take their pencil, etc) or minor safety rules (toss a pencil, run in the room) need to be asked to “CHOOSE STEP 1” • Students not doing what is expected on Step 1 should be asked to go to step 2 and so on if the inappropriate behavior continues. They will either escalate all the way to Step 4 (send to office with referral) or work their way off Step and back to class group.
HMS Anti-Bullying Rules • We will not bully others • We will try to help students who are bullied • We will try to include students who are left out. • If we know that somebody is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and an adult at home.
Start On Time See Page 5 of your planner • Students not in class by the tardy bell will be “swept” to the front office. Consequences will be applied and become progressive with each incident. • 1st & 2nd Tardy = warning • 3rd & 4th = Lunch detention • 5th = student calls home and stays in office for remainder of period • 6th = ½ day detention in office • 7th = 1 day in-school-suspension (ISS) • 8th = Community based service or out-of-school suspension (OSS) • 9th = To be determined by Principal and Asst. Principal
Student Behavioral Expectations As found in your Student Handbook (planner) • Truancy/SkippingPage 5 absent without parent/guardian/or teacher’s consent – will receive a Step 4 conference and ISS. • Computer usePage 6 District’s Use Policy must be signed, chat-rooms only in a teacher-approved education forum, cannot access personal email, computer use only for academic purposes. • HMS is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items like bicycles, electronics, money, and other valuable items. • Off-road motorized vehicles are not allowed on the Houston Campus (atv’s, motorbikes, snowmobiles) • Fire and Emergency drills are to be taken seriously. Follow instruction of staff As found in the District Handbook • Dress & Appearance Attire bearing expression or insignia which is obscene, libelous, or which advocates racial, religious, or other prejudice is prohibited. Attire which advertises illegal substances for school age students is prohibited, as are items which suggest sex, alcohol, or tobacco products. • Clothing which does not cover undergarments is prohibited. • Prohibited clothing includes revealing clothing that is transparent or extremely low cut (i.e. shows cleavage); visible undergarments including attire with holes above the knee; shirts or tops that do not cover the waistband of pants, shorts, or skirts, e.g., no portion of the midriff is to be visible; and shorts, dresses, and skirts higher than three inches above the knee.
Student Behavioral Expectations As found in your Student Handbook (planner) • Hall Passespage 9 students should not be in the halls during class time unless they have a pass from a staff member and they should not leave class without their planner • Harassmentpage 9 Taken very seriously at HMS. Three types physical, sexual and • verbal. • Physical is repeated, annoying, offensive physical behavior which creates a hostile environment. (kicking, pushing, tripping, poking kicking, etc.) • Sexual is verbal or physical conduct in a sexual nature. (inappropriate touching/grabbing, offensive items or pictures, sexual remarks or rumors and offensive jokes, teasing, or language.) • Verbal is words having a negative impact. (name calling, put downs, and making threats.) • This also includes emails, text messaging and social media like Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace. As found in the District Handbook • Dress & Appearance Clothing and accessories, e.g., notebooks, patches, tattoos, and jewelry must not display racial or ethnic slurs or symbols, gang affiliations, vulgar, subversive, sexually suggestive, or otherwise inappropriate language or images; promotion of products that students may not legally buy such as alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs; or anything that promotes harm to another or to one’s self. • Prohibited items include studded jewelry or chains, sunglasses unless medically required, sleepwear or clothing resembling sleepwear.
Student Behavioral Expectations As found in your Student Handbook (planner) • Lockerspage 10 are assigned to you, do not give out your combination and keep lockers in good condition. Lockers are property of HMS and may be subject to inspection by the school administration at anytime. • Student’s are not permitted to use portable electronic devices while in school (Cell phones, iPods, iPads, MP3’s etc.) Gum, sunflower seeds and other items of distraction such as toys, perfume/cologne, balloons, etc. should not be brought to school. Confiscation and possible discipline action may occur. • Read pages 12 & 13which shows a partial list of conduct that is prohibited by MSBSD policy As found in the District Handbook • TransportationSchool bus transportation is provided as a courtesy and is a privilege, not a right. If a student’s conduct is such that the health, safety, comfort, or the well being of others is jeopardized, on or off the bus, a school district official may deny the privilege of riding the bus. The school bus driver is in charge of the bus and its passengers and has total authority and responsibility. Students must obey the school bus driver at all times. • Drug Free Schoolsthe MSBSD will not tolerate the possession, selling, use or students under the influence of tobacco, alcohol and other illegal and harmful drugs (illicit drugs, non-therapeutic use of prescribed drugs, misuse of solvents, over the counter medications and other dangerous substances) in the schools, on school grounds or during school sponsored activities including athletic events, dances, field trips, etc. Standard is set at zero tolerance. Disciplinary sanctions will be given as well as possible law enforcement notification.
Student Behavioral Expectations As found in the District Handbook • WeaponsStudents may not possess firearms, ammunition, or explosive devices on school property or while participating in school-sponsored events. Students may not possess other types of weapons or replicas of any types of weapons on school property or while participating in school-sponsored event.Any item used with the intent to do harm or cause fear of harm may be deemed a weapon. Disciplinary Sanctions will be given. • Vandalism in all forms is prohibited. • Smoking Students shall not smoke any substance or otherwise use nor possess tobacco, lighters, matches, or tobacco products anywhere on school property or at school activities. • Fighting and AssaultFighting, assault, and other aggressive acts are uncivilized and are prohibited. • Disruptive BehaviorDisruptive behavior is student conduct which materially and substantially interferes with the educational process or with school-sponsored activities, and is not permitted. Examples of disruptive behavior include, but are not limited to, moving around the classroom without permission, profanity, vulgarity, uncomplimentary gestures or speech, threats, non-compliance with school or class rules, refusing to acknowledge or to obey a school employee’s directions, and behavior which jeopardizes the welfare or safety of other students and staff.
Building Evacuations/Fire • We practice this monthly • Follow staff members instructions • Do not stop to go to your locker • Follow CHAMPions for Fire Drill regardless if it is a drill or a real evacuation
Bomb Threat • We practice this twice per year • Zero Horseplay • Follow Staff members instructions • NEVER open the door for anyone • Stay in your seat, do not move around the room • Report anything suspicious to the teacher/staff • Follow CHAMPions for Bomb Threat regardless if it is a drill or a real event
Earthquake • We practice this twice per year • Follow Staff members instructions • Zero Horseplay • Follow CHAMPions for Earthquake regardless if it is a drill or a real event
Suspicious Person/Intruder • We practice this twice per year • Zero Horseplay • Follow Staff members instructions • NEVER open the door for anyone • Conversation level is 0 (zero) • Follow CHAMPions for Intruder Drill regardless if it is a drill or a real event