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Washington Learns: The Road Ahead. Presentation to WERA December 6, 2006 Ann Daley Executive Director. WHAT IS WASHINGTON LEARNS?. It is a thorough review of the entire education system – E2SSB 5441 (2005).
Washington Learns: The Road Ahead Presentation to WERA December 6, 2006 Ann Daley Executive Director
WHAT IS WASHINGTON LEARNS? • It is a thorough review of the entire education system – E2SSB 5441 (2005). • It has been intensive – 85 people serving on the Steering and the 3 advisory committees – all meeting monthly (July 2005 – Nov 2006).It is comprehensive – looking at all sectors of the state’s education system – early learning, K-12, higher education and workforce preparation.
Final Report released on November 13th, 2006 • Available at: www.washingtonlearns.wa.gov
What have we learned? • Knowledge economy demands that more people achieve higher levels of education • Must simultaneously “raise the bar” and “close the gap” that academically sidelines too many of our students
A Changing Economic Landscape • Family-wage jobs requiring only high school education are disappearing • Most jobs now require at least some post-secondary education • Employers report difficulty finding educated workers
Washington’s Changing Economic LandscapeIncreasing Role of Technology- and Information-Dependent IndustriesDecreasing Reliance on Manufacturing and Resource-Based Industries Percent of Total Employment Change in Washington’s Industry Composition1975 - 2030 Professional and Business Services,Education and Health Services, Finance, Information Federal, State, Local Government Other Services Wholesale & Retail Trade, Transportation, Warehousing, Utilities, Construction Manufacturing, Mining Sources: Forecast Council, OFM
Growing diversity = new challenges and new opportunities • Number of ESL families has doubled since 1993 • Nearly 250,000 adults in Washington speak limited English • Total minority population increased from 15.7% in 1990 to 22% in 2003 • By 2030, the projected non-white and/or Hispanic population will have nearly doubled
Key Hispanic = Hispanic/Latino (can be of any race) Other Race = Black/African-American, American Indian and Alaska Native, Asian and Pacific Islander, Two or More Races, Other Race Washington Labor ForceProjected Composition by Race and Hispanic Origin Population Age 18-64 Hispanic Other Race, Non-Hispanic Other Race, Non-Hispanic White Non-Hispanic
What have we learned? • 50 percent of children enter kindergarten not ready to succeed • Only 74 of 100 9th graders graduate on time (state average) • Only 54 percent of African American and Hispanic students graduate on time
What have we learned? • One of every four 18 – 24 year olds does NOT have a diploma or a GED • One third of working age adult population has ONLY a high school diploma or LESS • Younger population is less well educated than older counterparts
High School Graduation Rates Source: OSPI, Graduation and Dropout Statistics for Washington’s Counties, Districts, and Schools, School Year 2003-04. September 2005. Available at www.k12.wa.us/DataAdmin/.
* * * * * * *States where the percentage of population age 35-64 with Associate’s or higher degree is greater than that for the age 25-34 population. Source: U.S. Census Bureau 5 Percent Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) for Washington. Trending in the Wrong Direction: Percent with Associate’s or Higher DegreeCensus 2000
WA Rank: 25 7.437% 1 California 5.891% 1 Utah 6.033% 1 Utah 7.889% 1 Utah 10.256% 1 Colorado 1.037% 1 Massachusetts 2.116% 1 Utah 11.161% Participation Rate: State RankingsBased on Fall 2002 Enrollment and Population 18 & overEnrollments include students who are residents of other states plus foreign students. Net Migration of College Freshmen, Fall 2002 + + + + + Percentile WA Rank: 5 4.174% + + WA Rank: 9 6.022% + + + + + + + + + + Import 2,500+ WA Rank: 18 6.771% + Export 2,500+ 50th percentile WA Rank: 45 1.849% WA Rank: 46 0.666% WA Rank: 47 0.409% Source: NCES Digest of Education Statistics 2004, Table 198: Total fall enrollment in degree-granting institutions, by control, level of enrollment, type of institution, and state or jurisdiction: 2002. http://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d04/tables/dt04_198.asp; U.S. Census Bureau.
In the new global economy: • Education is our currency • Other nations are making strategic investments in education, while we continue with “business as usual” • United States and Washington are slipping behind other industrialized nations
What are we recommending? • A vision for a world-class, learner-focused education system • A new way of thinking about education • Instead of sectors in competition, an integrated system that shares a common mission • 5 focused initiatives that can leverage change • A commitment to obtain the human and financial resources • A ten year plan of action
A new benchmark: The Global Challenge States • Top 8 states from the New Economy Index • New Economy Index ranks states on 21 indicators in 5 categories • Knowledge jobs • Economic dynamism and competition • Globalization • Transformation to a digital economy • Technological innovation capacity
Global Challenge States:How do we compare? • Top 8 (in order): Massachusetts, Washington, California, Colorado, Maryland, New Jersey, Connecticut, Virginia • Washington currently ranks 2ndof all 50 states on the New Economy Index • Review of educational data within the Global Challenge States raises concerns about our long-term competitiveness
8 Global Challenge States: How do we compare? • 8th on percent of 3-4 year olds enrolled in nursery school or preschool • 7th on expenditures per K-12 student • 7th on student-teacher ratios • 6th on average teacher salaries • 8th on percent of students who took an AP exam in high school
8 Global Challenge States: How do we compare? • 6th on state and local (tuition) revenues per student at research universities • 7th on tuition and fees for resident undergrads, flagship institution • 6th on baccalaureate degrees per 1,000 • 8th on graduate and professional degrees per 1,000
Five Focused Initiatives • The Early Learning Years • Math and Science • Personalized Learning • Opportunity for Washington citizens • Quality and Accountability
Early Learning: A Smart Investment • New Department of Early Learning • Thrive-by-Five Public-Private Partnership • Five-star rating system to help parents find quality child care • Phase in all day kindergarten • Prioritize I-728 dollars for K-3 class size
Math and Science • Train child care and early education teachers • International performance standards for math and science • State identified math and science curricula • Build expertise in math and science teaching • Excite students about careers in math and science (public-private partnerships) • Expand loan forgiveness programs to attract math and science teachers • Expand alternative certification program
Personalized Learning: Helping every student succeed • Creative use of learning time • Reach high school drop-outs • Use technology to tailor learning • More career and technical education • Use instructional coaches and mentors to enrich classroom teaching
More college and workforce opportunity • Align high school and college expectations • Washington Learns Scholarship • More workforce training for adults • Expand State Need Grant to part-time students • More high demand apprenticeship, certificate and degree programs • Stable, predictable tuition
Quality and Accountability • P-20 Council • Global Challenge States • Financial Health Monitoring for K-12 • Meaningful Accountability for K-12 • Professional preparation and pay • More professional development • Leadership training • Performance agreements with colleges and universities • 10 year enrollment planning
Financial Health Monitoring for K-12 • Recommendation: Develop a financial health monitoring system for K-12. • Rationale: The current system does not provide a longer-term, prospective look at budget health. • Expected Result: Financially strong school districts, better forecasting of potential budget difficulties and time to take corrective measures. • Assignment: • By December 2007, OSPI and OFM, with advice from educational service districts, will develop budgeting and obligations reporting system. • Subject to appropriations, OSPI and educational service districts will review school district budgets for long-term health on a regular schedule.
Meaningful Accountability for K-12 • Recommendation: Develop a meaningful accountability system for K-12. • Rationale: The state needs to know if current policies and targeted activities are successful or if they need adjustment. • Expected Result: Accurate measures of accomplishment and improvement. Meaningful information that guides decisions for classrooms, schools, school districts and policy makers. Assignments: • By 2007, the State Board of Education will develop a comprehensive set of recommendations for an accountability system. • OSPI will review the state’s academic standards at least once every ten years, and will report findings to the State Board of Education, the Governor, and the Legislature.
Professional Preparation and Pay • Recommendation: Develop a professional preparation and pay system. • Rationale: 1) Our system is not clear enough about teaching performance standards. 2) Our teacher pay system should also acknowledge assignments that are difficult, recognize staff expertise, use incentives and reward achievements. • Expected Result: Teachers will show demonstrated competency, be competitively paid, and Washington will recruit and retain the best teachers. Assignments: • By June 2009, PESB will set performance standards and develop, pilot and implement a professional teaching level assessment and licensing system based on demonstrated teaching skill. • By June 2009, PESB will revise the requirements for college and university teacher preparation programs to match the new knowledge-and skill-based performance system. • Beginning with the 2007-2008 school year, teacher salary allocation model will include pay for performance, knowledge and skills. • A state committee composed of administrator groups, PESB, OSPI, OFM and legislators will identify elements necessary for implementation.
More professional development • Recommendation: expand and make the most of professional development time for educators. • Rationale: It is especially critical for teachers and other educators to learn about how students learn, what supports different students need, and how to be the most effective facilitators in various learning environments. • Expected Result: Educators will continuously improve their skills so that students have the most meaningful learning experiences possible. • Assignment: • Beginning in the summer of 2007, subject to appropriations, schools and school districts will provide educators, including teachers, instructional specialist, support staff and instructional assistants, with time for quality professional development opportunities. First priority for professional development is math and science content and instruction.
Leadership training • Recommendation: Develop a public-private partnership to establish a school and district staff leadership academy. • Rationale: Effective leadership is critical to improving student outcomes and transforming under-performing schools and districts into world-class learning centers. • Expected Result: Schools will have high-performing teams of staff and teachers, and will personalize instruction to the strengths and needs of their students. Assignment: • By the 2008-2009 school year, OSPI will work with civic leaders, the Association of Washington School Principals, the Washington Association of School Administrators and others to establish a public-private partnership to launch a Leadership Academy for principals and other administrative staff.
NEXT STEPS Develop a comprehensive accountability system that is transparent, incentive-based and built on principles of shared responsibility and continuous improvement: Assignments: • Governor, OSPI, SBE work on federal reauthorization of No Child Left Behind • DEL, SBE, HECB develop performance measures and align them • P-20 Council first annual report December 2007 • Dec 2008, WL Steering Committee to recommend framework for accountability
NEXT STEPS Redefine basic education, design a new funding structure and make a significant down payment in 2007 Assignments: • Amend RCW 28A.150.210 (BEA goals) in 2007 • By Dec 2007, OSPI and OFM develop framework for new accounting structure and reporting system • By Dec 2008, WL Steering Committee will issue recommendations for revised K-12 funding model
NEXT STEPS Design a ten year implementation strategy based on new definition of basic education and associated new funding formula, that: • Supports world-class, learner focused seamless education system • Reflects urgency for reform • Is based on evidence of what works • Builds public trust and support Assignment: WL Steering Committee
Our Task: We must create a world-class education system to make sure our prosperity touches all of us, not just a few. -- Governor Chris Gregoire
Washington Learns www.washingtonlearns.wa.gov