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Ohio Board of Regents. Statewide Video Conference Ohio College Opportunity Grant Processing 2006-2007 March 9, 2006. - Determining Student Eligibility- OCOG vs. OIG. Determining Student Eligibility OCOG vs. OIG.
Ohio Board of Regents Statewide Video Conference Ohio College Opportunity Grant Processing 2006-2007 March 9, 2006
-Determining Student Eligibility- OCOG vs. OIG
Determining Student Eligibility OCOG vs. OIG • Students with enrollment prior to Summer of 2006 are to be evaluated for Ohio Instructional Grant (OIG) eligibility. • Student did not need to receive financial aid. • Post-secondary option students are NOT included. • Prior enrollment is determined by • Student’s rank as reported on the FAFSA • Data on file with the Higher Education Information System (HEI) of a previous state financial aid disbursement or pending disbursement • Data on file with HEI for previous enrollment • Previous enrollment as reported by an institution for an individual student
Determining Student Eligibility OCOG vs. OIG If any single item indicates prior enrollment, the student will be processed through the Ohio Instructional Grant Program. If none of the items indicate prior enrollment, the student will be processed through the Ohio College Opportunity Grant. Each new ISIR record will prompt a re-evaluation of the student’s placement. If the relevant data fields have changed, a student will be moved from one program to the other and eligibility will be recalculated under the new program. Exception: If a student has already received payment in a grant program, we will not transfer him/her to the other program.
Determining Student Eligibility OCOG vs. OIG HEI receives the student’s FAFSA results
Determining Student Eligibility OCOG vs. OIG HEI receives the student’s FAFSA results, including a self-reported rank which will indicate prior enrollment for some students.
Determining Student Eligibility OCOG vs. OIG Enrollment: Public Institutions Unrefunded Financial Aid: All Institutions HEI surveys all system records for other evidence of enrollment prior to July 2006.
Determining Student Eligibility OCOG vs. OIG OIG Using this information, HEI processes the student’s record through either the OIG
Determining Student Eligibility OCOG vs. OIG OIG OCOG Using this information, HEI processes the student’s record through either the OIG or OCOG system.
Determining Student Eligibility OCOG vs. OIG OIG OIG OCOG OCOG The school accesses queries to determine the student’s program of eligibility.
Determining Student Eligibility OCOG vs. OIG OIG OCOG The school can contact SGS if there is evidence of enrollment prior to 2006.
Determining Student Eligibility OCOG vs. OIG OIG OCOG HEI will then remove the student’s record from the Ohio College Opportunity Grant program and reprocess it through the Ohio Instructional Grant program.
Determining Student Eligibility OCOG vs. OIG Freshman on ISIR? NO Is the student a first-time freshman? ISIR response is blank, freshman & attended college before, sophomore, junior, senior or graduate/professional OIG YES Process record as an Instructional Grant application. Unknown to HEI before SM 2006? Is the student unknown to HEI for any term prior to Summer 2006? NO On file prior to SM 2006 Enrollment or financial aid information is on file for term prior to Summer 2006 HEI will transfer the record from OCOG to OIG if the school provides evidence of prior enrollment. YES HEI will transfer the record from OIG to OCOG if the school cancels previous HEI submissions for prior enrollment or financial aid. Process record as an Opportunity Grant application. No enrollment or un-refunded financial aid information on file prior to SM 2006 OCOG
Determining Student Eligibility OCOG vs. OIG Freshman, sophomore or blank on ISIR? NO Is the student a freshman or sophomore? ISIR response is junior, senior or graduate/professional OIG YES Process record as an Instructional Grant application. Unknown to HEI before SM 2006? Is the student unknown to HEI for any term prior to Summer 2006? NO On file prior to SM 2006 Enrollment or financial aid information is on file for term prior to Summer 2006 HEI will transfer the record from OCOG to OIG if the school provides evidence of prior enrollment. YES HEI will transfer the record from OIG to OCOG if the school cancels previous HEI submissions for prior enrollment or financial aid. Process record as an Opportunity Grant application. No enrollment or un-refunded financial aid information on file prior to SM 2006 OCOG
Determining Student Eligibility OCOG vs. OIG • Student’s rank as reported on the FAFSA • For 2006-2007, a student who reports a rank of first-time freshman will be processed through the Ohio College Opportunity Grant program. • Values other than “0” from the ISIR – including blank – are processed through the Ohio Instructional Grant program.
Determining Student Eligibility OCOG vs. OIG • Data on file with HEI for a previous state financial aid disbursement or pending disbursement • Nurse Education Assistance Loan • Ohio Academic Scholarship • Ohio Instructional Grant • Ohio Safety Officers College Memorial Fund • Ohio Student Choice Grant • Ohio Twelfth Grade Proficiency Test Award • Ohio War Orphans Scholarship • Student Workforce Development Grant
Determining Student Eligibility OCOG vs. OIG • Data on file with HEI of previous enrollment • Course Enrollment file submission (CN) • Student Enrollment file submission (SN) • Uniform Information System (UIS)
Determining Student EligibilityOCOG vs. OIG OCOG Prior Enrollment (OPE) Table • Verification table that houses student identifiers from all the different data areas stored in HEI • Enrollment data in the OPE table will be kept current through a refresh process • Friday afternoons between the hours of 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm have been identified to run the refresh
Determining Student EligibilityOCOG vs. OIG OCOG Prior Enrollment (OPE) Table • Certain HEI processes and access will be unavailable during the refresh process such as:OIG Eligibility QueryOCOG Eligibility Query (once in production)Daytime loads of HEI Enrollment and Financial Aid submissions • Users attempting to access the queries will receive an onscreen message when we are performing system maintenance
Determining Student Eligibility OCOG vs. OIG • Previous enrollment as reported by an institution for an individual student • Institution contacts State Grants and Scholarships to report on an individual student. • This is expected to be used for students who attended Ohio proprietary or private schools or any schools outside of Ohio.
-Revised Ohio Instructional Grant- Eligibility Query
Revised Ohio Instructional Grant Eligibility Query • The Ohio Instructional Grant Eligibility Query has been revised to allow for the option of displaying those fields that indicate prior enrollment. • Student rank (as reported on the FAFSA) • Previous Aid (HEI data) • Previous Enrollment (HEI data) • Manual Adjustment (Previous enrollment as reported by an institution for an individual student) • Authorizing Institution Code (School that requested the Manual Adjustment)
Revised Ohio Instructional Grant Eligibility Query • You may select none, all or any combination of the parameters to display in your query results.
Revised Ohio Instructional Grant Eligibility Query • To minimize mapping a number to a rank and changing mapping through the years, the class ranks as reported on the query are the constant HEI values. ISIR valueQuery value 1st year / attended college before 1 FP 4th year / senior 4 SR 2nd year / sophomore 2 SO 3rd year / junior 3 JR 1st year / never attended college 0 FF Only these students will have data to indicate OIG placement. 5th year / other undergraduate 5 SF
Revised Ohio Instructional Grant Eligibility Query INSERT EXAMPLE REVISED OIG ASCII OUTPUT • Institution codes are standard HEI abbreviations. Tables of these values are athttp://www.regents.state.oh.us/hei/datasubdoc/vertables/veritab.html • Institution codes are standard HEI abbreviations. Tables of these values are athttp://www.regents.state.oh.us/hei/datasubdoc/vertables/veritab.html
Revised Ohio Instructional Grant Eligibility Query The additional fields that you select are appended to the output for the legacy ASCII version, too.
Revised Ohio Instructional Grant Eligibility Query rank previous aid previous enrollment manual adjustment authorizing institution The additional fields that you select are appended to the output for the legacy ASCII version, too.
Revised Ohio Instructional Grant Eligibility Query New ASCII layout is athttp://www.regents.state.oh.us/hei/datasubdoc/finaid/ascii.html
-Proposed Ohio College Opportunity Grant- Eligibility Query
Proposed Ohio College Opportunity Grant Eligibility Query DRAFT • The new Ohio College Opportunity Grant Eligibility Query is scheduled to be available in May.
Proposed Ohio College Opportunity Grant Eligibility Query • The data displayed will be: • Student identifier • Student name • Transaction number • Date processed • EFC (unvalidated) • Errors, if applicable • Results will be cumulative (no incremental selection).
Proposed Ohio College Opportunity Grant Eligibility Query
Proposed Ohio College Opportunity Grant Eligibility Query • Same error codes as Instructional Grant with the following additions: • 072 EFC not numeric • 153 EFC limit over eligible range • 154 EFC over notice limit • 155 Blank/invalid FISAP total income • The full list of error codes can be found at • http://www.regents.state.oh.us/hei/datasubdoc/finaid/ocog_oig_edit_messages.xls
-Proposed Ohio College Opportunity Grant- Payment File
Proposed Ohio College Opportunity Grant Payment File • The Opportunity Grant Payment File will be similar to that of the Ohio Instructional Grant payment and adjustment files. • Instead of a separate payment and adjustment file, you will have a single file to: • Request initial payment • Request an increase to the payment • Request a decrease to the payment • Request a full refund
Proposed Ohio College Opportunity Grant Payment File
Proposed Ohio College Opportunity Grant Payment File • The Ohio College Opportunity Grant can be awarded for less than full time enrollment. You can report enrollment status in the OG. • Enrollment status codes are: • FT Full-Time Enrollment • TT Three-Quarters-Time Enrollment • HT Half-Time Enrollment • QT Quarter-Time Enrollment
Proposed Ohio College Opportunity Grant Payment File For the 2006-2007 academic year, we will not edit the payment request for grant limits based upon individual EFC as the OG file is submitted. (Error code 149) Payment requests will be reviewed through periodic audits of all payment requests.
OCOG Frequently Asked Questions Question: How will previously used OIG units count against OCOG eligibility once OIG has been discontinued? Answer: All students will continue to be allowed up to 15 units of grant utilization from the combination of the two programs. Students with previous OIG units will be able to have their remaining units in OCOG once OIG has been discontinued. Question: Who will monitor the number of OCOG units used? Answer: The HEI system will contain edits that track remaining OCOG units.
OCOG Frequently Asked Questions Question: How can rank be changed if a student incorrectly indicates previous college enrollment due to participating in a PSOP program? Answer: As with other ISIR data, we request that the student correct the data with the CPS and have a new ISIR sent to us. Question: Does enrollment in a non-degree course count as previous enrollment Answer: Yes
OCOG Frequently Asked Questions Question: Are there any rules regulating when we adjust for change of enrollment? Answer: If you have information that a student was enrolled up to and including the 15th day of class, he/she is considered to have been enrolled for that term even if he/she later withdrew or never received credit for the course. Question: Will there be reciprocity with Pennsylvania Answer: Yes, under the same restrictions that currently govern the Ohio/Pennsylvania Grant Portability Agreement
OCOG Frequently Asked Questions Question: When will the programming formats to upload the query be available? Answer: The programming formats for the OCOG Eligibility Query will be available in May, 2006. The formats for the OCOG Disbursement Query will be available in November, 2006. Question: Is there a plan for OBR to eventually notify OCOG recipients of their eligibility? Answer: Yes. We will begin notification to OCOG eligible students in the 2009-2010 academic year.
OCOG Frequently Asked Questions Question: How will OCOG track lifetime units utilized? Will a student who enrolls for half-time use ½ unit? Three-quarters time ¾ unit? Answer: Yes. HEI will contain edits that allow students to utilize lifetime OCOG units in direct correlation to level of enrollment.