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Links to healthy lifestyle materials Haskell Health Center. L I NKS T O M A T E R I A L S H ea r t h e a l th gu i d e http:/ / www . be l l i n s ti t ute. c o m /R e s ou r c e D e ta i l.a s p x? R e s ou r c eI d = 3 0 5 & P a geI d = 5 7 & Su b P a geI d = 6 4 M y P l ate T e a r Pad
Links to healthy lifestyle materials Haskell Health Center LINKSTO MATERIALS Heart healthguide http://www.bellinstitute.com/ResourceDetail.aspx?ResourceId=305&PageId=57&SubPageId=64 MyPlateTearPad http://www.enasco.com/product/WA29394G Heart bingo http://www.enasco.com/product/WA29640G Caloriecounter http://www.positivepromotions.com/total-food-counter-for-healthy-living-guide/p/itp-18/ Portionplate http://www.enasco.com/product/WA28411G Portiondistortion http://www.enasco.com/product/WA24373G Foodlabels http://www.enasco.com/product/WA29078HR Healthyrecipes http://www.eatbetteramerica.com/ Cloggedarterymodel http://www.healthedco.com/index.php/clogged-artery-model.html Fizzics ofsodadisplay http://www.healthedco.com/index.php/fizzics-of-soda-display.html NativeLifemagazine http://www.ihs.gov/MedicalPrograms/Diabetes/RESOURCES/Catalog/rde/index.cfm?module=catalog&opt =1 Physical ActivityKit http://www.ihs.gov/hpdp/index.cfm?module=dsp_hpdp_resources_physicalactivitykit Glycemic index www.glycemicindex.com Diet Planning www.sparkpeople.com Healthandwellness www.everydayhealth.com
AmericanHeartAssociation www.americanheart.org AmericanDietetic Association www.eatright.org CalorieKing www.calorieking.com Caloriecounter www.myfitnesspal.com Inspirational transformationvideo www.wimp.com/inspirationaltransformation Inspirational videolifestylechange http://www.cdc.gov/CDCTV/ChangeForLife/index.html