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Hak dan Kewajiban Pemuda dan Negara Sosialisasi UU Kepemudaan No. 40/ 2009 PAHAM Indonesia - 30 Desember 2010. Heru Susetyo , SH. LL.M. M.Si . Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia. Pemuda di Indonesia.
HakdanKewajibanPemudadan NegaraSosialisasi UU Kepemudaan No. 40/ 2009 PAHAM Indonesia - 30 Desember 2010 HeruSusetyo, SH. LL.M. M.Si. FakultasHukumUniversitas Indonesia
Pemudadi Indonesia • Jumlahpemudadi Indonesia telahmenunjukkanjumlah yang signifikanyaitu 31,9 % (73,5 jutajiwa) darijumlahkeseluruhanpenduduk Indonesia . Faktaselanjutnyaadalahpertumbuhanorganisasi-organisasikepemudaan yang terusmeningkat. Setidaknyapadapertengahantahun 2009 ini, KementerianPemudadanOlahragaRepublik Indonesia telahmencatat 279 ribuorganisasikepemudaanseluruh Indonesia. (Effendi Muharram, 2009)
Problem PemudaDunia • Menurutorganisasiperburuhandunia (International Labor Organization) terdapat 160 jutaorangdidunia yang menganggurdan 40 % diantaranyaadalahpemuda. • Dalambidangpendidikanterdapat 133 jutapemudadidunia yang butahurufdengan 1.738.000 diantaranyaberadadi Indonesia. Dalambidangkesejahteraan, 238 jutapemudahidupdibawahgariskemiskinandenganpendapatandibawah 1 dollar/haridan 462 jutapemudahidupdibawah 2 dollar/hari. • (Effendi Muharram, 2009)
PersatuanBangsaBangsa (PBB) mendefinisikanpemudasebagaiperiodetransisiantaraanak-anakdandewasa. Olehkarenanya, PBB telahmerekomendasikanrentangusia 15-24 tahunsajalah yang masukdalamkategoripemuda. Hanyabeberapanegara ASEAN yang menetapkanusia 30 tahunsebagaibatasakhirseseorangdimasukkandalamkelompokpemuda. Sebutsajamisalnyanegara Bangladesh (15-30 tahun) danPhilipina (15-30 tahun). • (Effendi Muharram, 2009)
Justrukebanyakannegaradi PBB memasukkankategoripemudaadalahmereka yang berusiadibawah 30 tahun. Misalnya, Australia (15-25 tahun), Brunei Darussalam (15-25 tahun), China (14-28 tahun), New Zealand (15-24 tahun), Singapura (15-29 tahun), Sri Langka (15-24 tahun) • Berbagaipertemuanditingkat regional maupunInternasional yang membahasmasalahkepemudaan pun memberikanbatasanumurpemuda yang bolehikutdalamkegiatan yang diadakan, yaituusiadiatas 18 tahundandibawah 30 tahun. • (Effendi Muharram, 2009)
ApaituPemuda? (pasal 1 UU No. 40/ 2009) • Pemudaadalahwarganegara Indonesia yang memasukiperiodepentingpertumbuhandanperkembangan yang berusia 16 (enambelas) sampai 30 (tigapuluh) tahun. • Note : UU PerlindunganAnak No. 23 tahun 2002 menetapkanbahwa : Anakadalahseseorang yang belumberusia 18 (delapanbelas) tahun, termasukanak yang masihdalamkandungan.
Kepemudaan • Kepemudaanadalahberbagaihal yang berkaitandenganpotensi, tanggungjawab, hak, karakter, kapasitas, aktualisasidiri, dancita-citapemuda. (Pasal 1 UU No. 40/ 2009)
Pembangunan Kepemudaan • Pembangunan kepemudaanadalahprosesmemfasilitasisegalahal yang berkaitandengankepemudaan. (Pasal 1 UU No. 40/ 2009)
Pelayanankepemudaanadalahpenyadaran, pemberdayaan, danpengembangankepemimpinan, kewirausahaan, sertaKepeloporanpemuda.
Penyadaranpemudaadalahkegiatan yang diarahkanuntukmemahamidanmenyikapiPerubahanlingkungan. • Climate change? • Global warming? • Green revolution? • Clean environment?
Pengembangankepemimpinanpemudaadalahkegiatanmengembangkanpotensiketeladanan, keberpengaruhan, sertapenggerakanpemuda.
Pengembangankewirausahaanpemudaadalah Kegiatanmengembangkanpotensiketerampilan dankemandirianberusaha.
Pengembangankepeloporanpemudaadalahkegiatanmengembangkanpotensidalammerintisjalan, melakukanterobosan, menjawabtantangan, danmemberikanjalankeluarataspelbagaimasalah.
TugasPemerintah(Pasal 10) • Pemerintahmempunyaitugasmenyelenggarakanurusanpemerintahandibidangkepemudaandalamrangkapenajaman, koordinasidansinkronisasi program pemerintah;
Pemerintahdaerahmempunyaitugasmelaksanakankebijakannasional Dan menetapkankebijakandidaerahsesuaidengankewenangannyasertamengoordinasikanpelayanankepemudaan.
Pemerintahdanpemerintahdaerahbertanggungjawabmelaksanakanpenyadaran, pemberdayaan, danpengembanganpotensipemudaberdasarkankewenangandantanggungjawabnyasesuaidengankarakteristikdanpotensidaerahmasing-masing.
Pengalaman Thailand • Youth in Thailand refers to those aged below twenty-five years, according to the National Youth Policy. • Thai youth constituted approximately 19.0 per cent of the total population (NSO 1997). • (UNESCAP Report, 2000)
PerkembanganKebijakanterhadapPemudadi Thailand • The Thai government’s work in the area of youth development has evolved into a more participatory process since its inception in 1963. Four national youth policies have been issued since then. • From 1963 to 1978, the National Youth Office was relocated and renamed numerous times, as a result of successive military coups and changes of government, as well as the subsequent promulgation of new constitutions. The National Youth Office was moved to the Office of Youth Promotion, Office of the Prime Minister in 1969. It was then upgraded to departmental status in 1973 and renamed the National Youth Bureau under the Office of the Prime Minister. One year later, the National Youth Bureau became the Office of Youth Promotion under the Ministry of Education, and in 1976, itwasrenamed the Commission of the Promotion and Development of Youth,Ministryof Education. • (UNESCAP Report, 2000)
In 1978, the National Youth Commission and the National Youth Bureau, as they are known today, were established by Article 12 of the Act of National Youth Promotion and Coordination B.E. 2521 (1978). The National Youth Commission acts as a policy coordination body at the national level, while the National Youth Bureau serves as the Commission’s Secretariat. • The National Youth Commission is chaired by the Prime Minister with a Minister to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) as the vice-chairperson. The Commission’s members consist of the representatives of 10 government agencies, as well as 8 prominent persons from the public and private sectors. • The government representatives include the Permanent Secretary of each of the following ministries: Defense; Agriculture and Cooperatives; Interior; Education; Public Health; Industry; and University Affairs. Other government representatives include the Chief Justice of the Central Juvenile and Family Court, Ministry of Justice; the Secretary General of the Secretariat of the National Security Council, PMO; and the Director of the Sports Authority of Thailand, PMO. (UNESCAP Report, 2000)
The National Youth Commission has the following mandate: • To propose policies and recommendations on youth issues to the Cabinet; • To consider youth promotion and development plans, both governmental and non-governmental, in line with the national youth policy; • To consider implementation measures including the coordination, follow-up and evaluation of programme, projects and activities in line with the national youth policy; • To provide suggestions to the Cabinet on methods to improve the national coordination mechanism on youth, as well as youth programmeimplemented by governmental and non-governmental agencies; • To report the situation of youth to the Cabinet at least once a year; and • To consider youth issues upon the request of the Cabinet. (UNESCAP Report, 2000)
EmpatKebijakanPemudadi Thailand(UNESCAP Report, 2000) 1. The first national youth policy, issued in 1973, formally defined youth as individuals aged below 25 years of age. The policy centred on instillingyouth with identified desirable characteristics and promoting activities that encouraged youth to work together, including training for out-of-school youth, predominantly in rural areas (NYB 1973).
EmpatKebijakanPemudadi Thailand (2) 2. The second national youth policy was announced in 1977. The purpose of the policy was to encourage youth to focus on maintaining national security and to respect the values of the Thai culture and of democracy. Securing appropriate levels of education for all youth was also identified as an area of concern (NYB 1977). 3. The third national youth policy, promulgated in 1979, focused on instilling self-discipline and concern for national security in youth, while emphasizing ideals of youth responsibility within a framework of social development. It corresponded to the constitution of 1978 (NYB 1979).
4. In 1994, following the passing of the Constitution of 1991, the fourth national youth policy was adopted, which centered on expanding services for young people and meeting the basic needs of youth. It was Thailand’s first youth policy to identify youth as an important human resource in society, which required development so that they could contribute to national development (NYB 1994).
9 PrioritasPengembanganPemudadi Thailand (1994) The policy specified nine priority areas for youth development action as follows: • Instilling awareness of national security; • Encouraging young people to realize their duties and to have the opportunity to express their ideas; • Promoting health in order for youth to be able to contribute to national development; • Instilling the beliefs of reason, discipline, constructive initiative and the capability to work with others;
9 PrioritasPengembanganPemudadi Thailand (1994) • Promoting moral principles; • Urging young people to continue to acquire further knowledge; 7. Encouraging young people to protect themselves from vices; 8. Giving aid, rehabilitation, development and protection to the rights of young people living under difficult circumstances; and • Promoting friendship and understanding between young people in Thailand and in foreign countries. (UNESCAP Report, 2000)