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Pennsylvania Tours

Uncover the rich history of family-owned dairy farms in Pennsylvania with Ricky Hall, Jordan Fisher, Phoebe Young, Matt McEvoy, and Jason Arnold. Explore Manning’s Dairy, Riehl's Amish Dairy, The Brown Cow, Mercer-Vu Farms, Frey Dairy Farms, Star Rock Dairy, and Mason-Dixon Farm. Learn about different farming practices, from milking techniques to crop management. Special thanks to sponsors like Pro-Dairy, Agway Foundation, and more for supporting dairy education. Embark on an intense learning experience in the dairy industry!

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Pennsylvania Tours

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  1. Pennsylvania Tours By Ricky Hall, Jordan Fisher, Phoebe Young, Matt McEvoy, and Jason Arnold

  2. Manning’s DairyDalton, PA • Family owned and operated 75 cow farm since the 1930’s. • 80% of milk goes to ice cream production in the summer. • Bottle and ship their own milk to their four existing stores.

  3. Manning’s Dairy

  4. Riehl’s Amish DairyLancaster, PA • Milk 30 cows with bucket milkers which are run by a diesel motor. • Cows average 73 lbs. per day. • Harvest 36 acres with a team of mules. • Riehl’s Quilts and Crafts.

  5. Rielh’s Amish Dairy

  6. Riehl’s Amish Dairy

  7. Riehl’s Amish Dairy

  8. The Brown Cow/ Hope AcresBrogue, PA • Milk 130 Jersey cows with 2 robotic milkers an average of three times a day. • The Brown Cow sells their milk and premium 17% butter fat ice cream. • They also give paid guided tours.

  9. Mercer-Vu FarmsMercersburg, PA • Currently milk 1000 cows. • Ship their own milk, on a daily basis they ship 9,500 gallons • Crop less than one acre per cow. • Clean the barn and parlor with a flush system.

  10. Mercer-Vu Farms

  11. Frey Dairy Farms, Inc.Manor, PA • Milk 1275 cows. They send their heifers to a custom raiser. • Family used to own Turkey Hill. • Bed their stalls with separated manure solids. • Their management ideas are different than most modern dairies.

  12. Frey Dairy Farms Inc.

  13. Star Rock DairyConestoga, PA • 1000 Cow Dairy. • Cash Crop 10,000 acres. • Have beef, hog, and chicken enterprises. • Calves custom raised up to 6 months of age. • 80% of bedding is reclaimed sand.

  14. Star Rock Dairy

  15. Star Rock Dairy

  16. Mason-Dixon Farm“Efficiency through innovation” • Milk 2300 Holsteins between 10 robotic milkers and a double 24 parallel parlor. • The family designed all of the buildings and the crop system.

  17. “Efficiency through innovation”

  18. Mason-Dixon Farm

  19. Mason-Dixon FarmGettysburg, PA • Methane digester provides all of the electricity needed on the farm. • Designed the new merger for Miller Pro.

  20. Over the past year… • We made new friends • We made new resources in the dairy industry • We visited many farms and saw many diversities on how things are done.

  21. Special Thanks to our Sponsors. • Pro-Dairy • Agway Foundation • NYS 4-H Foundation • Blue Seal Feeds • Northeast Farm Credit AgEnhancement Program

  22. Special Thanks to our Sponsors. • Sur-Gain USA • DEHM Associates • NY Farm Viability Institute • Genex/CRI • Cornell Univ./Animal Science

  23. Special Thanks To… • Debbie Grusenmeyer • Dave Grusenmeyer • Kim Skellie

  24. Intense Learning In the DairyIndustry.

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