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USSGL Board Meeting

USSGL Board Meeting. Michele Crisman May 20, 2010. Topics. Appropriation for the Redemption of Treasury Securities Prior-Year Unfilled Customer Orders With Advance – Refunds Paid. Use of Appropriation for the Redemption of Treasury Securities. Issue:

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USSGL Board Meeting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. USSGL Board Meeting Michele Crisman May 20, 2010

  2. Topics • Appropriation for the Redemption of Treasury Securities • Prior-Year Unfilled Customer Orders With Advance – Refunds Paid

  3. Use of Appropriation for the Redemption of Treasury Securities • Issue: • BPD uses USSGL account 4170 Transfers – Current Year Authority to record an exchange of assets - Cash for Treasury Securities • USSGL account 4170 is for transfer of authority which requires a SF1151, Non-expenditure Transfer • NETs do not represent payments 0r collections but instead simply adjust the amounts available in a TAS

  4. Use of Appropriation for the Redemption of Treasury Securities • Proposal: • Create a new USSGL Account for FY 2011 • Title: Offset to Appropriation Realized for Redemption of Treasury Securities • Number: 4370 • Definition: The offset to appropriations received for the redemption of Treasury securities

  5. Use of Appropriation for the Redemption of Treasury Securities Impact on Statements SF133/P&F Line 1200: Budget Authority: Appropriations: Appropriation [mand.] • USSGL accounts: • 4370 Appropriation for the Redemption of Treasury Securities • 4119 Other Appropriations Realized • 4391 Adjustments to Indefinite Authority No-Year Authority

  6. Use of Appropriation for the Redemption of Treasury Securities Impacts to Statements: SBR Line 3A Budget Authority: Appropriations • USSGL 4370 will crosswalk to line 3A to offset USSGL accounts 4119 and 4391 on the SBR • No other statements are impacted by this account.

  7. Prior-Year Unfilled Customer Orders With Advance – Refunds Paid

  8. Prior-Year Unfilled Customer Orders With Advance – Refunds Paid • Per OMB Circular A-11 (2009) • “If you return a cash advance or other offsetting collection received in a prior fiscal year, you must record an obligation and outlay in the current fiscal year.”

  9. Prior-Year Unfilled Customer Orders With Advance – Refunds Paid • Current USSGL TFM: • Transactions reduce the unfilled customer orders with advance and/or other offsetting collections related to status accounts and do not reflect obligations and outlays

  10. Prior-Year Unfilled Customer Orders With Advance – Refunds Paid • Proposal • Create a new USSGL account that will allow the Unfilled Customer Orders With Advance (USSGL account 4222) account to be reduced by the amount being returned. • The new USSGL account will keep a resource in the spending authority from offsetting collections so that an obligation and outlay can be made.

  11. Prior-Year Unfilled Customer Orders With Advance – Refunds Paid • Proposed New Account: • Number: 4253 • Title: Prior-Year Unfilled Customer Orders With Advance – Refunds Paid • Normal Balance: Debit • Definition: The total amount of prior-year reimbursable orders accepted with an advance and subsequently returned to the ordering entity as obligations and outlays.

  12. Prior-Year Unfilled Customer Orders With Advance – Refunds Paid • Beginning Trial Balance:

  13. Prior-Year Unfilled Customer Orders With Advance – Refunds Paid Return remaining advance to the ordering fund and record an obligation and outlay. Also reduce the order but maintain a resource to support the obligation and outlay.

  14. Prior-Year Unfilled Customer Orders With Advance – Refunds Paid Return remaining $5,000 of the collection to the ordering fund, and record an obligation and outlay. (Note: Current-Year collections are not reduced.)

  15. Use of Appropriation for the Redemption of Treasury Securities Impacts to Statements: • USSGL account 4253 will offset 4222 Unfilled Customer Orders With Advance E-B on SF 133/P&F lines: • 1700 Spending authority from offsetting collections; Collected • 4030 Outlays, gross; Offsetting collections from Federal sources (disc.) • 8800 Offsets; Federal sources • No other statements are impacted by this account.

  16. Questions

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