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Muscular System

Muscular System. Background Info. On average about 40% of the human body weight is muscles. Not only that there are over 30 facial muscles that help create looks such as surprise, happiness, sadness and other emotions.

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Muscular System

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  1. Muscular System

  2. Background Info • On average about 40% of the human body weight is muscles. • Not only that there are over 30 facial muscles that help create looks such as surprise, happiness, sadness and other emotions. • The eye muscle is the busiest in the body because they move almost 100,000 times a day

  3. Kinds of Muscles • There are 3 basic likes of muscles • Smooth Muscle which is also known as visceral muscle • Cardiac muscle • Skeletal Muscle which is also known as striated muscle

  4. Smooth Muscle • Smooth muscle (or involuntary because of its uncontrollability) which are in sheets of muscle layer, with one layer behind the other. • Examples of this are kidney, stomach, intestines and bladder. • Even though you may not notice smooth muscles are always at work. For instance in your stomach muscles are constantly contracting so food can make its journey though out the body.

  5. Caradiac Muscle • Cardiac muscles make up the heart, it is also known as myocardium muscle. Thick muscles contract to pump blood out of the heart then relaxing to let blood back into the heart. Just as smooth muscle, cardiac is a involuntary muscle. The Pacemaker of the heart consists of special cells that are responsible for the heartbeat of the heart.

  6. Skeletal Muscle • Skeletal Muscles are voluntary muscles. These muscles help make up your musculoskeletal system which is a combination of both the skeletal and muscular system. They work together to give your body power and strength. In most cases, a skeletal muscle is attached to one end of a bone, stretches all the way across a joint then attaches again to another bone. Some of the strongest and largest muscles are in your lower back and spin because there responsible for keeping you up straight

  7. Skeletal Muscle Con. • All skeletal muscle fibers are not alike in structure or function. For example, skeletal muscle fibers vary in color depending on their content of Myoglobin (myoglobin stores oxygen until needed by the mitochondria). Skeletal muscle fibers contract with different velocities, depending on their ability to split Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). Faster contracting fibers have greater ability to split ATP. Also skeletal Muscles fiber varies depending on the process they use to generate ATP. The 3 types are Type I fiber Type II B and Type II A fiber

  8. Major Muscles • There are so many muscles in the body there's no way to name all of them. However, some muscles are very important to the movement and function of your body. Such as the deltoid muscles. Everyone has 2 deltoids, they help move the shoulder to do such actives like swinging a bat or shrugging your shoulders

  9. Major Muscles Con. • Pectoral muscles are also found on each side of the chest. • Below these pectorals, down under your ribcage, are your Rectus Abdominus muscles, or abdominals • -Biceps are located in the upper arm. When flexing these muscles they are tensed and can physically be seen under the skin. • -Quadriceps or quads, are located on the front of the thighs. Many people who run, bike, or play sports develop large, strong quads.

  10. Muscle Contractions • Muscle contractions are controlled by the central nervous system.Throughout the contraction of a muscle, calcium ions bind to form troponin. Troponin is a protien vital for Contrations to happen. This moves tropomyosin out of the way and uncovers binding sites for myosin on the actinmyofilaments. This causes the actin to move past the myosin filament. ADP is released from the front of the myosin. When an ATP molecule binds to myosin, the bond between actin and myosin is broken.

  11. Muscle Contraction Con. • ATP is broken down to ADP, releasing and storing energy which will be used for later. The front of the myosin retuurns back to its original position, and prepares to bind actin again. If calcim ions are still present, the entire sequence is repeated.

  12. All-or-None Principal • The All-or-None Principal States that if there’s a stimulus strong enough to indicate a nerve impulse, it will travel along the entire part of the neuron. Basically if the stimulus is strong enough to cross the threshold then it doesn’t matter how strong the stimulus is it will still travel along the Neuron. Ex) Imagine a long trail of gun powder. Now Imagine it being sparked and the flames downing down the trail. It doesn’t matter if it was a match that lit it or a atomic bomb if its strong enough to cross the threshold it will ravel across the entire trail (or neuron)

  13. Example of the All-or-None Principle • Imagine a long trail of gun powder. Now Imagine it being sparked and the flames downing down the trail. It doesn’t matter if it was a match that lit it or a atomic bomb if its strong enough to cross the threshold it will ravel across the entire trail (or neuron)

  14. Tetany • Tetany is caused because of low blood calcium. Symptoms include burning lips, tongue, fingers and feet. Symptoms also include tingling lips, tongue, fingers and feet. As well as pain full muscle spasms in the face, feet, hands and general muscle aches. Tetany can also be caused because of Hormonal resistance, Pregnancy and vitamin D deficiency.

  15. Fatigue • Some people get fatigue and drowsiness mixed up. Drowsiness is the need to sleep while fatigue is lack of energy. Fatigue could be a response to physical exertion, emotional stress, boredom or lack of sleep. There are many causes that could cause fatigue. They include some sort of allergy that leads to hay fever or asthma, depression or grief, persistent pain, sleep disorders, interactivity and use of drugs or narcotics.

  16. Fatigue Con. Fatigue can lead be associated with many of these following illnesses: • Addison disease, which is an illness that occurs when the adrenal glands (glands found in the kidneys) don’t produce enough hormones. • Anorexia or other eating disorders • Arthritis or Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA). JRA’s cause is not known. It’s thought to be an autoimmune illness and effects joints in the body. • Cancer • Congestive heart failure • Diabetes • Infections • Kidney Disease • Liver Disease • Malnutrition

  17. Deduction of Fatigue There are many ways to reduce fatigue. They include: • Get regular and adequate amounts of sleep every night. • Eat a healthy and well balanced diet, as well as drink plenty of water throughout the day • Exercise regularly • Learn better ways to relax. Try yoga or meditation. • Maintain a reasonable work and personal schedule. • Change your stressful circumstances, if possible. For example, switch jobs, take a vacation, and deal directly with problems in a relationship. • Take a multivitamin. Talk to your doctor about what is best for you. • Avoid alcohol, nicotine, and drug use.

  18. Muscle Diseases • Muscular Dystrophy • Fibromyalgia • Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome

  19. Muscular Dystrophy a genetic disorder that gradually weakens the bodies muscles. It's caused by incorrect or missing genetic information that prevents the body from making the proteins needed to build and maintain healthy muscles. A child who is diagnosed with MD gradually loses the ability to do things like walk, sit upright, breathe easily, and move the arms and hands. This increasing weakness can lead to other health problems.

  20. First Symptoms of Muscular Dystrophy • A child who has MD may start to stumble, waddle, have difficulty going up stairs, and toe walk (walk on the toes without the heels hitting the floor). A child may start to struggle to get up from a sitting position or have a hard time pushing things, like a wagon or a tricycle. Kids with MD often develop enlarged calf muscles (called calf pseudohypertrophy) as muscle tissue is destroyed and replaced by fat.

  21. Fibromyalgia: • A common nonarticular rheumatic syndrome characterized by myalgia and multiple points of focal muscle tenderness to palpation (trigger points). Muscle pain is typically aggravated by inactivity or exposure to cold. This condition is often associated with general symptoms, such as sleep disturbances, fatigue, stiffness, HEADACHES, and occasionally DEPRESSION. There is significant overlap between fibromyalgia and the chronic fatigue syndrome (FATIGUE SYNDROME, CHRONIC). Fibromyalgia may arise as a primary or secondary disease process. It is most frequent in females aged 20 to 50 years.

  22. Symptoms musculoskeletal pain muscle spasms, muscle pain fatigue tender points- such as neck, spine, shoulders, or hips Treatments aerobic exercises heat, hot baths, heat lamps massage Symptoms and Treatments

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