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The Last Unfinished Business of Gifford Pinchot

The Last Unfinished Business of Gifford Pinchot. USDA Forest Service Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry. The Mission. Sustain the health, diversity, and productivity. the forests and grasslands. Nation’s. Caring for the Land and Serving People. meet the needs.

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The Last Unfinished Business of Gifford Pinchot

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  1. The Last Unfinished Business of Gifford Pinchot USDA Forest Service Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry

  2. The Mission Sustain the health, diversity, and productivity the forests and grasslands Nation’s Caring for the Land and Serving People meet the needs present and future generations

  3. “One more purpose we came to have before my service was finished, and that the most important of all, for it concerned a far greater area and possible productiveness of forest land than all public forests put together.” Pinchot on Private Forestry

  4. Pinchot on Private Forestry “We saw that only Federal control of cutting on private land could assure the Nation the supply of forest products it must have to prosper. We demanded that control, which has long since been in effect in the most democratic and most civilized nations, but in vain.”

  5. Timeline Office of State and Private Cooperation 9 State Forestry Orgs 25 State Forestry Orgs Branch of State and Private Forestry 36 bbf 1900 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 1950 41 bbf 10 bbf Pinchot is Chief Bureau of Corporations Report Timber Conservation Board

  6. Timeline Graves Watts & Clapp: Tee-Pee Wee-Pee SAF Silcox 1900 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 1950 Pinchot is Chief Black Mark GP Quits AFA Greeley

  7. Timeline Cooperative Forest Management Act Clarke-McNary Act Transfer Act Norris-Doxey 1900 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 1950 Pinchot is Chief McArdle Pinchot dies Weeks Law

  8. Economics Public Support Political Will The Transfer Reasons for Lack of Progress

  9. Public forestland 227mm acres Private forestland 393mm acres Non-forest Excluding Alaska & Hawaii Private Forests Are Important Source: National Woodland Owner’s Survey, 2003

  10. 1907 2002 49% 57% 29% 42% 9% 14% 748mm acres 782mm acres Public forestland (federal, tribal, state, and local govt) Non-industrial forestland Industrial forestland * Note: 1909 report aggregates industrial and large private holdings as primary sources for commercial saw timber Private Forests Are Important Sources: Timber Supply of the U.S., 1909 FIA Forest Statistics, 2002

  11. GP’s Metrics – Then & Now • Per Capita Consumption 1900 2000 -300% +20% • Forest Replenishment Rate • Forest Loss (previous 50 years) 168mm 5mm 250cf 235cf * * 11%? • Private Forests under Plans 11%? *Assumes GP’s data was correct, that all commercial Forests now have management plans, and that no Individual private forests did in 1900. FIA and RPA Timber Assessments

  12. Same Mission – Different Issues

  13. Alpine Subapline Forest Temperate Conifer Forest Cool Mixed Forest Temperate Deciduous Forest Warm Temperate Mixed Forest Tropical Forest Woodland/Savanna Shrubland Grassland Desert 2000 LAND COVER TYPES 2050 Climate Change Impacts

  14. 58mm acres At risk of mortality * National Forest System 25mm acres 6mm acres Other federal land 27mm acres State, county, & private land Forests at Risk of Mortality Source: NIDRM * The expectation that 25% or more of standing live volume greater than 1” will die within the next 15 years

  15. People/Sq.Mile Less than 5 6 to 25 2000 26 to 100 101 to 500 273mm More than 500 Population Growth 1900 76mm

  16. High change (20-40%) Medium change (5-20%) Low change (0-5%) Public forestland Urban areas Development Pressure Watersheds in which housing density is projected to increase on private forestland by 2030 Source: Forests on the Edge, PNW 2005

  17. 1,000 500 900 400 800 300 700 200 600 100 500 0 1850 1870 1890 1910 1930 1950 1970 1990 2010 2030 2050 1810 1830 1630 1790 1770 Forest Area and U.S. Population Within the Coterminous United States Forest Area Millions of Acres Millions of People Population Sources: FIA, US Census, PNW Station (Excludes Alaska & Hawaii)

  18. Same Mission – Different Tools

  19. WWGD: What Would Gifford Do?

  20. 1st Movement: Conservation Leaders: Enlightened aristocracy, Government agencies. Enemy: Industrialists. Tools: Legislation, acquisition, public support. Focus: Public lands. Results: Captured and restored public lands. Principles: 1) resource development, 2) environmental protection, 3) social justice.

  21. 2nd Movement: Environmentalism Leaders: Scientists and social activists. Enemy: Agencies, polluters. Tools: Environmental regulations, confrontation. Focus: Environmental protection. Results: Closed industrial frontier. Ended right to pollute. Principles: Environmental protection (without development or social justice).

  22. 3rd Movement: Collaboration Leaders: Us? Tools: Collaboration, market-based incentives, easements, certification, cooperatives, carbon trading. Enemy: Do we need one? Focus: Private lands, poverty, biodiversity, climate change. Results: ? Principles: Environmental protection with resource development. Justice?

  23. Forest Service Role in Private Forestry • Coordinate policy across multiple jurisdictions • Provide technical assistance to landowners, forest industry, and government partners • Provide financial assistance through State partners and NGOs • Build public understanding and support for sustainable forest management

  24. For more information, contact: USDA Forest Service Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry 11 Campus Blvd, Suite 200 Newtown Square, PA 19073 Or visit: www.na.fs.fed.us

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