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Stations November 19 th - November 21 st. Project Overview. Thinking Like a Scientist.
Project Overview Thinking Like a Scientist Students will continue to learn how to act like a scientist this week in stations. They will learn the questions scientist asks, how to make observations, how to conduct experiments, and also how to collect and record data while using scientific tools. They will focus on technology skills that scientists use this week.
Reading Skills: 2.4.2 Observe that and describe how animals may use plants, or even other animals, for shelter and nesting. 2.6.1 Investigate that most objects are made of parts. 2.1.6 Use tools to investigate, observe, measure, design, and build things. The Nature of Science Noise Level 1 • This week, we will focus on Chapter 2: How do Computers Help You? • Monday • Lesson 1: What is Technology • Pages 40, 41, 42, 43 • Tuesday • Lesson 2: How do people design new things? • Pages 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 • Wednesday • Lesson 3: How doe we use tools and machines? • Pages 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 Thursday and Friday- Happy Thanksgiving! Materials Needed Science Notebooks Pencils Project Connection Thinking like a Scientist Home
WritingRecording data like a scientist Skills and Standards 2.1.3- Describe objects as accurately as possible. 2.1.4- Make observations 2.1.2- Use scientific tools 2.2.8- Follow 2 step directions Noise Level 1 • Monday • How can you keep an ice cube from melting? • Science Journal page 38 • Tuesday • How can you keep warm water warm? • Science Journal page 44 • Wednesday • How does a lever work? • Science Journal page 50 • Materials Needed • Ice cubes, cups, wax paper, newspaper, aluminum foil, cotton balls, foam peanuts, masking tape, thermometer, paper towels, warm water, pencil, ruler, book Project Connection: Thinking like a Scientist Home
Self-Selected Reading/Accelerated Reader Standards RF2.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension Noise Level 0 Choose a library book or a book of choice that you have not read. Be sure you picked a book that you can read alone. Silently read . After you finish your book, write the name of the book in your Data Binder. Be sure to fill in the information about your book in your binder. If you can answer all the questions in your Data Binder, get your laptop and log on to AR to take your test. Record your AR score in your Data Binder. • Materials Needed • Data binder • Book of choice
Standards EL.2.2.5- Main Idea EL.2.1.7- Synonym and Antonym 2.W.3- Identify or write a short sequence of events Working with Words Noise Level 1 There is no spelling test this week! Therefore, we will review skills from our reading. Monday: Main Idea Game Tuesday: Synonym and Antonym Game Wednesday: Sequencing Game Materials Needed: Main Idea Game Synonym Game Sequencing Game Project Connection: Review Home
Math Journal Standards: SC.2.2.1 Estimation of numerical answers 2.NBT.7 Add and subtract based on place value 2.MD.1 and 3 Estimate and measure length MA.2.5.4 Estimate and measure area2.G.1 Recognize and draw shapes having specific attributes Noise Level 1 • Monday The Partial-Sums Addition Algorithm Pages 107 and 108 • Tuesday Chapter 4 Review Math Journal pages 109 and 110 Materials Needed Math Journal Pencil Project Connection: Thinking like a scientist, estimation, exploring length, area and attributes Home
Project Connections Standards: SC.2.2.1 Estimation of numerical answers 2.NBT.7 Add and subtract based on place value 2.MD.1 and 3 Estimate and measure length MA.2.5.4 Estimate and measure area2.G.1 Recognize and draw shapes having specific attributes Noise Level 1 Monday: Money War Tuesday: Beat the Calculator, Reference Book pgs. 124-125 Wednesday: Test Materials Needed Calculator, Money cards, Reference Book, EM Cards Project Connection: Thinking like a scientist, estimation, exploring length, area and attributes Home
MathSkill Application Skills SC.2.2.1 Estimation of numerical answers 2.NBT.7 Add and subtract based on place value 2.MD.1 and 3 Estimate and measure length MA.2.5.4 Estimate and measure area 2.G.1 Recognize and draw shapes having specific attributes Noise Level 1 • Monday : Fact Extension Game, Reference Book pgs. 134-135 • Tuesday: Addition Spin, Reference Book pgs. 120-121, Math Masters pgs. 447-448 Materials Needed Reference Book, Math Masters pages, EM Cards, Pencil, Paper clips. Dice Project Connection: Thinking like a scientist, estimation, exploring length, area and attributes
Standards: SC.2.2.1 Estimation of numerical answers 2.NBT.7 Add and subtract based on place value 2.MD.1 and 3 Estimate and measure length MA.2.5.4 Estimate and measure area2.G.1 Recognize and draw shapes having specific attributes Math Games Noise Level 0 Log on to Everyday Math Online using your EM card. • Monday • Penny-Nickel-Dime Exchange • Tuesday • Addition Top-it . Materials Needed Computer EM Computer Card Project Connection: Thinking like a scientist, estimation, exploring length, area and attributes What will happen if… I don’t get it. I didn’t finish. I think I’m a master. Road Block Go to workshop You have more time during stations. Great! Click on the Grade 3 level! Home