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Establishing and Sustaining an RSOO: Enablers, Obstacles and lessons learnt

Establishing and Sustaining an RSOO: Enablers, Obstacles and lessons learnt. Meshesha Belayneh Regional Director, Eastern & Southern African Office, ICAO 27 October 2011. Outline. ICAO’s Regional Comprehensive Plan for aviation safety in Africa (AFI Plan)

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Establishing and Sustaining an RSOO: Enablers, Obstacles and lessons learnt

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  1. Establishing and Sustaining an RSOO: Enablers, Obstacles and lessons learnt Meshesha Belayneh Regional Director, Eastern & Southern African Office, ICAO 27 October 2011

  2. Outline • ICAO’s Regional Comprehensive Plan for aviation safety in Africa (AFI Plan) • Enabling States to establish an effective safety oversight system through Regional Organizations • Experiences and lessons learnt 2009-2011 • Way forward

  3. ICAO’s Regional Comprehensive Plan for aviation safety in Africa (AFI Plan) - Origin

  4. ICAO’s Regional Comprehensive Plan for aviation safety in Africa (AFI Plan) - Objectives • Strengthen civil aviation authorities in Africa with respect to their safety oversight capabilities. • ensure impartial and unimpeachable investigation and reporting of serious accidents and incidents; • enhance capacity of regional and sub-regional safety oversight systems; • ensure expeditious implementation of aviation safety management systems for airports, air navigation service providers and airlines.

  5. ICAO’s Regional Comprehensive Plan for aviation safety in Africa (AFI Plan) - Implementation Focus Area 1 Focus Area 2 Focus Area 3 Enabling States to establish and maintain a sustainable safety oversight system (infra-structure and capacity building); Assisting States to resolve identified deficiencies within a reasonable time; and Enhancing aviation safety culture of African aviation service providers.

  6. ICAO’s Regional Comprehensive Plan for aviation safety in Africa (AFI Plan) - Implementation 6

  7. ICAO’s Regional Comprehensive Plan for aviation safety in Africa (AFI Plan) - Implementation 7

  8. ICAO’s Regional Comprehensive Plan for aviation safety in Africa (AFI Plan) - Implementation 8

  9. ICAO’s Regional Comprehensive Plan for aviation safety in Africa (AFI Plan) - Implementation Focus Area 1 • Conduct specific gap analysis, using the Global Aviation Safety Plan methodology Enabling States to establish and maintain a sustainable safety oversight system (infra-structure and capacity building); • Identify remedial action to enhance safety oversight capabilities and implementation of safety best practices • Communicate intention/findings with concerned States and regional groupings • Inform all stakeholders and solicit support as required to implement the project (ICAO Assembly Resolution A36/1)

  10. Enabling States to establish an effective safety oversight system through Regional Organizations

  11. Enabling States to establish an effective safety oversight system through Regional Organizations – Implementation Ensure that the regionalization adds value to the national aviation system and national organizations Assess scope and level of air transport activities and oversight functions Framework for a regional safety oversight system Identify and agree on those activities that can be regionalized Sustainability Ensure that the regional safety oversight system is designed to be sustainable and self-sufficient Integration Integrate the type of activities, legal and financing arrangements

  12. Enabling States to establish an effective safety oversight system through Regional Organizations – Where are we ? • BAG • CEMAC • EAC • SADC • SEVEN PARTNER STATES • UEMOA

  13. Experiences and lessons learnt 2009-2011– Enablers

  14. Experiences and lessons learnt 2009-2011 – Obstacles

  15. Experiences and lessons learnt 2009-2011 – Lessons Learnt

  16. Establishing and Sustaining an RSOO: Enablers, Obstacles and lessons learnt Thank You

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