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When you were Born Affects who you Are. On a particular date in a particular year, you entered a world of social structures and began reproducing the world you joined. Historical events and social perspectives of the time period shape your values, attitudes, and choices.
When you were Born Affects who you Are On a particular date in a particular year, you entered a world of social structures and began reproducing the world you joined. Historical events and social perspectives of the time period shape your values, attitudes, and choices. Common Generational Labels GI/Veteran 1901 – 1924 (2010: 86+ yrs) • Grew up during the Great Depression; Went on to fight in WWII; Become the Establishment and the parents who had a generation gap with their Boomer children; Invented, perfected, and stockpiled the atomic bomb; Built suburban tract housing Silent/Traditionalist 1925 – 1942 (2010: 68-85 yrs) • This group was born at a time when it was considered natural and appropriate for families to have large numbers of children; This generation married early in life; This generation are about 95% retired at this point in time Baby Boomers 1943 – 1964 (2010: 46-67 yrs) • More likely to live in two-income household; May have children at home and caring for elder parent; Have the basic feeling of security; More likely than others to focus on education; Believe hard work and time will ultimately reward you; 88.8% of this generation completed high school Generation X 1965 – 1979 (2010: 31-45 yrs) • This group grew up during the post Watergate era and the energy crisis; These children experienced a higher rate of divorce and nontraditional families; Many were latchkey kids who were raised on electronic media (television, Atari 2600s); As parents, they demand accountability Millennials 1980 – Today (2010: 10-30 yrs)
Who are the Millennials? • Born between the years 1980 and 2000, their current age (2010) is 10 to 30 years old • Presently 80 million in number (largest group); increased life expectancy • Oldest entered college Fall of 2000 • 3 most popular names: Males Females Michael Jennifer Jason Jessica Christopher Ashley A Generation surrounded by digital media, “Babies on Board,” “Have You Hugged Your Child Today,” mommy-and-me tumbling classes, and sideline cheering for karate, soccer, piano, and elite travel teams
Cultural Memorabilia Barney Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tamagotchi & other virtual pets Beanie Babies Pogs American Girl Dolls Oprah and Rosie The Spice Girls Heroes Michael Jordan Princess Dianna Mark McGwire Sammy Sosa Mother Theresa Bill Gates Kerri Strugg Mia Hamm Tiger Woods Christopher Reeves Cultural Memorabilia & Heroes
Columbine War in Kosovo Oklahoma City Bombing Princess Diana’s Death Clinton Impeachment Trial OJ Simpson Trial Rodney King Riots Lewinsky Scandal Fall of Berlin Wall McGuire-Sosa Homerun Derby 9-11 Two Gulf Wars Iraq War & Peace-Keeping Mission Election of Obama Global financial crisis of 2008–2009 Rise of the Internet Michael Jackson’s Death Events That Made An Impression