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Critical Question 5 Google AdID

Critical Question 5 Google AdID. Comm 365-101 Matthew Ho . Matthew Ho Comm 365-101. Internet Advertising Industry. U sing the internet to provide promotional marketing messages to consumers Can take the form of one-way, two-way, and many other forms of communication

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Critical Question 5 Google AdID

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  1. Critical Question 5Google AdID Comm 365-101 Matthew Ho Matthew Ho Comm 365-101

  2. Internet Advertising Industry • Using the internet to provide promotional marketing messages to consumers • Can take the form of one-way, two-way, and many other forms of communication • Used in the forms of: Emails, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media, Banner Ads, Mobile Devices

  3. Key Facts • $117 Billion Industry • Largest internet users locations: Asia (44.8%), Europe (22.1%), and North America (12%) • Largest growing advertising form, growing 26.3% from 2012 to 2013 • Google earns nearly 1/3 of all online ad revenues ($38.6B) according to Mashables.com. Facebook ($6.4B) and Yahoo ($3.5B) are second and third respectively.

  4. What Is A Cookie? Remembers information about that users visit, and sends back that data to the website A piece of data or file sent from a website that is stored in a user’s web browser Cookies can come in different forms: third party, secure, session, persistent, etc. Can track an internet user’s web browsing. Ie) usernames, real names, billing addresses Allows for a quick client/ server interaction Can be used for personalization of website Originated for use in E-commerce

  5. Cookies and Advertising • Behavioral targeting- create advertisements based on a user’s browsing history or trends • Banner ads targeting certain users • Product placement in E-commerce • Develop web profiles of online consumers

  6. AdIDVs Cookies • One consistent method of collecting data • Makes the consumer feel ‘Safer’ • Can have larger and more elaborate profile of consumers • Different cookies from different platforms • No consistent cookie/ privacy issues • Many cookies are now being blocked by web browsers

  7. AdID For Google (+) Gain further control of internet advertising (+) Advertisers would have to agree to Google’s guidelines (+) Google gets more data! (+) More data = more power (+) There are tons of different cookies from different companies. AdID can streamline all the data into one profile, and is much more consistent (-) Competitors such as Apple and Mozilla have already started investing into their own trackers. This can force a new form of competition for cookie-like data

  8. AdID for Consumers (+) Improved user security and privacy (+) Users will have ability to better control advertising tracking and settings available in-browser to place limitations (+) Auto resets on a yearly basis (+) Allow users to create a second anonymous identifiers for more private browsing sessions (+) Possible to allow users to be able to adjust which advertisers are approved by AdID and block certain ones. (-) Google has the power to potentially link the data to a consumer’s personal account (Gmail accounts) (-) All of the consumer’s eggs are in one basket, and if it is hacked then all the data is in one place.

  9. AdID for Ad Platforms (+) Can allow advertisers to track consumers on multiple platforms from Google. (Chrome web browser, Gmail, smartphones, etc.) (+) Many browsers are starting to block third-party cookies anyways (-) Have to play by Google’s rules (-) Google can dominate this industry (which they already almost do)

  10. Final Thoughts… • AdIDhasn’t been announced yet. There’s tons of Google projects that don’t see the market • Cookies are ancient in terms of technology years… it’s about time there’s something new • No true benefits for consumers  The avg consumer probably won’t notice a different experience • Difficult to assess the benefits for advertisers as they haven’t released AdID yet • This would allow Google to be an even larger data giant than they already are

  11. Sources • http://www.warc.com.ezproxy.library.ubc.ca/Content/ContentViewer.aspx?MasterContentRef=c5b8a532-f242-4493-a0c6-cce5b076a190&q=internet+advertising • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_advertising • http://mashable.com/2013/08/28/online-ad-revenues/ • http://www.marketingpilgrim.com/2013/07/nielsen-reports-ad-spend-for-internet-up-26-percent-in-q1-2013.html • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_cookie • http://live.wsj.com/video/how-advertisers-use-internet-cookies-to-track-you/92E525EB-9E4A-4399-817D-8C4E6EF68F93.html#!92E525EB-9E4A-4399-817D-8C4E6EF68F93 • http://www.microsoft.com/security/resources/cookie-whatis.aspx • http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/HTTP%20cookie • https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/61416?hl=en • http://live.wsj.com/video/how-advertisers-use-internet-cookies-to-track-you/92E525EB-9E4A-4399-817D-8C4E6EF68F93.html#!92E525EB-9E4A-4399-817D-8C4E6EF68F93 • http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2013/09/17/google-cookies-advertising/2823183/ • http://www.digitaltrends.com/opinion/what-is-google-adid-and-how-will-it-replace-browser-cookies/

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