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This program provides resources, knowledge, and training to improve the lives of families and children involved in juvenile, family, and domestic violence cases. It aims to increase the capacity of judges and court personnel to prioritize victim safety, hold offenders accountable, promote rehabilitation, and leverage community support for innovative youth services. The program offers cutting-edge educational programs, wide-ranging technical assistance, and national respected research. Available training topics include Dynamics of Teen Dating Violence, Bridging Teen and Courtroom Cultures, and Judicial Leadership in Effective Outcomes in Teen Dating Violence Cases.
FY 2017 and FY 2018 Improving Criminal Justice Responses Program Grantee Orientation January 29-31, 2019 Training and Technical Assistance for Courts on Dating Violence The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Rebekah Tucci, JD Program Manager Via email: rtucci@ncjfcj.org Via telephone: (775) 507-4777 http://www.ncjfcj.org/ This project was support by Grant No. 2018-TA-AX-K033 awarded by the office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Justice.
The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) • Provides resources, knowledge, and training to improve the lives of families and children seeking justice in juvenile, family, and domestic violence cases • Cutting-edge educational programs • Wide-ranging technical assistance • National respected research to assist juvenile and family courts • TA2TA: The TA Provider Resource Center https://ta2ta.org
Teen Dating Violence: Our Experience • Increasing the capacity of judges and court personnel to prioritize victim safety, hold offenders accountable, promote rehabilitation, and leverage community support for innovative youth services • With courts under previous grants Adolescent Partner Violence and Teen Dating Violence • Challenges • New and emerging context • Engagement of organizations
Teen Dating Violence: What Can We Do For You? • Available to deliver training and technical assistance to JFF, ICJR, Rural and STOP • Webinars in the area of Dynamics of Teen Dating Violence, Bridging Teen and Courtroom Cultures, Judicial Leadership in Effective Outcomes in Teen Dating Violence Cases • Convening 1 National Judicial Institute on Teen Dating Violence • Conduct 1-2 TA briefs • Collect information and build a repository for promising judicial and court practices
How do we make connections for Judges and Court personnel? • A Heathy Dating Relationship Looks Like …Small Group Discussion • What is dating? • How old were you when you entered into your first dating relationship? • How would adults at the time have characterized your relationship? https://s3.amazonaws.com/fwvcorp/wp-content/uploads/20160121110131/10Tips_healthyrelationships2.pdf