2. Dating Violence Emotional, physical, and/or sexual abuse of one partner by the other in a current or former dating relationship.
3. Types of Dating Violence Emotional abuse
Threatening a person or harming his or her sense of self-worth with words
Physical abuse
Occurs when someone is physically hurt
Sexual abuse
Sexual acts performed without consent
4. Prevalence Occurs across all racial/ethnic groups and economic levels
About 1 in 5 adolescents report some form of dating violence
Young women ages 16-24 report highest rates of relationship violence
5. Behaviors 51% of college males admit to perpetrating one or more sexual assault incidents during college
Boys report greater occurrences of physical violence by their girlfriend
Girls aged 16-24 years are at greatest risk for sexual violence
6. Consequences Physical and psychological injuries
Impacts self-esteem
Contributes to increased risk of depression and suicide
Victims are more likely to do poorly in school, use drugs and/or alcohol, have eating disorders or engage in risky sexual behaviors
7. What can you do?