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LCLS Controls and Conventional Facilities

LCLS Controls and Conventional Facilities. Mario Ortega, SLAC LCLS - Controls. Controls Breakout – Conventional Facilities (CF). Overview Where WBS 1.9, & meet Injection & Linac Front-End Rack Complex Linac Sectors 21-30 AC Distribution BTH Additional Support Buildings

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LCLS Controls and Conventional Facilities

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  1. LCLS Controls and Conventional Facilities Mario Ortega, SLAC LCLS - Controls

  2. Controls Breakout – Conventional Facilities (CF) • Overview • Where WBS 1.9, & meet • Injection & Linac Front-End Rack Complex • Linac Sectors 21-30 AC Distribution • BTH Additional Support Buildings • Rack Specification • Cable plant Issues

  3. LCLS Controls and Conventional Facilities • Technical considerations for LCLS Controls by CF: • CF tasked with providing Enclosure, Power, Water, HVAC, Lighting etc. • Preliminary Design begins with Physics and Mechanical input • MADD Deck • Beamline Schematic • Movement from Title I (Prelim Design) to Title II (Detail Design) • Input from Controls needed to make the leap • Controls equipment in some instances require close proximity to beamline devices. • Equipment parameters force rack placement • CF cannot determine this independently • Rack placement(s) drive Building and Tray design

  4. LCLS Injection- CF Sector 20 • In advance stage of design – • Clearing design with Citizen Committees prior to being let to bid. • Demolition of existing racks and cable underway • Racks emptied and devoid of cable. • AC power last vestige prior to removal. • Controls Rack & Tray design holding firm • RF Hut height/ Size restriction forces rack mods • More details pending to “flesh out” rack profiling

  5. Sector 20 Gallery Rack Locations -Racks service both Injection and Linac Front End (thru BC1) BPM & Timing Racks Magnet Power Supply Racks RF Racks RF Hut (Temperature Controlled) PPS, Vacuum and Diagnostics Racks

  6. LCLS Linac- Sector 21-30 • This area nearly unmolested with the exception of: • Instrumenting thru BC1 to Injection racks • Instrumenting BC2 in Sector 24 • New Control system overlaying old CAMAC installation. • New BPM modules likely resident. VME Crate installations to support BPM with 3 crates per Sector (all) • Major impact on marginal AC service. Power survey idea forwarded. Problem since ~1985 when SLC followed by PEP added.

  7. 2ea 100A Breakers Sample Sector AC Distribution 100A Buss 100A Buss 50A Breaker 50A Breaker 50A Breaker 50A Breaker

  8. BTH (Beam Transfer Housing) Support Buildings Recommended Number and Location determined Locations principally determined by beamline device operating parameters. i.e. BPMs within 150’ of module. Vacuum gauging and Valve Control clustered for MPS Mitigate cable install cost variables (RS Means- Electrical Cost Data) Subject to CF review (comment?) LCLS Linac CF-BTH

  9. (RSY WALL (935’) to UNDULATOR (1673’)) B406: Sta. 1008’ BPM-2BPMDL3,BPMT32 PROF-1OTR30 VACP-8 #9, #10, #11- #16 SUPPORT BLDG #1: Sta. 1160’ BPM-6 BPMDL34, BPMT42, BPMEM1, BPMEM2- BPMEM4 RFBPM-1* RFB01 BLMO-3 BL31-BL33 COLL-3 CEDL3,CX31, CY32 TORO-1 IM36 SUPPORT BLDG #2: Sta. 1360’ BPM-4 BPME31, BPME32, BPME33, BPME34 RFBPM-1*RFB02 PROF-1 OTR33 VACV-5 VV941, VV1123, VV1305, VV1487, VV1669 VACP-8 #17, #18- #24 VCCG-8VCG990, VCG1081, VCG1170, VCG1262, VCG1354, VCG1445, VCG1536, VCG1627 VACG-8 VG990, VG1081, VG1170, VG1262, VG1354, VG1445, VG1536, VG1627 WIRE-4 WS31, WS32, WS33,WS34 LTU/BTH Instrument Centers

  10. LTU/BTH Instrument Centers (cont.) SUPPORT BLDG #3: Sta. 1573’ BPM-6 BPME35, BPME36, BPMUM1- BPMUM4, RFBPM-6RFB03, RFB04-RFB08 PROF-1 PRTUND1 (TDUND1) COLL-4CX35, CY36, CX37, CX38 TORO-1 IMUNDI LEGEND: Bold = upstream of penetration Vacuum nomenclature (minus pumps) = device prefix + station number This listing is derived from two documents : LIN COHERENT LIGHT SOURCE LTU DEVICE SCHEMATIC SD-380-036-01 Check Print dated 12-03-2004 Ordinal List 08_14_04

  11. The BTH Housing ..the last 2/3rds of the LTU RSY Berm Proposed new Equipment buildings Research Yard Wall

  12. LCLS Racks • Rack Specification has been drafted. • Revision pending to include lower height RF Hut racks 38U (66.5”) vs. Standard 48U (84”). • Rack drawings exist (minus short racks) • Preliminary review to follow CF work. • Final Review to follow that with Spec and drawings to comprise Bid Package. • Vendors willing to aggregate rack orders with different deliveries for cost saving purposes even though its likely to be in excess of 12 months between deliveries.

  13. LCLS Cable plant • Systems Engineers specify cable to be used both internal and external to racks • Long Haul Cable subject to SLAC policy • As to type, labeling and rating • SLAC looking towards use of LSNH • A product limited in domestic manufacture • More cost = greater safety (particularly in inhabited tunnel areas) • Responsible for the ordering or securing possession of external lab cable material prior to cable install contract.

  14. LCLS- Controls & CF Conclusions • CF supplied preliminary rack and power details • Working the problem is high priority • System designs are in preliminary stages • Some labor was drawn off to “Start up” machine • Linac (S21-S30) AC power can be “Big Ticket” if service is as marginal as understood. • Now working with Javier Sevilla, PE on this matter. Survey of existing AC service for Controls while operating proposed. • Advancing Rack Spec to approval and on to bid.

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