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MANAGEMENT OF SECURITY RELATED R&D IN SUPPORT OF DEFENCE INDUSTRIAL TRANSFORMATION Science for Peace Programme Project 982063. The First Objective of the project is:
MANAGEMENT OF SECURITY RELATED R&D IN SUPPORT OF DEFENCE INDUSTRIAL TRANSFORMATIONScience for Peace Programme Project 982063 The First Objective of the project is: To develop a NATO integrated defence R&D Management Concept and Model as an incremental tool for the improvement of the national R&D management system
This objective concerns the following tasks: • To develop a methodology for further scientific analysis and research on the topic • To explore NATO and developed countries best practices and regulations in defence R&D management area • To explore Defence Industry transformation processes in Bulgaria, Romania and Macedonia • To formulate a Concept and a Model for management of security Related R&D in support of defence industrial transformation
Three teams are working on achieving Objective 1 • a team from DNRS (UNWE) Bulgaria, • a team from National Defence College, Ministry of Defence, Romania • a team from Faculty of Social Science, European University Skopje, Macedonia.
NATO and developed countries best practices and regulations exploration The research work was distributes between national groups as follows: • Bulgaria (DNRS – UNWE): UK, The Netherlands, Israel, NATO/EU regulations. • Romania: USA, France • Macedonia: Germany
The research practices of countries under consideration are highly diversified and depend on: • established in the country traditions, • adopted national R&D policy, • establishes connections between the government, MoD and the defence sector etc.
However, there are some issues, common for the countries, which can be further developed in Bulgaria, Romania and Macedonia: • Innovators’ market orientation. • Concurrent product and process development. • Strategic orientation of the innovation process. • Technologic cooperation and integration. • Programme management of defence resources for innovation. • Project management is a main tool to manage the innovation process. • Establishment of portfolio management of innovation projects.
Exploration of the defence industry transformation processes in Bulgaria - structure 1. Development of the Bulgarian defence industry till 1989. 2. Established trends in development of the Bulgarian defence industry after 1989, such as: markets decline, reduction of the defence products production, research potential diminution. 3. Established processes in development of the Bulgarian defence industry, such as: conversion of the defence production, privatisation, social processes, transformation of the military maintenance bases etc. 4. Prospects for defence industry after joining NATO/EU
Structure of the Defence R&D Management Concept 1. Concept’s purpose, scope and limitations, 2. R&D management environment 3. Scope, purpose and matters of R&D management 4. Objectives of R&D management 5. Management cycle and key processes 6. Management organization, participants and stakeholders 7. Legal framework 8. Output 9. Influence on the defence industrial transformation
Preliminary structure of the Defence R&D Management Model • I Graphical part of the model • Graphical model of the R&D management process • Graphical models of other key processes, related to the R&D management. • II Add-ons • List of operative legal documents regulating the R&D management. • List of authorities taking part in R&D management, internal for the MoD • List of authorities taking part in R&D management, external for the MoD; List of institutions and entities – potential executors of R&D projects. • List of enterprises – potential integrators of research products • List of literature sources and other methodical materials about R&D management.