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The Generational Puzzle

The Generational Puzzle. Who are we? Who are our customers? Who are our co-workers?. Five Generations. Veterans or Silent (prior to 1946) Baby Boomers (1946-1963) Generation Xers (1964-1979) Millennials (1980-2000) Internet (2001- Present). Veterans or Silent (prior to 1946) .

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The Generational Puzzle

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Generational Puzzle Who are we? Who are our customers? Who are our co-workers?

  2. Five Generations Veterans or Silent (prior to 1946) Baby Boomers (1946-1963) Generation Xers (1964-1979) Millennials (1980-2000) Internet (2001- Present)

  3. Veterans or Silent (prior to 1946) • Retired or preparing for retirement • Deep loyalty to “the company” • Respectful of authority • Male-dominated workforce • Believed in family • College was a dream • Communication was in person or in writing • Save money and pay cash

  4. Baby Boomers(1946-1963) • Optimism and involvement • This is the “me” generation • Champions of teamwork • Major events occurred to reinforce “one for all and all for one” • Family values declined • College was a birthright • Communication was call me anytime • Believes in “buy now, pay later

  5. Generation Xers(1964-1979) • Full of skepticism and reluctance • Two-income families • Latch-key kids • Authority is a “whatever” kind of thing • College was a way to get there • Cell phones available but only call me at work • Money is to be dealt with cautiously and should be saved

  6. Millennials(1980-2000) • The trophy kids-full of realism, confidence, extreme fun and social life • Racially and ethnically more diverse • Belong to merged families • College is an incredible expense • Terrorism is a reality • Communication is the internet, picture phones, texting • Money earned to be spent

  7. Internet Generation(2001- Present Day) • Characteristics similar to the Silent Generation • Consumer-oriented • Raised by stay-at-home parents • College is the next step • Globalization and Postmodernism • Lifelong use of communications and media technologies – Digital natives • Pampered and protected

  8. How can we connect? • In the work environment • Recognize the differences • Be flexible, but require accountability • Acknowledge contributions • Be adaptive • With students and parents • Recognize and involve the parents (the helicopters) • Be concise and patient • Be adaptive

  9. Translating it to the Financial Aid Office • Completing the FAFSA • Award letters • Verification • Student Loans • Scholarships • Technology • Availability of Staff • Presentations


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