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Representation of Race, Gender, and Violence in Video Games. Grand Theft Auto. Kayla Stevenson. How it is not just “Fun and Games” . I am mostly basing this on Grand Theft Auto because I am most familiar with that game and know it very well . . Violence .
Representation of Race, Gender, and Violence in Video Games Grand Theft Auto Kayla Stevenson
How it is not just • “Fun and Games”
I am mostly basing this on Grand Theft Auto because I am most familiar with that game and know it very well.
Violence • Violence Levels in video games have been increasing dramatically as the years go on, games we buy now almost always have blood, gore, murder, fighting, guns, anything violent in them. There is always repetitive violence. This violence can lead humans to become aggressive just like in the video games. Which is never good for our world today.
Impact of Violence • Children who play violent video games are learning the horrible things that will impact their behavior to think more aggressively as they grow up. • Teenagers will become more aggressive because in the video games “It Is OK” • Boys could become very violent to their girlfriends or disrespect any woman and treat them horribly because that’s what happens in the video game. • The sound from video games is very horrible, guns, expl0sions, bombings, swearing, screaming, yelling. Say your grandfather is sitting in the room and he went to war before, imagine what you could cause him if he has Post Traumatic Stress. You can cause flashbacks & that is never good.
Sexualization of Women • Almost every video game we see today apart from the children games have strongly sexualized content. I would say this is beyond 18+ or R rating. The level of this is ridiculous. Women today are treated horribly because of the way they are represented not only in video games but in television, magazines & any other type of media form.
How Grand Theft Auto Portrays Women • In the game Grand Theft Auto women are portrayed basically in slang terms as “pump & dump.” • The main character in the game can go pick up “hookers” and have sexual contact with them & it is very graphic • The main character can go to the strip clubs alone and get dances and he can also attend them while hanging out with his friends, prostitutes can also be taken home using a certain “cheat code” • To get a refund, the main character can kill the prostitute and get money for killing her • The main character can dance with women at the club, and if she really likes his dancing they will start kissing and then she takes him to the bathroom…I don’t think I have to explain much further • The women he picks up at the club, can also get his phone number and he will get “Booty Calls” which he is to attend…to you know what
Racism • In most games we see racial discrimination • For example: take Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad Of Gay Tony • The main character is Luis Lopez, a Spanish man who is Tony’s main man, he runs the show by working the night club, going on missions and doing drug deals. Often when I play that game I will hear racial remarks against Chinese people in the game, “Black” people, and “White” people. When Luis does missions and he is fighting you hear someone say to him “You Mexican Motha*****” This also teaches our children to say things like that to people who are diverse than they are. Not Good
Introduction • Have you ever thought while playing video games or watching people play video games, how much violence and racial discrimination is involved and how sexualized women are? • The video games today are horrifically ruined with all of this. • Why can’t we just go back to the old days where Mario saved Princess Peach who was fully clothed and the only violence we seen was when he stomped on the turtles and sent them flying? • The video games most of us play today are bad for our minds & bad for our children if we let them play those. • We wonder why the children of today are so violent & terrible. • Sexualization and Racism is another bad factor in the video games, we just standby and play them. Let our children play them, and let them learn terrible stuff from them
Videos • The Second video is a clip from the strip club, don’t watch if you don’t want to, there is barely any nudity. Just a warning. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybq2XOt9JMg • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZnbW2Jwslo • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dg8jzTQUgkc • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9m0QbuTrQCE
Bibliography • Exposing The Dark Side Of Video Games • http://www.theresearchshop.ca/sites/default/files/Exposing%20the%20Dark%20Side%20of%20Video%20Games_for%20web.pdf • Metro (Site) • GTA V, violent video games and children – are we missing the point? • http://metro.co.uk/2014/02/17/gta-v-violent-video-games-and-children-are-we-missing-the-point-4304802/ • ASKMEN (Site) • Top Ten Most Violent Video Games http://ca.askmen.com/top_10/videogame/top-10-most-violent-video-games_2.html • National Post • Video game violence linked to spike in children’s aggressiveness: study http://life.nationalpost.com/2014/03/25/video-game-violence-linked-to-spike-in-childrens-aggressiveness-study/