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Lab 38: Kingdom Animalia: Phylum Mollusca

Lab 38: Kingdom Animalia: Phylum Mollusca. Phylum Mollusca: mollusks Class Polyplacophora: chitons Class Bivalvia: clams, scallops , oysters, mussels Class Cephalopoda: squids, nautilus , octopus Class Gastropoda : snails, limpets slugs , nudibranchs. Phylum Mollusca: mollusks.

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Lab 38: Kingdom Animalia: Phylum Mollusca

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Lab 38:Kingdom Animalia:Phylum Mollusca

  2. Phylum Mollusca: mollusks Class Polyplacophora: chitons Class Bivalvia: clams, scallops, oysters, mussels Class Cephalopoda: squids, nautilus, octopus Class Gastropoda: snails, limpets slugs, nudibranchs

  3. Phylum Mollusca: mollusks Foot muscular Mantel that secretes shell and covers visceral mass Shell used as protection Radula usually present radula

  4. Class Gastropoda: Snails, slugs, limpets, abalone, seaslugs Most herbivores Banana slug Nudibranchs

  5. Class Bivalvia: clams, mussels, oysters, scallops

  6. Clam Dissection

  7. Class Cephalopoda: squid, octopus, nautilus Nautilus Squid

  8. Class Polyplacophora: chitons

  9. Importance of mollusks http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/episodes/the-venom-cure/cone-shell-cures/2061/ • http://guides.library.harvard.edu/content.php?pid=326949&sid=2675461 - -

  10. Kingdom Animalia:Phylum Annelida

  11. Phylum Annelida: segmented worms Cylindrical worms with segmented body Ventral nervous system Closed circulatory system Nephridia Hydrostatic skeleton Circular and longitudinal muscle layers Setae (bristles)

  12. Class Polychaeta: annelids with many setae (chaeta) Parapodia with many setae Free-swimming, burrowing or tube-dwelling

  13. Class Oligochaeta: annelids with few setae Mostly terrestrial and freshwater Clitellum Uses Setae Parapodia

  14. Earthworm Dissection

  15. Class Hirudinea: annelids with no setae Predators adapted for fluid feeding Setae Parapodia

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