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The Revolutionary War

The Revolutionary War. (AKA – The American War for Independence). War vs. Revolution. Revolutionary War – Military American Revolution – Social. The Contenders…. Britain. The Contenders…. United States of America. War in the North (1776-78).

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The Revolutionary War

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Revolutionary War (AKA – The American War for Independence)

  2. War vs. Revolution • Revolutionary War – Military • American Revolution – Social

  3. The Contenders… • Britain

  4. The Contenders… • United States of America

  5. War in the North (1776-78) • Summer, 1776 – Warships arrive in New York Harbor • Led by brothers General William Howe and Admiral Richard, Lord Howe • End of 1776 – William Howe captures ¼ of Washington’s men. • Force Washington to retreat into Pennsylvania

  6. War in the North (1776-78) (cont) • 12/25/1776 – Washington attacks Hessian fort in Trenton, NJ • 1/3/1777 – Washington attacks British troops at Princeton, NJ

  7. War in the North (1776-78) (cont) • Significance of Trenton and Princeton… • Boosted morale all around • British would pretty much flee NJ and head for the Big Apple. • American forts built in Morristown, NJ by Washington • NJ Loyalists were disarmed; leaders jailed

  8. War in the North (1776-78) (cont) • Post-Jersey battles – Marquis de Lafayette joins Washington (19 years old) • Lets Americans know that France is paying attention

  9. War in the North (1776-78) (cont) • King Louis’ proof is in the Saratoga pudding… • Summer 1777 – Colonel Barry St. Leger marches south along Lake Ontario; General Burgoyne will come from Quebec. • Ft. Stanwix – 750 Continentals hold off 1,900 British • Burgoyne captures Ticonderoga (8,300 troops/Hessians) • General Horatio Gates fights two battles in Saratoga • 10/17/1777 Burgoyne and 5,800 troops surrender

  10. War in the North (1776-78) (cont) • FRANCE IS IN! • February 1778 – France recognizes United States • June 1778 – France joins the American cause • Victory at Saratoga shows American possibility • June, 1779 – Spain joins war as a French ally • Holland was united against England, allying with America

  11. War in the North (1776-78) (cont) • August, 1777 – 16,000 Continental troops occupy Philadelphia; General Howe lands 18,000 troops near Philadelphia • September 11, 1777 – Armies meet at Brandywine Creek, PA. • October 4 – Howe defeats Washington again at Germantown, PA • Washington retreats to Valley Forge.

  12. War in the North (1776-78) (cont) • Can’t forage at Valley Forge • Winter, 1777-78 – Washington and army stay at Valley Forge • Baron Friedrich von Steuben arrives from Prussia and trains the army. • Daily training and drills increase effectiveness and confidence in army

  13. War in the North (1776-78) (cont)

  14. War in the North (1776-78) (cont) • June, 1778 – British leave Philadelphia for NY • June 28 – Washington catches up to British at Monmouth Court House, NJ • General Henry Clinton retreats to NYC • This victory ends the battle for the North

  15. War in the West (1776-82) • Tensions between settlers and Natives are high • 1776 – Cherokee begin attacking settlers in NC; settlers strike back by burning most towns. • Settlers force most Cherokee to sign treaties giving up most land in SC, and some land in NC and TN

  16. War in the West (1776-82) • Feb, 1779 - Colonel George Rogers Clark leads KY militia north of OH river and take Vincennes. • May, 1779 – John Bowman leads militia and destroys Shawnee villages • August, 1779- Daniel Brodhead destroys Delaware and Seneca

  17. War in the West (1776-82) • Pro-British Iroquois – led by Mohawk Joseph Brant • 1778 – Brant campaigns through PA and NY frontiers • 1779 – General John Sullivan attacks Iroquois villages, fights one battle (near Elmira, NY) • Defeat Brant, burn several dozen villages, destroy corn • 1780 – Brant’s warriors attack Tuscarora and Oneida and spend 2 years attacking in PA and NY

  18. War in the South (1778-81) • England shifts focus to South • Needs to secure ports to transport troops to West Indies easier • Spring 1778 – British troops from E. FL take over GA • May 1780 – Clinton takes over Charles Town, SC

  19. War in the South (1778-81) • August 13, 1780 – Lord Charles Cornwallis effortlessly defeats American forces at Camden, SC. • Gates is relieved of command; Nathaniel Greene is new Southern Commander • March-September, 1781 – fights and loses 3 battles • Still causes Cornwallis to leave for VA

  20. Victory in the South (1781) • Cornwallis forms base at Yorktown, VA. • August 30, 1781 – French fleet lands off VA coast • Lafayette’s troops join French. • Washington arrives with army from NY • Sept 26 – October 17, 1781 – Siege and battle (yes, 21 days!) • October 19, 1781 – Cornwallis and his troops surrender to allied forces.

  21. Victory in the South (1781)

  22. YAY! WE WON!

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