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Join Miss Padavano's 7th grade science class for engaging hands-on activities and interactive learning. Discover the wonders of cells, heredity, electricity, and more!
Homeroom 209 Miss Padavano Homeroom is a time for the students to get settled in for the day. Daily announcements are made by “Wake-up McAuliffe” This is the time when they are able to “run errands” (such as bring forms to guidance, nurse, coaches, etc.) Certain meetings and special breakfasts are held during this time.
7th Grade Science Miss Jennifer Padavano Email: jpadavano@jacksonsd.org
Welcome Miss Padavano *This is my 6th full year as a science teacher at McAuliffe. *Before I began teaching, I worked in a laboratory as a microbiologist and analyst. *I am so excited to continue my teaching career here at McAuliffe with your children!
Miss Padavano’s Class Rules 1. Respect yourself and others. 2. Be on time and ready to work when the bell rings! 3. Be prepared for class. 4. Try your hardest each day! 5. Smile =) *If rules are broken or misbehavior occurs, the individual situation will be dealt with accordingly. Parents/Guardians will be notified via email or phone! (hopefully this will not be a problem!)*
My Lessons *Each day there is a “Learning Goal”, “Do now”, and “Question of the day” to copy at the start of class ___________________________________ EXAMPLE: Learning Goal- You will learn to demonstrate the scientific method by analyzing lab scenarios. Do Now- Write the six steps of the scientific method in your science binder. ? of the Day (on ? Of day board)- What is the basic unit of all life? _______________________________________
We then review the “Do Now”, question of the day, and any Homework from the previous night. New information: Present new information (notes, lab directions, discussion, etc) and attempt to compare it to something 7th graders can relate to from “real life”. Activity: I create many hands on activities, such as group or partner labs that allow my students the opportunity to practice working together while carrying out the lesson. Closure: Towards the end of the period, I ask for my students feedback on what they learned. Example: Ball Closure
Curriculum This year we will be learning about... Cells Heredity Electricity & Magnetism Life over Time Diversity of Living Things
New Science Standards (NGSS) -steer away from “book work” -emphasize creating models, engineering, and hands on learning -incorporates technology -stresses reading non-fiction materials with deeper understanding
Updates to aid in learning… -All new lab desks and stools -30 chrome books to share with neighbor science class -Interactive Epson Smart Board
Student Supplies 3 ring binder dividers blue/black pens colored pencils/crayons ? of the Day Mini Book (given to them) 3 ring binder set-up Section 1:Learning Goal/Do Now/ Classwork Section 2: Homework Section 3:Current Events (Non-Fiction Reading) Section 4: Tests and Quizzes
Grading Homework 25% Participation (Classwork) 25% Assessments 50%
Question of the Day Notebook: This is a daily question students are to copy into their MINI QUESTION OF THE DAY NOTEBOOKS WHICH I GAVE TO THEM upon arrival into class. It is posted at the front of the room. These questions will aid students with a Course Post Assessment Test at the end of the semester. The mini notebook will be handed in for a Big GRADE at the end of the semester! Students MUST HAVE THIS ALL SEMESTER! .
Binder CHECKS: These are weekly classwork grades They usually consist of five questions based on students binder work from the week _________________________________________ EXAMPLE Binder CHECK QUESTIONS: 1.What was the learning goal from Day 2? 2. What is the answer to number 1 on “Lab Safety in the Classroom” from 9/20/16? _________________________________________ It is to check that each student is staying organized and completing the class work everyday.
Current Event: Non-Fiction Science Reading • Current Events are due every other Monday (unless otherwise told). 2. Students should find an article from a newspaper, computer, magazine, etc. related to science. 3. Students are given an outline of Current Event information including the source, article title, what surprised you?, what did the author assume you already knew?, what challenged or changed your thinking while reading?, etc. 4. This counts as a homework grade. 5. The purpose is to allow students the opportunity to see how science affects our world today and to deepen understanding of non-fiction information.
. Homework -Homework is given 1-3 times a week. (Mostly completing class work) -It makes up 25% of the overall science grade. -It is checked daily/graded on completion and effort. -If homework is not complete on the day it is due, students can turn it in one day late for a grade of a 60%. -Anytime after this earns a grade of a 0%. -If absent, students have one week to turn in make-up work or else the absent will turn to a 0%. -We also have a “Science Homework Challenge”. If EVERYONE in the class has the homework completed on the due date; that period earns a sticker. The period with the most stickers at the end of the marking period will receive a “Cool Science Party” where science games and snacks can be brought in.
Tests and Quizzes “Assessments” make up 50% of the science grade The grades are ALWAYS up to date in the genesis system. As soon as tests and quizzes are graded, they are updated to the system. Please view the Genesis grading system often!
After School Help -After school help is given at least once a week for clarification of concepts and assignments, making up labs, work missed due to absences, or for help organizing class information. -The days I am available for the week are posted and students must sign up the day before.
Raffle Exchange • To encourage positive behavior, students are given tickets that can be traded in for prizes on Fridays including HW passes, pens, pencils, erasers, jolly ranchers, etc. • Tickets are given for participation, effort, and any other positive acts!
Class Dojo • https://teach.classdojo.com/#/launchpad • As the semester goes on, I will be utilizing the class dojo app/website. Each student has a profile – complete with their own avatar –teachers can assign positive and negative points (or 'dojos') throughout the lesson -we can communicate with parents/guardians with a text message- like system -we can communicate with parents/guardians with a mini-feed style system -I will be sending home a pass code for you and your child to use to login to the class dojo app/website Students will be rewarded for receiving the most points for the day/week.
Portal and Class Pages I update genesis and class pages daily. Please do your best to review genesis as often as possible to check up on your child’s progress. For questions about viewing the portal see the guidance department. For class page access go to: 1. http://www.jacksonsd.org 2. click on “teacher pages” at the right 3.Click on “Padavano” http://www.jacksonsd.org/Domain/558
It was a pleasure to meet all of you! Thank you for coming and taking part in your child’s education! I look forward to working with you and your child this year!Let’s make it a great school year!