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David kien tifel rag]aj.

David kien tifel rag]aj. Kien fer]an, qed ikanta lil Alla. Tifel [ie jsejja]lu. “Missierek iridek!”. “David, mur id-dar malajr, g]ax hemm ukoll il-Profeta Samwel, li jrid ikellmek.”. David mar id-dar.

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David kien tifel rag]aj.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. David kien tifel rag]aj. Kien fer]an, qed ikanta lil Alla.

  2. Tifel [ie jsejja]lu. “Missierek iridek!”

  3. “David, mur id-dar malajr, g]ax hemm ukoll il-Profeta Samwel, li jrid ikellmek.”

  4. David mar id-dar. Kien hemm missieru u ]utu. Kienu bil-wieqfa, Qed jistennewh.

  5. “G]alfejn g]idtuli ni[i? Xi triduni nag]mel?”

  6. Samwel qal lil David. “Inti se ssir re!”

  7. David bilkemm ried jemmen. G]ax ]utu kienu kollha kbar u b’sa]]ithom.

  8. Alla ried jag]\el lit-tifel i\-\g]ir biex ikun ir-re.

  9. Samwel dilek bi\-\ejt lil David biex juri li Alla kien g]a\lu g]alih.

  10. David qal grazzi lil Alla talli g]a\lu b]ala re.

  11. David g]adu \g]ir, imma ftit ie]or se jkun liebes il-libsa u l-kuruna ta’ re.

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