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Inventors. Activity. Force for change Read 7,10 and 11 - Draw a table:. 9W2: 6/3/12. Do now: Crossword Do next: Development of Technology Hand-out (Think-pair-share) Transportation Booklet. Transportation Booklet. Groups of 3 Choose 3 inventions from your page Record the following:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Inventors

  2. Activity • Force for change • Read 7,10 and 11 • - Draw a table:

  3. 9W2: 6/3/12 • Do now: Crossword • Do next: Development of Technology Hand-out (Think-pair-share) • Transportation Booklet

  4. Transportation Booklet • Groups of 3 • Choose 3 inventions from your page • Record the following: • What is it? • Who invented it? • What it does? • Picture of it Present findings to the class (select one invention each and report to class)

  5. SKILL: TIMELINES • A History of Transportation Technology • How to construct a timeline…

  6. Steps: • Decide on time interval dates (needs to be an even scale) • Decide on a scale (10cm=10 years) • Draw a line down middle of page from the first date to the last (1990-2012) • Mark and label each time interval down the scale (1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015) • Draw arrows to the exact date of the invention on the line and write the information beside them • Choose an appropriate title with dates • Use a ruler

  7. Put these inventions into a timeline • 1936- Helicopter invented • 1867- First motorcycle invented • 1913- Model T. Ford produced • 1804- First train trip • 1765- Steam engine developed • 1903- Wright brothers flight • 1790- Bicycle invented • 1782- First hot air balloon flight

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