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Collapse of the Roman Republic

Explore the factors that led to the collapse of the Roman Republic, including the Punic Wars and economic inequality. Witness the rise of dictators and the breakdown of loyalty in this tumultuous period of Roman history.

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Collapse of the Roman Republic

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  1. Collapse of the Roman Republic

  2. Punic Wars • Roman Trade: Mediterranean Sea location was perfect for trade • What did they trade? • Wine and Olive Oil for food, raw materials, and other goods • 1st Punic War: Rome fought Carthage for control of Sicily and won • Carthage (Phoenicians) interrupted Roman trade

  3. Punic Wars • 2nd Punic War: Hannibal (Carthage) attacked Rome by crossing the Alps (Mts.) • 3rd Punic War: Scipio (Rome) attacked and destroyed Carthage • Roman Empire was then unmatched in the Mediterranean World!

  4. Collapse of the Roman Republic • Setting the Stage: As Rome enlarged its territory; its republican form of government grew increasingly unstable. Eventually, the Roman Republic gave way to the formation of a mighty dictator-ruled empire that continued to spread Rome’s influence far and wide.

  5. Collapse of the Roman Republic • Economic Turmoil • Large gap between rich and poor Romans Collapse

  6. Collapse of the Roman Republic • Economic Turmoil • Large gap between rich and poor Romans 2. Civil War Collapse

  7. Collapse of the Roman Republic • Economic Turmoil • Large gap between rich and poor Romans 2. Civil War 3. Military Upheaval Breakdown in loyalty Collapse

  8. Collapse of the Roman Republic • Economic Turmoil • Large gap between rich and poor Romans 2. Civil War 3. Military Upheaval Breakdown in loyalty Collapse 4. Caesar becomes Dictator

  9. Collapse of the Roman Republic • Economic Turmoil • Large gap between rich and poor Romans 2. Civil War 3. Military Upheaval Breakdown in loyalty Collapse 5. Death of Caesar Leads to war and Octavian becomes “Augustus” Caesar or “Exalted One” 4. Caesar becomes Dictator

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