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Emerging Concept for Joint Command and Control

United States Joint Forces Command. Emerging Concept for Joint Command and Control. Mr. David J. Ozolek Executive Director Joint Futures Lab US Joint Forces Command (J9). Why have a new JC2 concept?. A new threat – globally networked The information avalanche Speed of operations

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Emerging Concept for Joint Command and Control

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Presentation Transcript

  1. United States Joint Forces Command Emerging Concept for Joint Command and Control Mr. David J. Ozolek Executive Director Joint Futures Lab US Joint Forces Command (J9)

  2. Why have a new JC2 concept? • A new threat – globally networked • The information avalanche • Speed of operations • Complexity of operations • Global visibility and connectivity

  3. Joint Command and Control • Command remains command • Command and control are different but inter-related • Command remains vested in a single individual with authority and responsibility for making the big decisions • Control, however, is undergoing a significant re-examination

  4. Joint Command and ControlCoherence Integrate Services/SOCOM Capabilities Coherently Integrate Interdependent, Collaborative, Learning & Adaptive Coherently Joint Force Coordinate Stitch Service Seams DeconflictService Forces Multinational Result: Effects-Based Outcomes Supported/Supporting Relationships

  5. Distributed Operations • Two dimensions: • Physical (non-contiguous operations) • Functional • Collaboration • Distributed problem solving • Adaptive decision making

  6. Collaboration Using a shared information environment to span the planning and coordination activities of functions or echelons of operations Problem Decision Versus Problem Decision Decision Decision

  7. Adaptive Decision Making Centralized Decentralized Distributed

  8. Air Force Army Navy USMC Army Navy Air Force USMC Standing Joint Command and Control Old Paradigm: Individual “joint” augmentation skill Single Service JTF Headquarters + = New Paradigm: Standing Joint Force Headquarters Service Manpower JTF Headquarters + =

  9. Requirement Requirement Capability Capability Capability Capability Capability Requirement Requirement Requirement Requirement Requirement Requirement Dynamic Tasking of Modular Capabilities JTF Headquarters Requirement

  10. Componency Today: Service Functional (really domain) Air Land Sea Next: True functional Strike? Info Superiority? Sustainment? Other?

  11. Next Big JC2 Hurdle Coherent Interagency Operations in a Coherent Multinational Context

  12. Questions?

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