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Human Blood Types. A person’s blood type is controlled by the genes they inherit from their parents. The combination of genes inherited controls what protein/antigens are found on a person’s red blood cells. There are four different genes that control what blood type a person has. Gene A
A person’s blood type is controlled by the genes they inherit from their parents. • The combination of genes inherited controls what protein/antigens are found on a person’s red blood cells.
There are four different genes that control what blood type a person has. • Gene A • Gene B Chromosome 9 • Gene O • Gene Rh Chromosome 1
These 4 genes code for 3 different proteins/antigens. • Gene A codes for the A antigen • Gene B codes for the B antigen • Gene O codes for no antigen (zero) • Gene Rh codes for the Rh antigen
The presence or absence of these antigens determine which of the 8 different blood types a person has inherited. • A+ • Has the A and Rh antigens • A- • Has the A antigen • B+ • Has the B and Rh antigens • B- • Has the B antigen
AB+ • Has the A, B and Rh antigens • AB- • Has the A and B antigens • O+ • Has the Rh antigen • O- • Has no antigens.
What blood type is known as the universal donor and why? • O- • Has no antigens so there is nothing for the recipient to reject. • What blood type is known as the universal recipient and why? • AB+ • Has all three antigens so no matter what blood they receive they will recognize and accept it.
Agglutination: • When two different blood types mix and they contain different antigens, the blood will clump or agglutinate. • Can A+ blood (A and Rh antigen) be transfused into a person with B+ blood (B and Rh antigen)?
Phenotypes and Genotypes: • A blood • AA or AO • B blood • BB or BO • O blood • OO • AB blood • AB
Rh+ blood Blood with Rh antigen Rh- blood Blood with no Rh antigen Rh + is dominant over Rh- Rh+ and Rh+ = Rh+ blood Rh+ and Rh- = Rh+ blood Rh- and Rh- = Rh- blood
Lets start simple: • Cross a women with AA blood with a man with AB blood. What would be the genotypic and phenotypic ratio of the offspring?
A little more challenging….. • Cross a women with AB- blood with a man who as OO+ blood. Determine both the genotypic and phenotypic ratios of the offspring.