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Forestry & Society Reforestation

Forestry & Society Reforestation. HORT/RGSC 302 J.G. Mexal Spring 2001. Forestry & Society Reforestation/Outline. World Overview US Overview Types of Reforestation Artificial Reforestation Practices.

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Forestry & Society Reforestation

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  1. Forestry & SocietyReforestation HORT/RGSC 302 J.G. Mexal Spring 2001

  2. Forestry & SocietyReforestation/Outline • World Overview • US Overview • Types of Reforestation • Artificial Reforestation Practices

  3. Forestry & SocietyReforestation/ Threatened Original forests-The Africa & Russia/WRI 1997 Second growth forests Low to no threat Medium to high threat

  4. Forestry & SocietyReforestation/ Threatened Original forests-The Americas/WRI 1997 Unknown Low to no threat Medium to high threat Second growth forests

  5. Forestry & SocietyReforestation Needs/ World/ WRI 1997 1000 km2 Original Forest 40% 70% Remaining Forest 25% 30% 71%

  6. Forestry & SocietyReforestation/ World/ WRI 1990-1991

  7. Annual Reforestation in Brazil/ Bacha Appl Econ 35(6):631:2003 Hectares

  8. Small Farm Reforestation in Brazil/ Simmons et al. Agrofor Sys 56:89:2002

  9. In northwest China, the Taklimakan's sands are shifting toward poplar trees planted west of Aksu in a vast project intended to halt desertification. • 42 billion trees have been planted since 1982 • number of sandstorms has grown from 5 in the ‘60's to 24 in the ‘90's • deserts are expanding at a rate of 3,800 square miles a year Stuart Isett/Polaris, for The New York Times

  10. Forestry & SocietyReforestation/Outline • World Overview • US Overview • Types of Reforestation • Artificial Reforestation Practices

  11. Forest Plantations Importance/ Sedjo For.Chron. 77(2):221:2001 • US produces 30% of worlds industrial wood production • Industry provides 95% of industrial wood • Global Harvests: • Old growth 22% • 2nd growth, minimal management 14% • Indigenous 2nd growth, managed 30% • Indigenous industrial plantations 24% • Exotic industrial plantations 10%

  12. Forestry & SocietyReforestation/Who Does It? In Mississippi Percent of Population FWRC Res. Bull. FO172 Reforest Cut’nRun Size of Land Holding (ac)

  13. Forestry & SocietyReforestation/Who Does It? In Mississippi Percent of Population FWRC Res. Bull. FO172 Reforest Cut’nRun Total Household Income

  14. Forestry and SocietyForest Service Receipts by Program FY 1993USDA FS Ecosystem Management 1993 Ann. Rep. Million Dollars 981 70 50 Total 1993 Receipts $1.330 billion 220

  15. Forestry & SocietyUS Acres Reforested/ TPN 49:5:1999 Acres (K) CRP SCS Dust Bowl Year

  16. Forestry & SocietyReforestation/ Who plants what? Million hectares Industry NIPF NFS Other public Science Findings PNW 31:2/01

  17. Forestry & SocietyUS Acres Reforested/ TPN 49:5:1999 Acres Planted Seedlings Planted North North West West South South 2,636,102 ac 1,624,000,000 seedlings

  18. Deforestation - ReforestationThe Situation: Top 10 states in 1992

  19. Forestry & SocietyUS Seedling Production-1997/ TPN 49:5:1999 Seedlings (millions) 1997 2002

  20. Forestry & SocietyReforestation/Outline • World Overview • US Overview • Types of Reforestation • Artificial Reforestation Practices

  21. Forestry & SocietyReforestation/ Types of Reforestation • Natural • Seed • Stump sprouts (coppicing) • Artificial • Seeding • seed tree seeding (aerial or manual) • Planting • bareroot container  cutting

  22. Forestry & SocietyReforestation Practices/ Seed Tree Regen.

  23. Remaining Pine BA (ft2) Harvest Blown-in Seed? Seed Year P. echinata Natural Regeneration Following Harvesting Intensities/SJAF 27(3):206:’03 1,000 sound seed/ac

  24. Natural Regeneration of Appalachian Forests/ Beckage et al. Can.J.For.Res. 30:1617:2000 Seed Rain (seed/m2) Seedlings (#/ha) 1 ha = 10,000m2 Species

  25. Forestry & SocietyReforestation/Outline • World Overview • US Overview • Types of Reforestation • Artificial Reforestation Practices

  26. Benefits Earlier Reestablishment of Forest Faster Growth Regenerate Desired Species Plant Genetically Improved Seedlings Reduced TSI Costs Costs More Expensive Environmental Criticisms “monoculture” pesticides soil degradation biodiversity Forestry & SocietyArtificial Reforestation Costs & Benefits

  27. Forestry & SocietyArtificial Reforestation Practices • Site Preparation • Planting/Seeding • Aftercare • Timber Stand Improvement (TSI)

  28. Forestry & SocietyArtificial Reforestation Practices Harvest

  29. Forestry & SocietyArtificial Reforestation Practices On-site chipping

  30. Forestry & SocietyReforestation Practices/Site Preparation Helicopter application of herbicide Tree Crusher

  31. Forestry & SocietyReforestation Practices/Site Preparation Logging damage Site prep. burn

  32. Forestry & SocietyReforestation Practices/ Site Preparation Burn & Rip, OK Tree crush & burn, AR KG blade Site prep, AR

  33. Forestry & SocietyArtificial Reforestation Practices-Ripping

  34. Forestry & SocietyReforestation Practices/ Site Preparation

  35. Forestry & SocietyReforestation Practices/Bareroot Nursery

  36. Forestry & SocietyReforestation/Stocktype • South • 1+0 bareroot seedling (pine & hardwoods) • containerized seedling (longleaf pine)

  37. Forestry & SocietyReforestation/Stocktypes • West • bareroot seedling: • 2+0, Plug+1, • 1+1, 2+1 • containerized

  38. Seedlings (Millions) Forestry & SocietyReforestation/NW US & BC Canada/ GTSRS-25, 1999

  39. Forestry & SocietyReforestation/Stocktypes Tissue Cultured Douglas-fir Bareroot Douglas-fir (cull) Containerized western hemlock Bareroot Sitka Spruce Containerized longleaf pine

  40. Forestry & SocietyReforestation Practices/Nursery Vegetative Propagation -mother plants Cuttings Hybrid poplar 1yr Gmelina 6yr

  41. Forestry & SocietyReforestation Practices/Nursery Harvest

  42. Forestry & SocietyReforestation Practices/

  43. Survival (%) Seedling Diameter at Planting (mm) AUSFNMC Newsletter Fall’00 Container Seedling Survival in Canada/ Scagel & South, unpubl

  44. Forestry & SocietyReforestation/Planting Season • South & West • Winter, rainy season • Trees are dormant (tolerant to abuse) • Rocky Mountain Region • Rainy season (late summer) • Trees are actively growing • “Fall is for Planting”

  45. Forestry & SocietyReforestation Practices/Planting Hand Planting Machine planting

  46. Forestry & SocietyReforestation Practices/Planting 4-yr-old plantation Bareroot seedling Planted seedling

  47. Forestry & SocietyReforestation/Site Preparation/ 10th Bi. So. Silv. Res. Conf. Basal Area Growth (ft2/yr) Pinus taeda-15 yr Piedmont GA KG, Windrow, Burn, Disk, Oust, AmNit KG, Windrow, Burn, Disk KG & Chop KG, Chop & Velpar Fell Control

  48. Height (ft) DBH (in) Pinus taeda- 15 yr Piedmont GA 6 4 2 0 Forestry & SocietyReforestation/Site Preparation/ 10th Bi. So. Silv. Res. Conf. p318

  49. Deforestation - ReforestationThe Situation:Chile

  50. Deforestation - ReforestationThe Situation:Chile

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