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Service Learning

Service Learning. Reflection. Janet Eyler Vanderbilt University. Kolb’s Model of Learning. WHAT?. Concrete Experience. Reflective Observation. ACTION. REFLECTION. Active Experimentation. Abstract Conceptualization. NOW WHAT?. SO WHAT?.

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Service Learning

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  1. Service Learning Reflection Janet Eyler Vanderbilt University

  2. Kolb’s Model of Learning WHAT? Concrete Experience Reflective Observation ACTION REFLECTION Active Experimentation Abstract Conceptualization NOW WHAT? SO WHAT?

  3. To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle. - George Orwell • We do not learn from doing, we learn from thinking about what we do. • Northwest Service Academy • Experience is not what happens to people; it is what people do with • what happened to them. • - Aldous Huxley Reflection is not simply ‘learning in the raw’ but making what you learn make sense. -Bruner 1996

  4. Goals of Reflection • For Students: • Exploring impressions and feelings • Deep understanding of academic content; connecting theory with service • Applying learning to practice -- transfer • Challenging assumptions/ transforming perspectives • Stimulating cognitive development/ problem solving • Becoming self-aware -- metacognition • For Faculty and HE Student Affairs Pros: • Becoming reflective practitioners

  5. Kolb Model as Scaffolding for Designing Reflection Activities • Can begin cycle at any point • Can use with in class experiences as well as field experience • Students can apply to their own reflective activities Eyler reflecting on service

  6. Applying Kolb to S-L Reflection • Teacher led discussion • Student led discussion • Journal structure • Team presentations • Essay structure • S-L theater Eyler reflecting on service

  7. Research Findings: Program Quality Matters First Prize • Application of Content • Placement quality • Reflection • Writing • Discussion • Community Voice • Diversity • Duration/Intensity

  8. Effective ReflectionBased on Research Interviews with Students • Continuous • Connected • Challenging • Contextualized Eyler reflecting on service

  9. Your Reflection Map From: Eyler, J. (2001). Creating your reflection map. In M. Canada (Ed.) Service-learning: Practical advice and models. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass New Directions for Higher Education Series # 114, 35-43

  10. Planning Reflection Compare experience with expectations Synthesis assign. Kolb cycle paper Letter to self Draw expectation Hopes/fears Journals Essays E-journal Stand/declare Case study Hopes/fears Mixed Group Discussion S-L Theater Class presentation Lessons learned Plan project Asset mapping Training On site debrief Supervisor feedback Present project Explore impact

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