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District 5580 Assistant Governors Training Seminar 2012-2013. 1. District 5580 Governor 2012-2013 Don and Mary Cavalier. District 5580 D. Governor Elect Dave and Claudette Smette. District Administration. The Assistant District Governor… Role and Responsibilities. 11.
District 5580 Assistant Governors Training Seminar 2012-2013 1
The Assistant District Governor…Role and Responsibilities 11
District Responsibilities • Assist in developing district goals. • Coordinate the governor’s official visit with clubs. • Communicate clubs’ strengths, weaknesses, and progress toward goals. • Attend district meetings. • Participate in Rotary Foundation programs, events, and fundraising. • Help develop future district leaders. • Provide continuity- help with your replacement
Your Responsibilities • Help presidents-elect develop effective goals. • Visit clubs at least four times a year. • Monitor the progress of each club’s service projects. • Encourage club leaders to attend district meetings. • Motivate clubs to follow through on the governor’s requests. • Assist clubs in planning and scheduling the governor’s official visit and attend all related club assemblies. • Coordinate training with the district Training committee and *Club Trainer • Assist clubs identifying district committee members
Responsibilities Briefing the incoming District Governor on the status of clubs Assist the clubs in identifying a *Club Trainer Learn and conduct * Web Meetings with club leadership (for training contact District Trainer ) *Quarterly Assistant Governors Web Meetings
Goals • Before the start of the Rotary year, assistant governors should help clubs set annual goals. • These goals should address the Avenues of Service.
Planning Guide for Effective Rotary Clubs • Tool that helps clubs establish realistic goals • Contains assessment and goal-setting sections for major areas of club operations • Includes strategies to achieve goals
Effective Goals • Shared • Measurable • Challenging • Achievable • Time specific
Minimum Standards for Clubs • Pays per capita dues to RI • Meets regularly • Ensures that members subscribe to appropriate magazines • Implements service projects • Accepts the visit of the governor or assistant governor
Effective clubs • Sustain or increase their membership Address the needs of their communities and communities in other countries Support The Rotary Foundation both financially and through participation Develop club leaders beyond the club
Your Club Visit Focuses on: • Assessing a club’s progress toward its goals and the strategies being used to achieve those goals • Suggesting practical solutions to problems challenging the club
Your Club Visits… Always Call Ahead, asking Club President’s permission to visit during Club’s Board Meeting… • Learn by Listening…Observe, take notes, offer help and suggestions… • Remind clubs of upcoming events and deadlines…Encourage participation in District Conference, RYLA, etc.
Club Visits…continued Apprise clubs of help available from District…Speakers for programs, DVDs about Rotary, etc…Review RI’s monthly themes… Follow up QUICKLY on any requests. Always respect the autonomy of the clubs…be courteous, thank them for opportunity to visit…
Reporting on Your Club Visits… • Using your notes and what your heard and observed, fill out the ADG Club visit memo after each visit. • Keep a copy, and email one to smette@daktel.com, and one to bigfish@uslink.net.
District Governors Official Visit…An Ambassador on a Mission… • Motivating club members to participate in service projects • Reviewing the status of the Club Leadership Plan • Bringing attention to important Rotary issues • Paying special attention to new, weak, and struggling clubs • Personally recognizing outstanding club projects and the contributions of individual Rotarians
When the District Governor comes to visit…. Make sure clubs are ready to receive the Governor’s visit…checklist… Planning guide submitted on time? Quiet venue for his meet w/ Board? Club meeting program is his exclusively?
Quarterly Training… • Quarterly reporting to DGE Smette ..with training updates, via Webinars • Opportunity to discuss problems, exchange ideas and suggestions with DGE Smette, other ADG’s, and additional District Leaders… 29
ADG Activities Calendar…Refer to the “District Governors Club Visits” for the clubs in your area, and fill in your personal calendars with those dates first…As you make appointments to visit clubs and boards, fill in those dates…July 18th- Wednesday, 5 pm.- Session 1- webinar for ADG training. This webinar will be repeated several times in July…Be sure to attend one of them.. Tentative alternate dates/times, July 20, 7 pm; July 31, 7 pm.. 30
ADG Activities Calendar August 1- first written report to DGE Smette and Diane October 17- ADG reporting Webinar March 2013- PETS training… District Conference, April 2013
Be Aware of… District Committees- need people! Now 5 Avenues of Service Club Visioning Club Trainers ERROKO Future Visions
Avenues of Service Club Service Vocational Service Community Service International Service 5. *New Generations The Avenue of New Generations recognizes the positive change implemented by youth and young adults involved in leadership development activities, community and international service projects, and exchange programs that enrich and foster world peace and cultural understanding
“ERROKO” Every Rotarian Reach One Keep One
District 5580 Visioning Coordinators Club Visioning Marilyn M Chambers- Club Vision District Chair Home: 218-643-1539 Cell: 701-640-2532 chamar@rrt.net 34
What is a Club Vision It is a living management tool that: • Defines a shared commitment • Provides long-term direction • Creates a framework to establish goals and objectives • Optimizes use of resources
How Will Clubs Benefit From Club Visioning? Plan-Long range (strategic) Annual goals (Actions and plans) Continuity in projects/decision making Consensus for decision making Club members know “what we stand for”
Club Vision Process Vision Actions & Programs Long Range Plan Planning Steps…
Club Training Program A club-level training program should: Ensure that club leaders attend district meetings Provide consistent and regular orientation for new members Offer ongoing educational opportunities for current members Create a leadership-skills development program for all members Help the club to create a strategic plan
A Club Trainer is: Fairly knowledgeable in Rotary, on the Club, District and International levels. Able to use training tools and ensure the Club Officers have access to these sessions. A liaison between Club and District