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Explore various thought-provoking topics with conversation prompts. Delve into sleep habits, life approaches, music preferences, friendships, wildlife conservation, and more to spark engaging conversations.
Conversationtopics Discuss the followingprompts and questions with yourpartner. Alsoaskfurtherquestions and seewhere the conversationtakesyou.
Namesomegoodways of making new friends. How canonelosefriends?
Should new drivershave a speedlimit of 80 km/h for a fullyear(the wayitused to be)?
Theysayifwomenruled the world, therewouldn’tbewars. Discuss.
How is informationtechnologychangingthe wayteachersteachandstudentslearn?
Talkaboutbandswhose music used to begoodbutwhohavenowlosttheirform.
What’syourBlues Name?Doyouevergetthe Blues?Whatdoyoudowhenyou’redown?