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Champaign Lion's Chatter. (Click here to go to our website). 6 June 2012.
Champaign Lion's Chatter (Click here to go to our website) 6 June 2012 Call to Order – President David Lin presided over the meeting and led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Invocation – Dave Hunter -We thank Thee, Lord, for this food, for friends, for family. for freedom; bought by the lives of soldiers, sailors and airmen who died 68 years ago today at Normandy. Amen.
Vittles – Sliced roast beef, potatoes and gravy, mixed vegetables, salad and toppings, rolls and butter, cake, tea and coffee.
Attendance – 24 members. 1 Guest – Larry Bowden (guest of Fonda).
Birthdays – Bob Suter (90th); Paul Coleman (94th). Cards were circulated fot members to sign. Lions Report -- Jim Smith is headed for Florida; If you are ill or know a fellow Lion that is under the weather, please call Pat Bryan at 586-4535.
Announcements – Bob Suter’s 90th birthday was reported in the News Gazette. Bob has not missed a home football game at Memorial Stadium in 66 years.
Program – Ted Gonsiorowski handed out certificates for Years of membership in Lions Club:
10 years-Ed Tischner; 25 years-David Lin & WeldonGarrelts; 30 years-Paul Coleman; 40 years-Earl Swanson, Paul Kunkel & Frank Duff; 45 years-Bob Suter.
Weldon Garrelts handed out awards for Tootsie Pop Day: Fred Greffe worked 5 sessions;
Bob and Wanda Tuchel worked also. We were second among Lions Clubs in Illinois.
Business Meeting. Secretary Fonda Bowden read the minutes of the June Board Meeting:
Treasurer’s Report – Karl Drake provided financial reports for April and May by email. He is concerned that we have not received bills from the Windsor for lunches since December. The reports were approved. Rich King said bills for dues will go out July 1. The dues will remain at $160 even though the state is charging an additional $1.30 per member over the next 5 years to cover costs of hosting the International Convention in 2017. He reported progress toward holding monthly evening meetings for Champaign Lions Club members who have difficulty attending lunch time meetings. Walk for Sight is June 10 in Tuscola. Rich King plans to walk and must collect the pledges tomorrow. He moved that we give the whole amount to the Foundation (and not take the club’s 40%) because they are in need of funds to support camps and other events. Motion was approved. Herb Bail reported collecting 386 pairs of used eyeglasses and 23 pairs or sunglasses for the month of May. Marvin Paulsen distributed a printout of “Club Health Assessment for District 1E through May 2012.” The MD Forum will be held November 10 at the Decatur Hotel and Convention Center.
Membership and Activities – The potluck picnic is now planned for late June or early July probably 6 to 8 pm on a week day. It will be a Lions Club Reunion and past Lions will be invited to attend or to write a note telling what they are currently doing. June 20th the Windsor will not be available for meeting.
David Lin said he has enjoyed being President this past year and that today was his last day presiding due to planned travel. New Officers will be installed on July 11th.
Frank Duff auctioned off a water color painting by former Lion HaroldHaugaard, Club Secretary for 20 years. Bidding started off at $25 and quickly went to $55 and sold to PaulKunkel.
Tail Twister – Paul Hendren fined Frank Duff for having won the lottery and then asked him to carry the bucket;
He fined everyone in honor of President David Lin's service;
Ed Tichner for never having attended an Illini football game.
Finally, he honored those who faught in WWII: Bob Tuchel, Omer Benn, Earl Swanson.
La Triviata Last week’s question:The village of Savoy is now in size of population in Champain County? Answer: Second. Last week’s winner: Rich King
La Triviata Gordy’s Gotchas Each week, Gordy provides us with a quiz question. The Lion who can telephone Gordy at 355-0566 first with the correct answer will be recognized as the winner in our next Chatter. This week’s question: Lion Bob Suter has had season tickets for Illini games for how many years? Answer: 4, 9, 12, 24, 45, 56, 66, 76, 104
Coming up June 13 – Richard Norris – Lincoln Challenge Greeters: Ed Tichenor and Ben Turpin June 20 - Jim Lorr – Urbana Acupuncture June 27 – To be announced Click here osborne@bankchampaign.comto email Charlie Osborne and let him know what you would like to see in a Lions Club program some time.
Thank you for watching Editor Rex Hess Publisher David Hunter To email Dave with your comments, click here → hunter4000@comcast.net To go to the our website, click here → http://www.champaignlions.org/