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Champaign Lion's Chatter. (Click here to go to our website). Call to Order – President Ted Gonsiorowski called the meeting to order and led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 6 February 2013.
Champaign Lion's Chatter (Click here to go to our website) Call to Order – President Ted Gonsiorowski called the meeting to order and led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 6 February 2013
Invocation – Dave Hunter : For this food, we thank Thee, Lord, for spirits high also. Let us be not the chill that Feb doth wear, nor wind that March doth blow, nor april’s tears, but sunny May our faces ever show. Amen. Vittles – Beef stroganoff, noodles, mixed vegetables, salad and toppings, rolls and butter, Tirimutsu cake, tea and coffee.
Attendance – 23 members, 2 visitors. Guests –Larry Bowden,husband of Fonda;
Rich Suchomski (Pronounced “Suhumski”), friend and neighbor of Dave Hunter. Rich is a food broker who works from home. Birthdays – There were no birthdays.
Lions Report – Floyd Gordon reported that Lew Laymon has moved to Bickford Cottage, 1002 S. Staley Rd, Champaign. If you are ill or know a fellow Lion that is under the weather, please call Pat Bryan at 586-4535.
Announcements – Lions of Illinois Foundation Diabetes Awareness Campaign is March 1 through May 31. The Board decided the club would participate if a member is willing to chair the effort. If not, the club will continue to focus on our regular events.
Calendar events coming up: District 1 - E Leaders Forum is March 2013; Tootsie Pop Days – May 10-11, 2013 – Weldon Garrelts, Chair; State Convention - May 19-20 2013; Hearing bus - June 2013 – Marvin Paulsen, Chair; Walk for Sight - June 9 at Mattoon.
We have a challenge for ‘beep ball’ at the Walk for Sight. Rich King, Paul Kunkel and Marvin Paulsen will serve as delegates for the District Cabinet Meeting/Convention February 24. Please fill out your copy of the Lions Club survey. The club voted to buy 5 Calendars; the money goes to the Lions Humanitarian Fund.
Program – Business Meeting. Secretary Fonda Bowden read the minutes of the February Board Meeting: Karl Drake presented the Treasurer’s report. The General Fund has $4,514.76, the Charities Fund has $8,080.42 and the Endowment Fund as $2,865.64. The reports were approved as presented. Karl reported he has received several bills for eye exams and wondered why he has not received vouchers for the glasses. Charlie Osborne, Program Chair, said he needs programs for the February 20 and 27 meetings.
Membership & activities: David Lin, Jay Hoeflinger and Sam McGrew recommended a two-part plan to recruit members. 1) Continue to invite potential members to lunch programs. In addition invite them to participate in some of the community services with us so they can get to know us and learn about the things we do. 2) New members will be asked to commit to 3-years and commit to participate in club events, such as candy day, tootsie pop day or other club event where member participation is needed. If they do, their dues will be $40 for the first year, $80 for the second year and $160 the third year. This plan will begin for the period January 2013 through January 2016. The motion was approved by the Board. Fonda received an email from Herb Bail reporting that he collected 337 pair of glasses for January. Other business: We need delegates to attend the District Cabinet Meeting/Convention February 24. Immediately following the cabinet meeting there will be a “convention” group convened to vote on 1-B & 1-K combining. Walk for Sight - February 25 is the next planning meeting at Arcola. June 9 is the date of the event at Mattoon. The Board decided to check to see if anyone is willing to represent our club at the planning meeting. Jay Hoeflinger has agreed to chair the Sight & Sound Sweepstakes. See Jay to receive your booklets to sell. First prize is $5,000. Birdies for Charity, a fundraising program of the Lions of Illinois Foundation where monetary pledges are made for every birdie made in the John Deere Golf Classic and those funds are matched by 5% to 8%. If our club is to participate we need someone to chair and promote it.
She has lived here for many years and grew up on a farm outside of Broadlands. Her brother still farms the family farm,
Her sister is a nurse at Provena Medical Center. Kathy lived with her sister for several years and is close to her nephew.
She was a Court reporter, later worked for the Hatch, Blockman and McPheters Law office and then worked for 20 years at the University. Fonda was her supervisor. Kathy is now retired.
and helps teach a puppy class. Her dog is a hound named Gerald and he is spoiled. She takes him to a class called “sniffer,” in which owners play a game with their dogs where the dogs find various items by sniffing them out. Kathy goes out with a ladies group called the “Red Hatters.”
She goes to all the home football and basketball games and loves to go to auctions and antique shows.
Tail Twister – Tom Yaxley asked Pedro Heller to carry the bucket.
Gordie Gordon for not allowing him, Tom the Tail Twister, to win;
Coming up Greeter: Bob Tuchel Feb 20 To be announced. Click here osborne@bankchampaign.com to email Charlie Osborne and let him know what you would like to see in a Lions Club program some time. Feb 13 - Don Bergfield (Parkland) - Exploring Agriculture in other countries
Thank you for watching Editor Fonda Bowden Publisher David Hunter To email Dave with your comments, click here → hunter4000@comcast.net To go to the our website, click here → http://www.champaignlions.org/