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Behandling av h gt blodtryck vid diabetes mellitus Bo Carlberg Med Klin Norrlands Universitetssjukhus Ume

H?gt blodtryck vid typ-2-diabetes. F?rekomstMetabola effekter av blodtryckss?nkande l?kemedelFinns det anledning att behandla h?gt blodtryck hos diabetiker medd andra l?kemedel ?n hos icke-diabetiker?ALLHATMetaanalys BPLTTCHur mycket skall blodtrycket s?nkas?ACE-h?mmare eller ARB vid diabetes

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Behandling av h gt blodtryck vid diabetes mellitus Bo Carlberg Med Klin Norrlands Universitetssjukhus Ume

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    1. Behandling av högt blodtryck vid diabetes mellitus Bo Carlberg Med Klin Norrlands Universitetssjukhus Umeå

    2. Högt blodtryck vid typ-2-diabetes Förekomst Metabola effekter av blodtryckssänkande läkemedel Finns det anledning att behandla högt blodtryck hos diabetiker medd andra läkemedel än hos icke-diabetiker? ALLHAT Metaanalys BPLTTC Hur mycket skall blodtrycket sänkas? ACE-hämmare eller ARB vid diabetesnefropati? Riktlinjer

    3. Förekomst av Hypertoni i olika åldrar och länder

    4. Behandlingseffekt: betydelse av diabetes

    5. Metabola effekter av diuretika-betablockare

    6. ALPINE Design

    7. ALPINE Mean of S-insulin at baseline and change at 12 months (mlU/L)

    8. ALPINE Mean of P-glucose at baseline and change at 12 months (mmol/L)

    9. Mean change of 2-h OGTT in a sub-sample from baseline to 12 months

    10. Mean change of lipids from baseline to 12 months

    11. Lägre nyinsjuknande i typ 2-diabetes med ACE-hämmare och ARB Studie n Terapi År uppföljning % Nyinsjuknande Absolut skillnad INSIGHT 6 321 CCB vs D 3,5 5,4 vs 7,0 –1,6 NORDIL 10 164 CCB vs BB/D 4,5 4,3 vs 4,9 –0,6 ALLHAT 24 283 CCB vs D 4,8 9,8 vs 11,6 –1,8 HOPE 5 720 ACEI vs P 4,5 3,6 vs 5,4 –1,8 ALLHAT 24 289 ACEI vs D 4,8 8,1 vs 11,6 –3,5 CAPPP 10 985 ACEI vs BB/D 6,1 6,5 vs 7,3 –0,8 SCOPE 4 937 ARB vs P/D 3,7 4,3 vs 5,3 –1,0 ALPINE 388 ARB vs D 1,0 0,5 vs 4,1 –3,6 LIFE 7 998 ARB vs BB 4,8 6,0 vs 8,0 –2,0 VALUE 15 745 ARB vs CCB 4,2 13,1 vs 16,4 –3,3

    12. Hur påverkar dessa metabola bieffekter insjuknaden i hjärtkärlsjukdom? ALLHAT BPLTTC SHEP Finns det anledning att behandla diabetikers höga blodtryck med andra läkemedel än icke-diabetiker? Finns anledning att behandla diabetikers blodtryck intensivare än icke-diabetiker?

    13. Randomized Design of ALLHAT Participants were men and women, age = 55 years, who had Stage 1 or Stage 2 hypertension with at least one additional risk factor for CHD events. Randomized participants were assigned to receive amlodipine, chlorthalidone, doxazosin, or lisinopril as their initial study antihypertensive drug. Participants with LDL-cholesterol values in the eligible range and who were otherwise eligible for the lipid-lowering component were randomized to 40 mg/day of pravastatin or usual care. This presentation focuses on the antihypertensive component of ALLHAT. Participants were men and women, age = 55 years, who had Stage 1 or Stage 2 hypertension with at least one additional risk factor for CHD events. Randomized participants were assigned to receive amlodipine, chlorthalidone, doxazosin, or lisinopril as their initial study antihypertensive drug. Participants with LDL-cholesterol values in the eligible range and who were otherwise eligible for the lipid-lowering component were randomized to 40 mg/day of pravastatin or usual care. This presentation focuses on the antihypertensive component of ALLHAT.

    14. Diabetes Incidence Among participants without diabetes at baseline, diabetes incidence was higher among participants randomized to chlorthalidone than among those randomized to doxazosin (9.5% vs 4.7% at 2 years, 10.6% vs 8.8% at 4 years).Among participants without diabetes at baseline, diabetes incidence was higher among participants randomized to chlorthalidone than among those randomized to doxazosin (9.5% vs 4.7% at 2 years, 10.6% vs 8.8% at 4 years).

    15. Combined CVD risk was 20% higher (4 year rates of 28.6 vs. 25.1/100) among participants randomized to doxazosin compared to chlorthalidone.Combined CVD risk was 20% higher (4 year rates of 28.6 vs. 25.1/100) among participants randomized to doxazosin compared to chlorthalidone.

    16. Final Results Confirm That for Doxazosin / Chlorthalidone: 20% ? risk of combined CVD 80% ? risk of heart failure 26% ? risk of stroke No difference for CHD or for total mortality These final results confirm that for doxazosin vs chlorthalidone: 20% ? risk of combined CVD 80% ? risk of heart failure 26% ? risk of stroke No difference for CHD or for total mortality There is increased risk for some CV events for doxazosin in spite of lower total cholesterol and lower fasting glucose. These final results confirm that for doxazosin vs chlorthalidone: 20% ? risk of combined CVD 80% ? risk of heart failure 26% ? risk of stroke No difference for CHD or for total mortality There is increased risk for some CV events for doxazosin in spite of lower total cholesterol and lower fasting glucose.

    17. Randomized Design of ALLHAT Participants were men and women, age = 55 years, who had Stage 1 or Stage 2 hypertension with at least one additional risk factor for CHD events. Randomized participants were assigned to receive amlodipine, chlorthalidone, doxazosin, or lisinopril as their initial study antihypertensive drug. Participants with LDL-cholesterol values in the eligible range and who were otherwise eligible for the lipid-lowering component were randomized to 40 mg/day of pravastatin or usual care. This presentation focuses on the antihypertensive component of ALLHAT. Participants were men and women, age = 55 years, who had Stage 1 or Stage 2 hypertension with at least one additional risk factor for CHD events. Randomized participants were assigned to receive amlodipine, chlorthalidone, doxazosin, or lisinopril as their initial study antihypertensive drug. Participants with LDL-cholesterol values in the eligible range and who were otherwise eligible for the lipid-lowering component were randomized to 40 mg/day of pravastatin or usual care. This presentation focuses on the antihypertensive component of ALLHAT.

    18. Biochemical Results – Fasting Glucose – mmol/l (±SD) The respective mean fasting serum glucose levels at baseline were 123.5, 123.1, and 122.9 mg/dL (6.9, 6.8 and 6.8 mmol/L); at 4 years, the respective mean levels were 126.3, 123.7, and 121.5 mg/dL (7.0, 6.9, and 6.7 mmol/L). The comparison of the lisinopril and chlorthalidone groups was statistically significant at p<.05. Among individuals classified as nondiabetic at baseline, with baseline fasting serum glucose less than 126 mg/dl (7.0 mmol/L), incidence of diabetes (fasting serum glucose ?126 mg/dl) at four years was 11.6%, 9.8%, and 8.1%, respectively. Both comparisons with the chlorthalidone group were statistically significant at p<.05. The respective mean fasting serum glucose levels at baseline were 123.5, 123.1, and 122.9 mg/dL (6.9, 6.8 and 6.8 mmol/L); at 4 years, the respective mean levels were 126.3, 123.7, and 121.5 mg/dL (7.0, 6.9, and 6.7 mmol/L). The comparison of the lisinopril and chlorthalidone groups was statistically significant at p<.05. Among individuals classified as nondiabetic at baseline, with baseline fasting serum glucose less than 126 mg/dl (7.0 mmol/L), incidence of diabetes (fasting serum glucose ?126 mg/dl) at four years was 11.6%, 9.8%, and 8.1%, respectively. Both comparisons with the chlorthalidone group were statistically significant at p<.05.

    19. Biochemical Results – Fasting Glucose – mmol/l (±SD) The respective mean fasting serum glucose levels at baseline were 123.5, 123.1, and 122.9 mg/dL (6.9, 6.8 and 6.8 mmol/L); at 4 years, the respective mean levels were 126.3, 123.7, and 121.5 mg/dL (7.0, 6.9, and 6.7 mmol/L). The comparison of the lisinopril and chlorthalidone groups was statistically significant at p<.05. Among individuals classified as nondiabetic at baseline, with baseline fasting serum glucose less than 126 mg/dl (7.0 mmol/L), incidence of diabetes (fasting serum glucose ?126 mg/dl) at four years was 11.6%, 9.8%, and 8.1%, respectively. Both comparisons with the chlorthalidone group were statistically significant at p<.05. The respective mean fasting serum glucose levels at baseline were 123.5, 123.1, and 122.9 mg/dL (6.9, 6.8 and 6.8 mmol/L); at 4 years, the respective mean levels were 126.3, 123.7, and 121.5 mg/dL (7.0, 6.9, and 6.7 mmol/L). The comparison of the lisinopril and chlorthalidone groups was statistically significant at p<.05. Among individuals classified as nondiabetic at baseline, with baseline fasting serum glucose less than 126 mg/dl (7.0 mmol/L), incidence of diabetes (fasting serum glucose ?126 mg/dl) at four years was 11.6%, 9.8%, and 8.1%, respectively. Both comparisons with the chlorthalidone group were statistically significant at p<.05.

    21. ALLHAT

    22. ALLHAT Patienter som behandlades med doxazosin, amlodipin eller lisinopril utvecklade mindre ofta diabetes än chlortalidionbehandlade. Däremot gav dessa behandlingar inte färre kardiovakulära komplikationer är klortalidon.

    23. Effects of Different Blood Pressure-Lowering Regimens on Major Cardiovascular Events in Individuals With and Without Diabetes Mellitus BPLTTC Arch Intern Med 2005;165:1410-1419 Effekten av blodtrycksläkemedel på hjärt-kärlsjukdom Mer /mindre intensiv behandling Skillnad mellan olika läkemedel diabetiker vs icke-diabetiker 27 studier, 33 000 diabetiker, 125 000 icke-diabetiker Metaanalyser

    24. Stroke 0 ACEh-placebo ACEh - D/BB CaA-placebo CaA - D/BB Mer/mindre ACEh - CaA

    25. Hjärtinfarkt 0 ACEh-placebo ACEh - D/BB CaA-placebo CaA - D/BB Mer/mindre ACEh - CaA

    26. Hjärtsvikt 0 ACEh-placebo ACEh - D/BB CaA-placebo CaA - D/BB Mer/mindre ACEh - CaA

    27. ARB


    29. ACE-h - Placebo ACEh möjligen effektivare vid DM att förhindra Hjärt-kärldöd Total dödlighet

    30. Intensivare behandling - mindre intensiv Möjligen mer effektiv hos diabetiker i att förhindra Hjärt-kärlsjukdomar Hjärt-kärldöd

    31. BPLTTC Effekterna av de olika blodtryckssänkande läkemedelsgrupperna var tämligen jämförbara för diabetiker jämfört med icke-diabetiker. Möjligen har diabetiker mer nytta av intensivare behandling än icks-diabetiker

    32. SHEP Systolic Hypertension in the Elderly Program JAMA 1991;265:3255-3264 4732 patienter med ISH Klortalidon 12,5 - 25 mg + atenolol/reserpin vid behov Dubbelblind placebokontrollerad behandling under 4,3 år BT aktiv 155/71 mmHg placebo 144/68 mmHg

    33. SHEP - Diabetes JAMA 1996;276:1886-1892 Kardiovaskulära Händelser Aktiv behandl - Placebo Relativ risk (95% CI) NNT 5 år Diabetiker (n=683) 0,66 (0,55-0,79) 10 Ej Diabetiker (n=4149) 0.66 (0.46-0.94) 20

    34. Systolic Hypertension in the elderly trial Am J Cardiol 2005;95:29-95 4732 patienter med ISH Klortalidon 12,5 - 25 mg + atenolol/reserpin vid behov Dubbelblind placebokontrollerad behandling under 4,3 år Uppföljning 10 år senare (s:a 14,3 år)

    35. SHEP

    36. SHEP Risk (HR, 95% CI) för hjärt-kärldöd efter 14,3 år DM före start/no DM 1,66 (1.12-1.95) “ - diuretika/placebo 0.69 (0.53-0.85) DM under studien - jfr m icke diabetiker -”- diuretikabeh 1,04 (0,75-1,46) -”- placebobeh 1,56 (1,12-2,18)

    37. Behandling av högt blodtryck vid hos diabetiker För att förebygga hjärt-kärlsjukdom Kombinationen diuretika/betablockerare har negativa effekter på glukosmetabolismen. Om detta medför negativa effekter på lång sikt för patienten är ännu oklart Val av antihypertensivt läkemedel som hos icke-diabetiker. (Möjligen viss fördel för ACE-hämmare) Mer intensiv behandling förefaller viktigare hos diabetiker än hos icke-diabetiker

    38. Är ARB (Angiotensinreceptorblockerare) bättre än ACE-hämmare vid diabetesnefropati?

    39. Diabetesnefropathi Effects of ACE inhibitors and ARB on mortality and renal outcomes in diabetic nephropathy: systematic review Strippoli et al BMJ 2004;329:828-38 Typ1 och typ 2 diabetes, nefropathi 36 studier (4008 patienter) ACEh - Placebo 4 studier (3331 patienter) ARB - Placebo 3 studier (206 patienter ) ARB - ACE

    40. ACE-hämmare - Placebo Fördubbling av S-Krea ESRD (End stage renal disease)

    41. ARB - Placebo

    42. Effects of ACE inhibitors and ARB on mortality and renal outcomes in diabetic nephropathy: systematic review Strippoli et al BMJ 2004;329:828-38 ACEh ARB

    43. DETAIL Diabetics Exposed to Telmisartan and Enalapril study Barnett AH et al. NEJM 2004;351:1952-61 250 typ 2 diabetiker Minst mikroalbuminuri, S-Krea <141umol/l Mild-måttlig hypertoni 5 år

    44. DETAIL Diabetics Exposed to Telmisartan and Enalapril study Barnett AH et al. NEJM 2004;351:1952-61

    45. ESH/ESC riktlinjer för totalriskhantering: Hantering av blodtryck vid diabetes DM typ 2 eller typ 1 med mikroalbuminuri Upprepade BT =140/90 mmHg Behandlingsmål <130/80 mmHg

    46. I genomsnitt sänker ett läkemedel blodtrycket med c:a 10/5 mm Hg Metaanalys av 347 randomiserade placebokontrollerade studier. 56 000 patienter Law MR et al BMJ 2003:326:1427-33

    47. Dagskostnad Blodtryckssänkande behandling 2005-09-30 www.lfn.se

    48. Blodtrycksmätning hod diabetiker 28 diabetiker vid Vännäs Vårdcentral BT-mätning cross-over i randomiserad ordning Liggande arm i hjärthöjd 162/90 mmHg Sittande hängande arm 159/94 mmHg Sittande arm i hjärthöjd 152/84 mmHg Roger Jonsson, Vännäs VC

    49. Sammmanfattning Diabetiker har större nytta av blodtrycksbehandling än icke-diabetiker Behandlingen bör vara intensivare Vid diabetesnefropati förefaller ACE-hämmare fungera minst lika bra som ARB För övrigt finns få anledningar att behandla diabetikers blodtryck med andra läkemedel än icke-diabetiker

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