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Professional Development

Professional Development. GOSOSY Professional Development for OSY Instructors: One-on-One and Small Group Instruction. www.osymigrant.org. Acknowledgements. GOSOSY Professional Development Group and Contributors

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Professional Development

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  1. Professional Development GOSOSY Professional Development for OSY Instructors: One-on-One and Small Group Instruction www.osymigrant.org

  2. Acknowledgements GOSOSY Professional Development Group and Contributors • Lysandra Alexander (PA); Susanna Bartee (KS); OdiliaCoffta (NY); Joan Geraci (NJ); Tracie Kalic (KS); Sabrina Pineda (GA); Kiowa Rogers (NE) • GOSOSY PD Reviewers and Technical Support Team members and the State Steering Support Team www.osymigrant.org

  3. Purpose This module will instruct you on teaching strategies to use with your OSY in one-to-one or small group settings. www.osymigrant.org

  4. Tips & Techniques • Relax and be yourself • Establish rapport • Respect your students • Maintain confidentiality • Be sensitive to individual needs • Be informative without being intimidating • Be positive – praise students’ efforts and successes • Encourage independent learning (teach them to fish) • Be patient • Use effective questioning (ask rather than give answers) • Be flexible • Focus on “learning how to learn” • Be a good listener www.osymigrant.org

  5. Questions to Ask Yourself: Before Instruction • What does my student or group already know? • What does my student or group need to know? • What does my student or group hope to learn? • How can I best meet the needs of my student or group without giving the answer? • How can I conduct myself so I make the learning experience a positive one? www.osymigrant.org

  6. Comparing Instructional Settings One-on-One Small Group Students may interact more with each other, less with instructor Multiple abilities and backgrounds require adjusted pacing Goals are designed for the general needs of the group Allows for multiple perspectives and approaches • Time allows the individual student to ask specific questions • Student is instructed and lessons paced at his/her level • Goals are established to meet the individual student’s needs • Allows for individual perspectives and approaches www.osymigrant.org

  7. Tips for One-on-One Instruction • Keep your lesson real and relatable • Help students apply learning to their daily life • Make sure to vary your approach to keep it fresh • Utilize humor • Tailor lessons to student’s interests or needs • Foster independent learning • Pause frequently and wait for student to respond to questions www.osymigrant.org

  8. Tips for One-on-One Instruction (continued) • Encourage creativity • Assess through games • Seek feedback (ask the student whether he or she is finding the lessons valuable and how to improve) • Cater the lesson to the student’s learning style • For more information on identifying a student‘s learning style and strategies for that style, click on the link below • Using Differentiation Strategies When Working with Various Learning Styles www.osymigrant.org

  9. Considerations for one-on-one instruction • An advantage of working one on one is the ability to differentiate or personalize the lesson • Consider the background and life experiences of the OSY • Each OSY brings unique strengths • Each OSY also has different educational needs / learning styles • The same lesson may need to be presented in different ways to meet the individual needs of each OSY • Technology can be an effective tool for extending learning, but prioritize the teacher-student interaction whenever possible • Using Differentiation Strategies When Working with Various Learning Styles www.osymigrant.org

  10. Considerations for one-on-one instruction • Creating an effective learning environment is key when working one on one with OSY • Consider safety • Ensure that instructor / student interactions are consistently professional • Focus on education rather than social conversations • Be aware that there may be distractions even when working one on one • For Additional Information, see Creating an Effective Learning Environment www.osymigrant.org

  11. Tips for Small Group Instruction • Make sure everyone in the group gets a chance to participate • Use a circular seating arrangement • Provide opportunities for quiet/shy students to speak • Ensure that every student can see the instructor and materials • Be aware of students’ abilities and adjust lesson as needed • For more strategies on teaching a group of students with different ability levels, see the link below • Using Differentiation Strategies When Working with Various Learning Styles www.osymigrant.org

  12. Tips for Small Group Instruction • Pair students with strong skills with students whose skills are developing • Have students explain answers, concepts and definitions to each other • Summarize everyone’s contribution www.osymigrant.org

  13. Considerations for small group instruction • There are many advantages to working in small groups: • Students can learn from one another • Instructors can prepare materials to accommodate different ability levels • Technology can be utilized to differentiate within a small group setting. • If a student already understands the concept you are presenting, technology can be a tool to challenge the student in another area. • If a student is struggling, technology can be a tool to reinforce the skill the other students have already mastered. • Within the same lesson, one or more student can utilize • Using Differentiation Strategies When Working with Various Learning Styles www.osymigrant.org

  14. Considerations for one-on-one instruction • Creating an effective learning environment is key when working with OSY in small groups • Consider safety • Ensure that instructor / student interactions are consistently professional • Focus on education rather than social conversations • Be aware that there may be distractions even when working one on one • For Additional Information, see Creating an Effective Learning Environment www.osymigrant.org

  15. After InstructionQuestions to Ask Yourself • Did I build on what my student or group already knew? • Did I address what my student or group needed to know? • Did I meet my student or group’s learning objectives? • Did I support the needs of my student or group without giving the answers? • Did I make the learning experience a positive one? www.osymigrant.org

  16. After InstructionQuestions to Ask Yourself • How did student(s) feel about the learning session? • How did student(s) respond to the topic of the lesson? • How do I need to modify my lesson next time? • What instructional materials could I bring next time? • For more information on planning and evaluating lessons, see the link below • OSY Instructional Action Plan www.osymigrant.org

  17. Success in Action “Every new lesson offers another step to success” - Terry Mark www.osymigrant.org

  18. Participant Feedback • Fill out the GOSOSY online evaluation below: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PGY5NK5 Facilitator follow-up questions for group training: • What did you learn? • What did you find most helpful or beneficial? • How will you be using this with your youth? • What recommendations do you have for future training? www.osymigrant.org

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