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15 Awards for Best Teachers From Early Childhood Education to Higher Secondary. Survey - WTD 2010. World Teachers Day 2010 Teachers and Education in Emergencies in Pakistan Date _____________ Name ________________________________________________________ Gender: Female Male
15 Awards for Best Teachers From Early Childhood Education to Higher Secondary
Survey - WTD 2010 World Teachers Day 2010 Teachers and Education in Emergencies in Pakistan Date _____________ Name ________________________________________________________ Gender: Female Male Institution Name ________________________________________________________________________ Designation ___________________________________________________________________________ Class/Grade Taught (Katchi to XII) _________________ Location Urban Rural City __________________________ District ________________________ Village ________________________ Province _______________________ Q1 - What type of emergencies have you experienced? Q2- Are you aware of the National Professional Standards (NPS) 2009 Yes No If No please visit the following website for further information: www.ipl.edu.pk; www.moe.gov.pk; www.unesco.org.pk
Presentation- Interactive Dialogic • The Scope and Scale of Current Emergency • Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi’s (ITA); Emergencies & WTD 2004-2010 – facets of engagement • National Professional Standards & Education Policy Dimensions 2009 • International Dimensions of Minimum Standards in Emergencies & UN Resolution • ITA/PCE & Policy Inputs for 2010 Emergencies • Conflicts ..Peace Building in Emergencies • Open Forum for Recommendations
Scope of Emergencies in Pakistan Emergencies would be defined broadly and specifically including both the obvious and silent ones including: • Natural Disasters: Earthquakes; Floods; Environmentally induced accelerations; Dam overflows; Displacement (Short/medium/long) and targeted discriminatory actions • Conflict: Extremism; Talibanisation; terrorism; armed, sectarian and political violence; Post Conflict • Silent Emergencies: Single teacher schools (formal and non formal) with 100 plus multi-grade students
Natural Disasters in PakistanA Recurrent Reality .. Take Action NOW
2010 Pakistan Floods • The 2010 Pakistan floods began in July 2010 following heavy monsoon rains in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh, Punjab and Balochistan regions of Pakistan. • Over 4.5 percent land mass affected; over 2000 deaths; 21 million affected & 1.9 million homes destroyed/damaged. Livelihoods lost • Education: Over 6600 schools used as shelters ..but now decreasing: 9947 schools damaged- Need for temporary school structures and school supplies to ensure continuation of education. Out-of-school children and new entrants be enrolled. Provision of latrines; clean drinking water a priority. Capacity building of teachers and focal persons on psycho-social issues. (Source: UN OCHA Sit Rep. Sept. 29, 2010 http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/rwb.nsf/db900sid/MDCS-89SBJA/$File/full_report.pdf)
Possible Long Term Effects of Emergencies • Food • Floods have submerged 17 million acres (69,000 km2) of Pakistan's most fertile crop land, have killed 200,000 herd of livestock and have washed away massive amounts of grain. A major concern is that farmers will be unable to meet the fall deadline for planting new seeds in 2010, which implies a massive loss of food production in 2011, and potential long term food shortages • Infrastructure • Floods have damaged an estimated 2,433 miles of highway and 3,508 miles (5,646 km) of railway; bridges; schools; health facilities other public facilities with heavy implications for costs of rebuilding. • Taliban insurgency ( one emergency builds on another one) • The flood will divert Pakistani military forces from fighting the Pakistani Taliban insurgents (TTP) in the northwest because they will be needed to help in the relief effort. It is feared that this will allow Taliban fighters to regroup. • Two emergencies may conflate – natural disasters and conflict- both make women/girls/children and households very vulnerable
Potential Long Term Effects • Political effects • Floods have political consequences due to public perception of governance inefficacies and if not addressed in a timely manner especially with fight against terrorism going on in Pakistan, it might lead to future political unrest. • Economic effects • On 7 September 2010, the International Labour Organization reported that more than 5.3 million jobs have been lost due to the floods, emphasizing that "productive and labor intensive job creation programmes are urgently needed to lift millions of people out of poverty that has been aggravated by flood damage". • The GDP growth rate is expected to be just 2.5% and may be lower due to the floods
ITA’s Work in Emergencies & WTD 2004-2010 • ITA has strategic networks across all provinces and areas of Pakistan: viz., the Pakistan Coalition for Education (PCE), Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) Pakistan, and the Pakistan Education Leadership Institute (PELI) alumni-(160) – these are ITA’s Emergency Response Partnerships – modest but powerful • 2005 Earthquake ITA worked in AJK; in 2009 in Swabi/host communities; 2010 Floods in 9 districts through partners(6) volunteers (100) at local grass roots level in Pakistan /AJK. • ITA has extensive experience in Emergency Response, implementation and policy inputs with a focus on multi-sectoral needs of relief, health, hygiene, protection, education and reconstruction- innovations Healing & Learning Centres. • On August 17, 2010 ITA sent out a policy brief on Education in Emergencies to all policy stakeholders across Pakistan
ITA and WTD Themes : 2004-2010 • Elevating the Status of Teachers in Pakistan and the World – through capabilities in Knowledge; Attitudes and Learning Transactions – UNESCO/ILO Recommendations 1966; 1997 • Theme based WTD October 5, since 2004- Social Dialogues; Surveys and Policy Inputs thru. teachers’ recommendations • 2004: Tribute to my teacher - finest moments in Learning • 2005 : My best & challenging moments during my profession • 2006: On Science Education & Standards • 2006 : On Accreditation Systems • 2007: On Quality Assurance & Audits • 2008:On Modalities and Spaces for Professional Development - Networks ICTs & Resource Centers • 2009: National Professional Standards(NPS)2009- in classrooms • 2010: Teachers & Education in Emergencies ITA Launched in 2008 the WTD Anita Ghulam Ali Teachers’ Award – 3 years. 2010 WTD Award “ Teachers & Education in Emergencies” 15 Awards - Supported by many including Surf Excel - a civil society initiative
International Network of Education In Emergencies (INEE) - the best Collaborative Network & Public Service 4000+ Members .. World wide • INEE an open, global network of practitioners and policy makers working together to ensure all persons have the right to quality education and a safe learning environment in emergencies and post-crisis recovery. Website: http://www.ineesite.org/ • Many open source toolkits/handbooks available to the public and support as required - inputs to policy makers – very important tools for teachers in emergencies – practical and adaptable to local contexts : http://www.ineesite.org/index.php/post/tools_launches2010 • The tools can be adapted and incorporated in national professional, peace/citizenship & re-construction standards • Principles of engagement with Education in Emergencies
What is Education in Emergencies? Education in Emergencies is: Education that protects the well-being, fosters learning opportunities, and nurtures the overall development of people affected by conflicts and disasters Education is a right!
Education in Emergencies- Why this is Important – Dimensions • Wars, natural disasters and displacements deny generations the knowledge and opportunities that education can provide. Education in emergencies, chronic crises and early reconstruction must be seen in a broad context; • it is education that protects the well being, fosters learning opportunities, and nurtures the overall development (social, emotional, cognitive, physical) of people affected.
Education As A Right • Education is a right. Articulated in various international humanitarian and human rights instruments, including the Geneva Conventions,.. in times of war,.. the Convention of the Rights of the Child, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN Resolution on Education in Emergencies on July 9, 2010, many regional human rights instruments and many regional human rights instruments.
Education As a Necessity • Education in emergencies is a necessity that can be both life-sustaining and life-saving, providing physical, psychosocial and cognitive protection. • It saves lives by directly protecting against exploitation and harm, and by disseminating key survival messages, such as landmine safety or HIV/AIDS prevention. • It sustains life by offering structure, stability and hope for the future during a time of crisis, particularly for children and adolescents, and provides essential building blocks for future economic stability. It also helps to heal bad experiences by building skills, and supporting conflict resolution and peace-building.
Education As a Lifeline – Priortized by Communities • Education is prioritized by communities and offers a lifeline to them. Communities often start up some kind of education/school themselves during an emergency. However, maintaining this during a crisis is difficult when there is less local capacity and resources.
Education Innovations – Assistance & Opportunities to Build Back Better • In emergencies, increased assistance and innovative programs offer opportunities to build back better education systems and improve the Quality and Access to education. E.g. • New schools not primary but only elementary; • New schools with inclusive principles of ACCESS eg. Ramps for the challenged in critical places • More focus on girls education at primary and post primary levels • More sensitive, learner centred & inclusive teacher training • Engaging with Communities in all key decisions in rebuilding a more progressive education system for ALL
GENDER Pocket Guide – Its importance? : http://www.ineesite.org/index.php/post/tools_launches2010
Key Principles of Gender Equality Programming Gender dynamics impact on education Gender is not just about girls Gender-responsive education is protective Disaggregated data is non-negotiable Involve male and female learners in working towards gender equality Gender is a cross-sectoral issue Anyone can champion gender equality in education
Adopted July 9, 2010 “Right to Education for Emergency” • Education in all stages of humanitarian response • Urges Member States to implement strategies and policies to ensure and support the realization of the right to education as an integral element of humanitarian assistance and humanitarian response, …… • Requests Member States to ensure that the best possible systems of education are in place, … allocation of sufficient resources, the appropriate adaptation of curricula and training of teachers, the implementation of risk assessments, disaster preparedness programmes in schools, the legal framework for protection, and health and basic social services, so as to withstand emergencies;
Safe and protective educational environment • Ensure access to education in emergency situations to all affected populations, accordance with their obligations under international law and without discrimination of any kind; • Urges all parties to armed conflict to fulfil their obligations under international law, …..including to respect civilians, including students and educational personnel, to respect civilian objects such as educational institutions and to refrain from the recruitment of children into armed forces or groups,
To Ensure that disaster risk and safety considerations are factored into all phases of the planning, design, construction and reconstruction of educational facilities, through the consideration,… of… “Minimum standards for education: preparedness, response, recovery”. • Support for education, to specifically address the gender-specific needs of girls in emergency contexts, including their increased vulnerability to gender-based violence; • To allocate sufficient technical expertise to enhance, ..data collection on and documentation of the impact of emergencies on the access of children and young people to quality education, disaggregated by age and gender, …. • To implement gender-sensitive policies and programme interventions,
Reconstruction and post-emergency situations • To provide quality education in emergency situations that is gender-sensitive, centered on learners, rights-based, protective, adaptable, inclusive, participatory and reflective of the specific living conditions of children and youth and that pays due regard, as appropriate, to their linguistic and cultural identity, …foster tolerance and mutual understanding and respect for the human rights of others; • To ensure Peace processes and agreements and post-conflict recovery, peacemaking and peace-building efforts, as well as reconstruction planning, are sensitive to the special and specific needs of women, children and youth and include specific measures for the protection of civilians, including the facilitation of early access to education, learning and training, and to ensure the participation of women, children and youth in those processes; • To ensure the facilitation of early access to education and training for children and adults in secure and friendly environments in the aftermath of emergencies, including through the implementation of specific related measures in early recovery initiatives, peacemaking and peace-building processes, capacity-building strategies, the participation of children and youth and the mobilization and prioritization of human, technical and financial resources;
The importance of political will and financing • To support the … developing countries to ensure that all children have access to and complete free and compulsory primary education of good quality, to eliminating gender inequality and imbalances and to renewing efforts to improve the education of girls, and to continuing to support the efforts of developing countries in the implementation of the Education for All initiative, including with enhanced resources of all types… • States as primary duty-bearers, to ensure the realization of the right to education in all phases of emergency situations, … that meets the essential needs of the affected populations, recognizing the role of the donor community and humanitarian agencies …; • Donors and ..the private sector and all concerned individuals and institutions to continue to support diverse humanitarian funding channels and to consider increasing their contributions to education programmes …..as a means of ensuring adequate, timely, predictable, flexible and needs-based resources;
ITA/PCE Early Call to Policy Stakeholders For Action on Education in Emergencies • An Urgent Need for Children’s access to text books at the appropriate grade level in flood ravaged areas. Without textbooks there is hardly any way of reviving and rehabilitating the educational processes of the affected students. The procedures and regulations involved in text books printing and publishing are complicated and time taking and there are only 20 weeks left until Feb/March annual examinations. • Assessment and support for learning packs to suit different levels of & grades in education, pre primary, primary, middle and high. • Assessment of Damaged /Destroyed Buildings of both public and especially non-elite private education institutions is imperative to ensure early recovery of education systems.(Private sector up to 40-50%): Construction through all PARTNERS on an URGENT BASIS • Support for displaced teachers / shortage of teachers is critical as more children may be enrolled in schools on a temporary basis with displaced and affected being adjusted in large proportions.
Early Call for Action on Education in Emergencies by ITA –PCE • Girls’ education needs focus and appropriate planning at all stages for access, equity and quality NOW! This mammoth emergency puts the issue of girls’ education and serious lack of enrolment in sharp relief in several districts • ..An appropriate time to immediately take a principled policy action on upgrading major number of facilities from primary to middle and middle to secondary levels but particularly to middle levels for girls,…All primary schools as per the National Education Policy 2009 have to be upgraded to middle level to bridge the massive transition gaps for both girls and boys. • Facilities to be sensitively built with standards for inclusive education for the challenged.
Early Call for Action on Education in Emergencies by ITA –PCE • Health and hygiene issues immense with disease outbreaks due to water borne diseases in the aftermath of floods and rains which will have to be addressed at the level of the displaced affected communities/families and importantly at education sites. Extensive programs on Water & Environment Sanitation Health (WASH) should be introduced widely across schools serving as shelters to wider communities. • Continuity in academic program after the end of EID but through a relaxed non-threatening assessment system for the affected children.
Early Call for Action on Education in Emergencies by ITA –PCE • Education cannot be merely a provincial subject; it must be devolved to the district levels. Shutting down local governments without public dialogue was detrimental to the education systems. We need cluster and union council level based administration systems where decisions can be taken at the school and cluster/UC level urgently. • Teachers/care givers and supporters to the programs of education are a core team for all stages of humanitarian response that need to be trained in the vision/concepts, skills and approaches entailed in this philosophy. Many agencies national and international can be mobilized multi-sectorally – for education, health – mental health, sanitation, and environment. • Scaling up the communication program on emergency preparedness, environmental preservation through virtual and distance learning including extensive use of radio and electronic media with adequate funding across both public and private sectors.
Early Call for Action on Education in Emergencies by ITA –PCE • The violation of child protection has been witnessed by many including some extreme cases of trafficking and giving up of children under the pretext for ‘protection’ by parents in this extreme situation. The protection standards in emergencies need to be urgently implemented in camps/shelters and in random communities. • This emergency cruelly highlights the urgency for a broader operational view of Basic Education through multiple formal and non-formal channels/delivery systems concurrently as the ultimate massive movement for EFA to include our currently excluded children and youth.
Let us not Forget Teachers .. In Education in Conflict & Post Conflict Areas • Pakistan continues to loose 100s of schools/education institutions due to conflict, Jihalat & violence in FATA/KPK and Balochistan Children/Teachers/Parents terrorised .. Withdrawing girls and boys - AN UNACCEPTABLE TREND.. • Education in conflict-affected received attention …at the Dakar World Education Forum meeting 2000 (Buckland, 2004; Tomlinson & Benefield, 2005). Since this meeting standards have been put in place through an extensive consultative process and the formation of the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE; 2004, p. 9). • The review of Education for All (EFA) in preparation for Dakar in 2000 revealed that the locations of the world with the least progress in basic education delivery were in countries affected by conflict and disaster.
Education & Conflict • “Education does not cause wars, nor does it end them”. • Education can help to reduce the impact of a conflict, but is only one part of post-conflict response and remains a development activity that requires a long-term vision. • Though education is often seen as Transformational its affects are built and revealed slowly through phased responses in local contexts • A fear in these floods that many students /families will flock to madrassas – free education, food, shelter – Action needed NOW! • Resource INEE on PEACE EDUCATION PROGRAM : http://www.ineesite.org/index.php/post/peace_education_programme/
Let us Not Forget the Silent Emergencies in Education • Single teacher schools (formal and non-formal) with 100 plus students in multi-grade classrooms or the shelterless schools across Pakistan
WTD 2010 Forum Open For: • Dialogue – • Discussion – • Sharing experiences of the affected educators/ teachers & • Recommendations