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$ HOW ME THE MONEY. Funding energy conservation, retrofitting and alternative energy projects. Local utilities and/or energy producers Government programs • L oans • G rants Private funding (foundation grants). LOCAL UTILITIES and/or ENERGY PRODUCERS. Funding Possibilities:

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  1. $HOW ME THE MONEY Funding energy conservation, retrofitting and alternative energy projects. • Local utilities and/or energy producers • Government programs • Loans • Grants • Private funding (foundation grants)

  2. LOCAL UTILITIES and/orENERGY PRODUCERS • Funding Possibilities: • Energy Audits • Energy saving measures • Alternative Energy

  3. GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS and OTHER FUNDING OPTIONS Alicia Stickney, from the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC), compiled a list of financial assistance programs. The complete list will be posted to the School Administrators of Montana (SAM) web-site.

  4. GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS and OTHER FUNDING OPTIONS DNRC Biomass/Fuels for Schools-Technical Assistance, Pre-Feasibility Assessments. Contact: Angela Farr, afarr@mt.gov 406-542-4239 http://dnrc.mt.gov/Forestry/Assistance/biomass/default.asp DNRC Conservation and Resource Development Renewable Resource Planning Grant-Funds for planning projects that conserve, manage, develop or protect renewable resources in Montana (due July 1 of odd years, $20,000 limit). Contact: Alicia Stickney, astickney@mt.gov 406-444-0547 DNRC Conservation and Resource Development Renewable Resource Grant and Loan-Funds for projects that conserve, manage, develop or protect renewable resources in Montana (due May 15 of even years, $100,000 limit).) Contact: Alicia Stickney, astickney@mt.gov 406-444-0547 http://dnrc.mt.gov/cardd/ResDevBureau/renewable_grant_program.asp DNRC Conservation Districts HB 223 Grants-Up to $15,000 http://dnrc.mt.gov/cardd/loans_grants/cdloangrants.asp#HB223 DEQ Alternative Energy Revolving Loan Program (AERLP)-Loan (up to 10 years) for alternative energy systems + energy conservation measures done in conjunction with an alternative energy project ($40,000 limit, 2008 rate 5%) Contact: Kathi Montgomery, kmontgomery@mt.gov 406-841-5243

  5. GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS and OTHER FUNDING OPTIONS Energy Performance Contracting (ESCO)-Schools enter into agreement with a private energy service company to identify and evaluate energy saving opportunities. The ESCO guarantees that savings meet or exceed annual payments to cover all project costs. If savings don’t occur, the ESCO pays the difference. DEQ Pre-qualified list at: http://www.deq.mt.gov/Energy/EESchool/ESCO.asp Montana Board of Investments-INTERCAP Loans. Contact Louise Welsh at 406-444-0891 LWelsh@mt.gov http://www.investmentmt.com/Programs/Intercap/default.asp Qualified Zone Academy Bond (QZAB)-Low interest loan program that can be used for rehabilitating and repairing school facilities (but not new construction) and curriculum development. Application and further details are available at OPI website at: http://www.opi.state.mt.us/PDF/SchoolFinance/forms/QZABApplic.pdf USDA Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Grants and USDA Loans Up to 25% of the total eligible project (for renewable energy systems and energy efficiency improvements). http://www.rurdev.usda.gov/rbs/busp/bprogs.htm

  6. FOUNDATION GRANT FUNDING BLUE MOON FUND, INC.-Interested in renewable energy projects http://www.bluemoonfund.org/ BONNEVILLE ENVIRONMENTAL FOUNDATION (BEF) Solar 4R Schools and Renewable Energy Projects (up to 33% of total capital costs) http://www.b-e-f.org/grants/renew_intro.shtm BRAINERD FOUNDATION-Conservation www.brainerd.org BULLITT FOUNDATION-Renewable Energy/Energy Efficiency http://www.bullitt.org CHARLOTTE MARTIN FOUNDATION-Education & Environment http://www.charlottemartin.org/programs.htm COMMON GRANT APPLICATION-Grant clearing house for various foundations & organizations http://www.commongrantapplication.com/

  7. FOUNDATION GRANT FUNDING HENRY M. JACKSON FOUNDATION-Environmental Protection www.hmjackson.org LIZ CLAIBORNE & ART ORTENBERG FOUNDATION-Resource Depletion, Conservation http://www.lcaof.org WILLIAM & FLORA HEWLETT FOUNDATION-Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy www.hewlett.org LAWRENCE FOUNDATION-Education, Environment http://www.thelawrencefoundation.org STEELE-REESE FOUNDATION-Education/Environment in Rural Communities (March 1 deadline) http://www.Steele-Reese.org WIND FOR SCHOOLS-Funding for wind turbine with educational component. https://www.westerncommunityenergy.com/Wind_for_Schools.html

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