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Chapter 10 Section 2 Locating and Measuring Earthquakes

Chapter 10 Section 2 Locating and Measuring Earthquakes. Objectives: -Explain how a seismograph is used to record earthquake waves and locate an earthquake epicenter -Summarize how the magnitude of an earthquake is measured. Seismograph.

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Chapter 10 Section 2 Locating and Measuring Earthquakes

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  1. Chapter 10 Section 2Locating and Measuring Earthquakes Objectives: -Explain how a seismograph is used to record earthquake waves and locate an earthquake epicenter -Summarize how the magnitude of an earthquake is measured

  2. Seismograph • An instrument that detects and records waves produced by earthquakes • Over 10,000 seismograph stations are operating around the world

  3. Seismogram • A record of wave activity produced by a seismograph • Because P waves travel faster than S waves, P waves are the first to be recorded

  4. Interpreting a Seismogram

  5. Locating Epicenters • Seismograms tell scientists the distance between the seismograph station and the epicenter, but not the exact location. This distance is actually a radius of a circle around the station. • So how can we determine the exact location of earthquakes?

  6. Triangulation

  7. Locating Epicenters

  8. Measuring Earthquake Magnitude • Magnitude is a measure of the amount of energy released during an earthquake • Richter Scale

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