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EUROSTARS. Radionica za pripremu projekata 10.09.2012., Zagreb. Antonija Mršić Nacionalna koordinatorica za programe EUREKA i Eurostars (NPC) . Sadržaj. O programu Eurostars 2 (2014.-2020.) Eurostars u Hrvatskoj Komunikacije. Uvod.

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  1. EUROSTARS Radionica za pripremu projekata 10.09.2012., Zagreb Antonija Mršić Nacionalna koordinatorica za programe EUREKA i Eurostars (NPC)

  2. Sadržaj • O programu • Eurostars 2 (2014.-2020.) • Eurostars u Hrvatskoj • Komunikacije

  3. Uvod • http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=eQyjcgR_iGI

  4. EUROSTARS COMBINES EXISTING INSTRUMENTS The best of three worlds • By exploiting Article 169 of the EU Treaty and bringing together • the EUREKA network, procedures and access to companies (SMEs) • national funding programmes (financial, critical mass) • the EC FP7 (financial incentive)

  5. HIGHER, FASTER, STRONGER • Eurostars is targeting R&D-performing SMEs and allowing them to aim higher in their research efforts. • With its bottom-up, flexible approach, the results of Eurostars projects will reach the market faster. • The economic future of Europe is dependent on its improved innovation efforts. The results of Eurostars projects will make Europe stronger.

  6. SIMILARITIES WITH EUREKA • Bottom-up principles • Using EUREKA network • Using National programmes for funding

  7. WHAT IS A EUROSTARS PROJECT? • Bottom-up and market-oriented • Any technological field • The R&D-performing SME is in the driving seat • At least two Eurostars countries involved • Other project participants: – SMEs, large companies, research institutes, universities(ovisi o nacionalnim pravilima) • The leading SME performs the core research… …and gets to exploit the results • Fast application procedures • Fast time-to-market(2 godine, osim za bio-znanosti)

  8. EUROSTARS ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA • The main participant is an R&D-performing SME based in a Eurostars participating country • R&D-performing SMEs must meet the EU definition and Eurostars criteria • Minimum two project participants from two Eurostars participating countries • All project participants are legal entities • R&D-performing SME(s) undertake at least 50% of the total R&D project costs • Balanced partnership whereby no partner or country is performing more than 75% of the total project costs • Duration of project is 3 years or less • Market introduction is foreseen within 2 years after the project has ended

  9. R&D-PERFORMING SMEs? Existing and start-up companies • EU definition for SME applies • Eurostars criteria • 10% of full-time equivalent dedicated to R&D or • 10% of turnover dedicated to R&D • vidljivo iz bilance i iz registracije tvrtke

  10. SME DEFINITION EU SME definition

  11. EUROSTARS PROJECTS Eurostars projects can focus different technological areas

  12. EUROSTARS MANAGEMENT • Eurostars network of participating countries • EUREKA Secretariat in Brussels • Eurostars Advisory Group • Eurostars High Level Group • Independent Evaluation Panel

  13. COMMON INTERNATIONAL EVALUATION CRITERIA • Basic assessment • Project structure • Partners and management • Technology and innovation • Technological risks • Envisaged achievements • Market and competitiveness • Market potential • Business aspects *tehnološka evaluacija radi se centralizirano, financijska evaluacija radi se na nacionalnom nivou

  14. EUROSTARS FUNDING PRINCIPLES • The programme is co-funded by Eurostars participating countries and the European Community • Funding level of project participants depends on national rules/ programmes • The Community contribution to the programme is up to 25% of the total public funding available from Eurostars

  15. LEGAL ISSUES IPR focussed on the use of results • According to the Eurostars guidelines • Consortium agreement to be signed before first payment is made Contract is signed with national funding agency/authority • According to national rules • National percentage

  16. EUREKA / EUROSTARS LEGAL ARRANGEMENT BETWEEN PARTNERS Consortium agreement should cover • The rights and obligations of the partners (in clear and simple language) • Project management and communications • The project plan, time schedule and milestones • Ownership of the results • Exploitation routes and agreements • Procedures for changes in partnership • Termination provisions • Confidentiality matters • Settlement of disputes • Decision on which national law is applied

  17. Eurostars 2014-2020 • Eurostars 2: 2014-2020 : The Budapest document (approved by Ministerial Conferenceon 22 June 2012 ) • “The vision for the member countries of EUREKA is that Eurostars 2 will become the R&D support Programme of choice for R&D performing SMEs in Horizon 2020. Eurostars is embedded in Horizon 2020 and specifically mentioned as a specific support for research intensive SMEs under 3.2 Specific support. The Eurostars participating countries in EUREKA agree to launch Eurostars 2 as a Joint Programme on the basis of Article 185 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.”

  18. Eurostars 2 • The EU contribution to the Eurostars 2 Programme, managed by the EUREKA Secretariat, will be a flexible budget but with a fixed funding percentage which can be up to 33% of the total public funding. • SMEs having successfully completed a Eurostars project should be eligible to apply to the new financial instrument under “Access to risk finance” foreseen in Horizon 2020.

  19. Horizon 2020 • Excellent Science • Competitive Industries- (+Eurostars) • Better Society • http://ec.europa.eu/research/horizon2020/index_en.cfm?pg=h2020

  20. Eurostars u Hrvatskoj • Pravila i procedure • Financiranje • Ugovaranje i nadzor • Statistika

  21. Eurostars u Hrvatskoj • Članstvo od 2008., ali bilateralni sporazum potpisan u 2011.godini- potpisnik je BICRO, nacionalno tijelo za provedbu programa • Od 2008. u Hrvatskoj za svaki poziv zaprimljeno prosječno 2 prijave • Ugovoren 1 projekt (2008., MZOS) • Ostali prijavljeni projekti nisu bili iznad bodovnog praga (2 projekta prijavljena ponovno uz izmjene i nadopune u program EUREKA) • Proračunska stavka EUREKA: godišnji proračun oko 5 milijuna kuna za EUREKU i Eurostars

  22. Natjecatelji i korisnici • Ne postoje tematska ograničenja - sva tehnološka područja pod uvjetom da imaju civilnu svrhu te da obuhvaćaju razvoj novog proizvoda, procesa ili usluga. • Glavni partner na projektu mora biti malo ili srednje veliko trgovačko društvo koje se bavi istraživanjem i razvojem (R&D performing SME). • Ako hrvatski partner nije glavni partner, svakako mora biti malo ili srednje veliko trgovačko poduzeće • Znanstveno-istraživačke institucije mogu se uključiti u projekt s hrvatske strane kao dodatni partner i ne mogu samostalno sudjelovati u projektu bez partnera iz gospodarstva • Minimalni broj zemalja uključenih u projekt su dvije zemlje članice inicijative. • Popis zemalja članica dostupan je na www.eurostars-eureka.eu

  23. Financiranje • Maksimalni iznos bespovratne potpore do 50% udjela hrvatskog partnera na projektu ili do 150.000 Euro, ovisno što je manje • trajanje projekta do tri godine • Ugovaranje u skladu sa slijedom na krajnjoj rang-listi koju je odobrila GVP Eurostarsa • Na temelju rezultata evaluacije i raspoloživih sredstva BICRO natjecatelju daje ponudu financiranja (BICRO ponuda financiranja BPF) • Pravila i financiranje u pojedinim zemljama • http://www.eurekanetwork.org/in-your-country

  24. PROCEDURE • REGISTRACIJA (online) • PRIJAVA + NACIONALNA PRIJAVA (paralelni postupak • dodatni rok od 7 dana za dostavu poslovnog plana u BICRO nakon isteka roka

  25. Registracija i prijava • Registracija i prijava projekata • https://www.eurostars-eureka.eu/home.do • Potrebna dokumentacija za online prijavu: • Application Form (+potpisi) • Financial Statements (bilanca) • Prijedlog konzorcijskog ugovora (potpisan se šalje nakon ugovaranja) • Izjava o preuzimanju obveza i potpisni karton –mailom u roku od 10 dana nakon podnošenja prijave

  26. Nacionalna prijava Hrvatska - BICRO • Sažetak prijave na hrvatskom jeziku • Potvrda o nepostojanju dugova po osnovi javnih davanja (izdaje nadležna PU – ne stariji od 30 dana) • Potvrda o nekažnjavanju (izdaje Kazneni sud- ne starija od 30 dana) • Važeći izvadak iz sudskog registra (izdaje Trgovački sud, ne stariji od 30 dana) • Poslovni plan prema zadanoj formi prikazanoj u BICRO-Priručniku • BON1, BON2 (SOL2), ne stariji od 30 dana • OBRASCI dostupni na: http://www.bicro.hr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=469&Itemid=427

  27. Ugovaranje i nadzor ugovorenih projekata • Ugovor o sufinanciranju s BICRO-om • glavni sudionik obvezan je izvještavati na engleskom jeziku o napretku cjelokupnog projekta svakih šest mjeseci (1. kolovoza i 1. veljače) te na završetku projekta • Propisani obrasci (šalje ESE) • Project Progress Report • Final Report • Market Impact Report + dodatno financijsko periodično izvještavanje prema BICR0-u

  28. Komunikacije • Društvene mreže • Natječaji, “Success Stories”, događanja, traženje partnera • LinkedIn- EUREKA NETWORK grupa (cca 950 članova) • http://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=2633714&trk=anet_ug_hm • TWITTER (cca 1500 sljedbenika) • http://twitter.com/EUREKA_NETWORK/

  29. Kontakti • BICRO • Planinska 1, Zagreb • eurostars@bicro.hr • 01/2352621 • 01/2352628

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