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Competitive Clubs Meeting 2019-2020

Join us for the Competitive Clubs Meeting to discuss important topics such as club finances, branding guidelines, sponsorship and donations, and more. Don't miss this opportunity to stay informed and ask questions.

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Competitive Clubs Meeting 2019-2020

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Competitive Clubs Meeting 2019-2020

  2. Agenda • Introductions • CUSA Services and Our Turn– Farook Alu-Muflehi, Vice President Internal • Ravens Brand, Sports Information & Bird Gang– Lauren Gallant, Ticketing and Merchandise Sales Specialist and Mitchell Dick, Assistant Manager Communication & Digital Marketing • Club Finances and Accounts – Yolana Junco, Director of Finance and Operations • Risk Management & Athletic Therapy – Bruce Marshall, AD High Performance Sport • Club Administration– Emily Burda, Competitive Clubs Coordinator • Checklist and What’s Next • Suggestions or Questions?

  3. Introductions • Representative name(s) • Competitive club sport • How many years you’ve been at the club • Your role at the club

  4. CLUBS OFFICE • CUSA C&S Office • 513 UC 9:00 am - 5:00 pm • Clubs office Commissioners • Tanisha Laryea - Administrative Commissioner • Hassan Hamed - Programming Commissioner • clubs@cusaonline.ca • VP Internal • Farook Al-Muflehi - vpi@cusaonline.ca

  5. Everyone should register with CUSA hub if you haven’t already • Executives must Opt-In to CUSA ($7)

  6. Ravens Brand Mitchell Dick – Assistant Manager, Communications and Digital Marketing • Club branding guidelines • Bird Gang • Rodney’s House • Social media • Go Ravens • Sponsorship and Donations

  7. Branding guidelines • All use of the Raven logo must be submitted to the clubs coordinator and/or Sheryl Hunt for approval (please provide at least 5 days notice) • Only recognized Competitive Clubs get to use the Ravens brand. • All posters, uniforms, flyers etc. must be reviewed by Athletics before it is used. • All club gear must be purchased through Gadar Sportswear. (tom@gadar.ca) • In rare circumstances, we will allow other suppliers • i.e. if you can find a supplier that would reduce your uniform expenses by at least 10%

  8. Branding guidelines • You may not use the old Raven’s logo - it must be the new brand.

  9. Bird Gang • Bird Gang – our student spirit club @CUBirdGang • Join our social community and post information about your events – start and join conversations • All Ravens athletes are automatically Bird Gang members and get an exclusive Bird gang t-shirt and sticker on your campus card that gets you free access to all Ravens home games. • Come to Rodney’s House any weekday between 8am and 4pm to pick up your shirt and get your sticker.

  10. Rodney’s House • Apparel store at Alumni Hall • Open 8:00am-4:00pm Monday – Friday • Exclusive Ravens Under Armour merchandise • All Ravens Athletes get staff pricing (cost +10%) • All proceeds from the store go back into supporting our athletic programs

  11. Sports information and social media • Mitch Dick – Assistant Manager of Communications and Digital Marketing • Mitchell.Dick@carleton.ca • Social Media Policy • Facebook • http://www.facebook.com/CURavens • Twitter • http://twitter.com/CURavens • YouTube • http://www.youtube.com/OfficialRavens • Snapchat

  12. Go Ravens • Email Updates to the Clubs Coordinator • Should include: • Tryout Information • Game Schedule / Events • Eligibility Certificate • Team Photo

  13. Sponsorship and Donation • All Sponsorship must be approved by Clubs Coordinator / Sheryl • Future Funder • All donations must benefit the entire team • Charitable tax receipt • Giving Tuesday: December 3rd, 2019

  14. Club finances and account management Yolana Junco – Director of Finance and Operations • Review of policies regarding club finances and accounts • Review of financial procedures


  16. Bank accounts/FINANCES • No Bank account outside Scotiabank at CARLETON U is permitted. • The Club deficit or surplus is carried forward to the following year in each bank account. • Expenses will not be processed if there is a deficit in the account, and/or until fundraising is deposited. • Any fundraising revenue can be deposited at any Scotiabank branch. • Any expenses are to be paid in the form of cheques and MUST be signed by Carleton university signing authorities (Bruce or Yolana plus one Club member) with the appropriate documentation (receipts, invoices etc.) • In the case where an expense needs to be reimbursed to an individual all the appropriate receipts need to be submitted (invoice and proof of payment)

  17. Use a cheque to pay for expenses— NOT cash or a debit memo draft purchase. You always want to have proof of purchase. • Any expense over $5,000 requires two quotes ( mainly for equipment ) • Annual Financial statements to Athletics should be provided by March 31 in the form of your team’s transaction history. • The cheque that you will be receiving is provided by Athletics. Athletics contributes a total of 50K for all clubs. • The university grant cannot be used for parties, gift, personal expenses.. • If you lose receipts you need to fill out a statement of claim, we will allow that to happen twice in the season. • You can request e-transfers to deposit payments not to withdraw.

  18. The clubs will designate one/two signing authority (treasurer or coach) and athletics has two signing authorities: Director of Finance (Yolana Junco Yolana.junco@Carleton.ca) and Bruce Marshall • To sign cheques, the process is to leave the cheque in an envelope at the Welcome Center with a big note saying TO: Competitive Clubs Coordinator CC Finance and Return to: Name of the Club (Not NAME of the person). Once dropped off email the Competitive Clubs Coordinator. The CCC will pick up the cheques and bring them for signature. Once the cheques are signed will be going downstairs to the Competitive Clubs Pickup folder. The CCC will email the club that the cheque is ready for pickup. • For changes in the signing authority you need to contact CUSA office to arrange those changes with the bank; • For staff payments it needs to go through Carleton University payroll and the Club will reimburse Carleton including all the benefits at the end of the season; • If you have a conflict of interest with a supplier you need to declare that conflict in advance in writing to the Department.

  19. Summary • Scotiabank at CARLETON U • All payments must be co-signed (no cash withdrawals or debit card interactions) • Keep/provide all Receipts for payments • Drop off cheques at Welcome Centre in an Envelope labeled Attention: Competitive Clubs Coordinator, CC Finance, ___ Club and emails the CCC • Deposited fundraising/ sponsorship within 48hours of the event

  20. Risk Management Bruce Marshall – AD, High Performance Sport • Athletic Therapy and Sports Medicine • Concussion and Return to Play Protocol • Travel Policy • Hazing

  21. Access to athletic therapy Three Options: 1. If an athletes does not opt-out of the student health plan then they have a $25/ session coverage for AT through the plan up to a total of $300. The club athlete can opt to purchase their own treatments for $30/session.  They would pay each time before coming to AT at the Welcome Centre.  They would be responsible for claiming their reimbursement. 2. Same as option #1 except they can Bulk buy their sessions and only be charged the ones that they use.  Again, they would pay at the Welcome Centre. 3. Their teams all “buy into” the insurance plan and pay $50/person which gets the athletes 10 treatments

  22. Athletic therapy kit and game coverage • Teams will be provided a medical kit upon request • Teams requiring additional supplies will be invoiced • Teams who require or desire athletic therapy coverage at games must submit a request at least 10 days in advance • Typical home / on-campus game coverage is $75 (but can vary depending on the sport) • Away / off-campus game coverage costs vary on location and time requirement

  23. TRYOUT WAIVER FORMS • This form is found on the clubs page at goravens.ca under Clubs > Club Information. • It is mandatory that everyone who tries out complete this form before taking place in tryouts. • These are to be maintained by the coaches/team executive and a copy is to be provided to the Clubs Coordinator. • Please print these off and have them available at tryouts.

  24. Medical form • This form is found on the clubs page at goravens.ca under Clubs > Club Information • All medical forms must be completed and payment for access to athletic therapy has to be processed before treatment of athletes. • It is mandatory that everyone who will compete with the team complete this form; no form, no play. • These are to be collected by each team and provided to the Athletic Therapy Clinic. • The Medical Form is not required for tryout (use the tryout waiver form) • Addition of Concussion Code of Conduct (Rowan’s Law) in formstack

  25. Concussions and Return to Play Protocol • Take them seriously! • Rowan’s Law – mandatory concussion awareness for both athletes and coaches • RAM • Remove: Student-athletes with suspected concussions but be removed and not return to play that day. • Assess: Suspected concussions must be assessed! • Monitor: Should not be left alone for a few hours

  26. GRTP Protocol * Medical staff may prolong the time spent at each step at their discretion

  27. Travel policy • All travel forms are available through GoRavens > Clubs > Club Info.

  28. Travel policy • All travel forms are available through GoRavens > Clubs > Club Info. • ALL travel plans and forms must be submitted for approval through the Club Coordinator at least 7 days in advance; submit schedules asap. • Activity Registration Form- Must be completed for any games/tryouts/fundraisers. Due at one week prior to event. (Fundraisers, tryouts, game etc.) • Driver Authorization Form- Must be completed if you will be driving to events. Complete online. Must receive approval. • Trip Plan – Must be completed for any activities outside of Ottawa. Due at least 72 hours prior to the event. • Out-of-country travel requirements:

  29. Hazing • Carleton University and the Athletic Department will not tolerate any forms of Hazing • Participation in hazing activities will lead to individual disciplinary action, team disciplinary action and/or termination of the team or student organization. • As a coach, student-athlete or participant, you are responsible for the behavior of your teammates at formal and informal, scheduled and unscheduled events.

  30. Hazing: • Any activity expected of a new member joining a group (or to maintain full status in a group) that humiliates, degrades or risks emotional and/or physical harm, regardless of the person's willingness to participate….

  31. ASK YOURSELF… • 1) Are participants required to consume alcohol or drugs of any kind?(e.g. drinking games, excessive consumption, providing alcohol to minors) • 2) Are new members asked to do something that senior member would refuse? • 3) Does the activity involve humiliating, intimidating, or demeaning treatment of the new members? • 4) Does the activity risk, threaten, or involve emotional or physical abuse?

  32. 5) Would you wear your team uniform in public while participating in the event? 6) Would you feel comfortable participating in this activity if someone you respect were watching? (e.g. parents, mentors, coaches) 7) Would you object to media attention of the activity being run in newspaper or posted on social media

  33. CODE OF CONDUCT • You are all ambassadors of the Ravens brand and Carleton University • There is ZERO tolerance for any initiation/hazing. • There is ZERO tolerance for inappropriate use of social media. • Please conduct yourselves in a manner that reflects Carleton University in a positive image.

  34. Club Administration Emily Burda– Competitive Clubs Coordinator & Administrative Assistant • Student-Athlete Eligibility • Facility Requests • Academic Conflicts • High Performance Centre • Expo 2019 • Campus Supports • What’s New • Checklists

  35. Eligibility • Must be a current Carleton student registered in the given semester • Once you have your team, each member MUST complete this BEFORE any practice, event or competition. No form, no play. • Formstack produces your team roster that will be sent to the registrar’s office to ensure that ALL athletes are eligible students enrolled at Carleton University (as well as other league-specific monitoring). • Roster must be approved prior to any events • If your league has eligibility rules and timelines beyond simply being a Carleton student, please advise the Club Coordinator asap. • E.g. U Sports Teams must be Full Time & complete U Sports Portal

  36. Facility usage requests • Any and all facility requests (one time requests or recurring) are to be emailed to Ravensclubs@cunet.Carleton.ca Pool requests can be sent directly to Steve Baird • Please avoid/limit new field/gym/pool requests and changes to schedule during season. • Facility booking during non-peak hours will be provided if available (usually limited to 4 hours per week), with some exceptions. • Peak hour facility requests will be charged the student rate where available.

  37. academic-Athletic Conflicts • A template of the form will be available on GoRavens • Any sort of Academic Conflict with a trip or game. • The coach or manager should complete and submit an e-copy of the form on behalf of the athlete to Ravensclubs@cunet.Carleton.ca • We will then forward it to the respective professor for approval and forward their response when received. • Please give at least 5 business days for a response - plan in advance.

  38. High performance centre • Competitive Clubs and members receive a student discount (20%) off of individual memberships or regular priced team training. • The prices can be found online at: • http://athletics.carleton.ca/facilities/rental-information/high-performance-centre/ • HPC offers: • Dedicated Team Sessions • Individual Athlete Memberships • Take Away Programs • Intro Classes and Courses NICOLASWESTCOTT@CUNET.CARLETON.CA

  39. Expo 2019 • DATE: Tuesday September 3rd, 2019              TIME: 12:00pm – 4:00pm               WHERE: Athletics Fieldhouse • General Competitive Clubs Table. • Ensure Emily has current Tryout and Contact Information • Please ensure that your club, society, or service is only registered once for the event. • If you have any questions or concerns, Lauren Nigh , lauren.nigh@Carleton.ca (613) 520-7595

  40. Academic Support Services On Campus Centre for Student Academic Support The Mentorship Network Provides 1 on 1 mentorships Point of contact/ support Will direct students to other services First Year Connections Pairs 1st years with upper years in same academic programs First 6 weeks of academic year Community Connections Based on needs • 3 services: learning services, writing services & peer assisted study sessions • One-on-one learning support consultations • Drop-in 10am-4:30pm Mon-Fri • 4th floor MacOdrum Library • Peer assisted workshops: course specific • Learning strategy sessions • Have programs for English as second language students

  41. Student Support Services On Campus FITA Sport Medicine Counselling Private / paid services Has 2 psychotherapists and a psychologist • 12 week mental health counselling • Self-referral program • Open September – April • 4th floor library Health Counselling Services • Free service • Long wait list & less frequent

  42. New Implementations • Competitive Club Review process with discipline/ appeals processes • Coaching Conduct • Rowan’s Law • Safety Officer Sheet – Coming Soon • Event Hosting Grant – Coming Soon • Clubs Committee – Coming Soon • Revised funding model for 2020/21 • Posting recognized hosted events on GoRavens

  43. Pre-Season Checklist • Submit 2019/20 Budget • Submit Dates: try-outs, practices & games • Update Contact information for CUSA &GoRavens website information • Coaches Approved • Return signed facility contract • Confirm Club Safety Officer • Tryout Consent form • Review Updated Clubs Manual • Sign up for the Club Expo • Register with CUSA

  44. Post Try-out checklist • Deliver signed Try-out consent form • All athletes have completed formstack • Medical Forms reviewed by AT • All athletes are on the eligibility certificate • All travel documentation completed • Travel is approved • Website is updated • Bank Signing Authority Updated

  45. Year-end Evaluations • Completed at the end of the year by Club Executives/Leaders. • A year end evaluation of how you think you did as a club. • Membership, Leadership, Participation, Competitions, Financial Stability, Code of Conduct, Risk and Field Space • This is posted on goravens.ca website • Should be submitted before March 31st each year • Competitive Club Review implementation with discipline/ appeals processes and Coaching Conduct

  46. Discussion Anything you would like to see this year? Any questions on requirements?

  47. Thank you for all you do!

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