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Learning Targets. Be able to explain why tensions increased between Germany and the United States Decide which reasons would be most important for each. 3. Analyze and evaluate the Lusitania sinking and decide if it could be avoided. Growing Tensions.
Learning Targets • Be able to explain why tensions increased between Germany and the United States • Decide which reasons would be most important for each. 3. Analyze and evaluate the Lusitania sinking and decide if it could be avoided.
U.S. Neutral Until 1917 • U.S. had no real stake at first, followed isolationism 8 % of Americans (8 million) had one or more parents born in Germany or Austria President Wilson urged ”Be impartial in thought as well as action.” Wilson was re-elected In 1916 with the campaign slogan, “He kept us out of the war!”
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare (USW) • Submarines (u-boats) attack ships with arms & supplies • Germany did in response to British blockade of neutral ports 750,000 German deaths due to famine Germans printed warnings in newspapers Which is more immoral- USW or a blockade of civilian goods? Explain. German U-boat resumes USW
NOTICES IN THE NEWSPAPER Would you buy tickets on the Lusitania?
May 7, 1915: Sinking of the Lusitania • 128 Americans died; 1,198 killed total MEDIA REACTIONS The New York Times called the Germans “savages drunk with blood.” The German press "applauded the attack as an 'extraordinary success,'" The English Daily Mail referred to it as "The Hun's Most Ghastly Crime." Sinking of the Lusitania. in 18 minutes
1916: Sussex pledge • Germany promises to stop USW • A mistake? Kaiser Wilhelm II
Stronger political & economic ties w/ Allies • more trade and loans to Allies • traditional political links 1914 United States Trade $ 824.8 million to Allies$ 169.3 million to Central Powers 1916 United States Trade $ 3.2 billion to Allies $ 1.2 million to Central Powers • 1917: Value of U.S. Loans/Investments • $2.7 billion with Allies • $27 million with Central Powers
February 1, 1917: USW resumes • done to try to end stalemate • Wilson cuts off relations w/ Germany After sinking of the U.S.S. Memphis ordered merchant ships to arm.
March, 1917: Zimmermann Note leaked to press • secret telegram of possible alliance b/t • Germany& Mexico with G. promise of • NM, TX, and AZ • Americans outraged Found out Feb. 24th, but Printed in papers in March