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The dangerous of TV. Waste time Break down the families relationship Tutor mind. Waste time. Edward Kearny states "the average family TV set is on six hours a day, and estimates are that children are watching TV programs and videotapes an average of four or five hours a day." (204).
Waste time • Break down the families relationship • Tutor mind
Waste time Edward Kearny states "the average family TV set is on six hours a day, and estimates are that children are watching TV programs and videotapes an average of four or five hours a day." (204)
Diseases • The risk of heart disease • Sleep disorders • Obesity • Eye pain-shortsightedness • …
In Marie Winn essay " but more obviously damaging to family relationships is the elimination of opportunities to talk, and perhaps more important, to argue, to air grievance, between parents and children and brothers and sisters."
Marie Winn's writing "one survey shows that 78% of the respondent indicate on conversation taking place during viewing except at specified time such as commercials,"
Fun • High • Good • Enjoy
Television screen center should be at the level of the viewer's eye down 3-5 cm • Safety distance is TV size x 0.1 • Best sit slightly off screen is approximately 30 degrees (or so) the location of the heart • 30 minutes each time, maximum 2 hours( chinldren
http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130720065716/scandal/images/5/59/Scandal-general-pic.jpghttp://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130720065716/scandal/images/5/59/Scandal-general-pic.jpg • http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1169456/Families-busy-time-spend-watching-TV.html • http://news.xinhuanet.com/food/2012-10/29/c_123883574_4.htm • http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDM4MDM5NTY0.html(27:25)