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OpenMI-Life Kick Off Meeting Pinios Case Studies 1 and 2. Ria Safiolea. Water quality Agricultural activities (fertilizers, pesticides) Industrial waste Municipal wastewater Open and unplanned landfills Water availability Overexploitation of groundwater due to extensive irrigation
OpenMI-Life Kick Off Meeting Pinios Case Studies 1 and 2 Ria Safiolea School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
Water quality Agricultural activities (fertilizers, pesticides) Industrial waste Municipal wastewater Open and unplanned landfills Water availability Overexploitation of groundwater due to extensive irrigation Few reservoirs Floods and droughts at a local level Deforestation Channelization Major environmental concerns in the Pinios basin School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
Study Area: Basin upstream the city of Trikala Scenario: Industries located upstream of Trikala discharge in a Pinios tributary (point sources) Objective: Examine the change of concentration of pollutants along the tributary during heavy rainfall (100yr-12hr and 10yr-12 hr storm) Link in OpenMI a hydrologic, a hydraulic, and a water quality model Case Study A: The effect of advection-dispersion on sewage effluent discharged daily in a tributary of Pinios School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
1 2 1 4 3 5 2 3 6 Possible delineation of Trikala basin • 6subbasins • 4 nodes • 3 nodes along the tributary and • 1 node at the outlet (city of Trikala) 4 School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
Snowmelt is not a dominant factor in flood generation Industries release their sewage in nodes 1-3 at a constant rate The 100yr storm and the 10yr storm fall uniformly over the basin There is unidirectional data exchange only between models Assumptions School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
1-D models written in Fortran Hydrologic: R-Hydro (NTUA) or HEC-1 Hydraulic: R-Flow (NTUA) Water Quality: R-Qual (NTUA) Hydrologic: Single event lumped model(s) Time dependent Input : P(t), homogeneous Time dependent Output:Qi(t) for nodes i=1:4 Hydraulic: Solves the Saint Venant equations Time dependent Input: Qi(t) for nodes i=1:4 Time dependent Output: Si(t), vi(t) Water Quality: Solves the advection-dispersion equation Time dependent Input : Si(t), vi(t) Time dependent Output: Ci(t) Suggested Models School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
Data is exchanged at the nodes (id based) Precipitation units: cm (or cm/hr); Effluent discharge units at nodes: m3/sec Calculation time step for R-Qual: 0.01 sec (stability of calculation criterion Courrant); Calculation time step for the other 2 models: 15min Parameters information School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
Study area: Basin upstream the Pili location Scenario: Construction of a reservoir for water storage/power generation/irrigation Concern that reservoirs designed under current scenarios would be put under stress by climatic changes Storage-Yield relationship: the relationship between the capacity of a reservoir and the amount of water that can be reliably withdrawn from it for energy production Objective: Maintain reliable yields while taking into account new design criteria related to the effects of climate Check whether an extreme event would challenge the operation of the reservoir Case Study B: Impact of climate change scenarios on the reliability of building a reservoir School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
Yield potential: 144x106 m3 water Pili subbasin Output from a hydrologic model-input to a reservoir model School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering
AR(1) model Vt+1=Vt+It+Pt-Rt-αtW-qt-Nt , where V: storage volume (m3) (Vmin<=V<=Vmax) I: inflow (m3/sec) P: precipitation over the pool(m3) R: evaporation from the pool(m3) W: annual quantity of water supply through the turbines (m3), αt: distribution coefficient of W q: releases over the spillway (m3) N: uncontrollable losses (m3) Qt=αtW/dt, E:function(Q), Qt<=Qmax ,, btE<=Et (guaranteed value of energy) Reservoir budget equation Specific E Specific Q Specific W V should be in an Optimum range School of Civil Engineering, Department of Water Resources, Hydraulic and Maritime Engineering