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Diencephalon ( 间脑 ). Diencephalon is divided into :. ⒈ dorsal thalamus ( 背侧丘脑 ) ; ⒉ hypothalamus ( 下丘脑 ) ; ⒊ epithalamus ( 上丘脑 ) ; ⒋ subthalamus ( 底丘脑 ) ; ⒌ metathalamus ( 后丘脑 ). cerebrum. optic nerve. Hypophysis. Tuber cinereum. Mamillary body. cerebellum. 大脑. 视神经. 脑垂体. 灰结节.
Diencephalon (间脑)
Diencephalon is divided into: ⒈dorsal thalamus (背侧丘脑); ⒉hypothalamus (下丘脑); ⒊epithalamus (上丘脑); ⒋subthalamus (底丘脑); ⒌metathalamus (后丘脑) .
cerebrum optic nerve Hypophysis Tuber cinereum Mamillary body cerebellum
大脑 视神经 脑垂体 灰结节 乳头体 延髓 小脑
Dorsal thalamus interthalamic adhesion Hypothalamic sulcus hypothalamus optic nerve Hypophysis (pituitary gland) Pineal body
背侧丘脑 下丘脑沟 下丘脑 脑垂体 松果体 小脑 延髓
Ⅰ. The dorsal thalamus (背侧丘脑/ thalamus) It is an oval structure about 3 cm in length and constitutes four-fifths of the diencephalon.
The dorsal thalamus consists of paired oval masses of gray matter, which are organized into nuclei that form the lateral walls of the third ventricle.
The head of caudate nucleus Lateral ventricle lentiform nucleus Internal capsule Dorsal thalamus Internal medullary lamina The third ventricle
Lateral ventricle The head of caudate nucleus lentiform nucleus Internal capsule Dorsal thalamus Internal medullary lamina The third ventricle
Anterior nuclear group Internal medullary lamina Medial nuclear group Medial geniculate body lateral geniculate body Ventral posteromedial nucleus(VPM) Ventral posterolateral nucleus(VPL) Ventral lateral(intermediate) nucleus Ventral anterior nucleus
On the basis of phylogeny, fiber connections and function, the thalamic nuclei may be classified into the following groups:
(Ⅰ) The reticular nucleus They receive collateral branches of thalamocortical fibers and corticothalamic fibers.
reticular nuclear Internal medullary lamina Intralaminar nuclei Medial geniculate body lateral geniculate body Ventral posteromedial nucleus(VPM) Ventral posterolateral nucleus(VPL) Ventral lateral(intermediate) nucleus Ventral anterior nucleus
(Ⅱ) The midline and intralaminar nuclei They receive afferents from the reticualr formation of brain stem and project mainly to the other parts of diencephalon.
(Ⅲ) specific relaying thalamic nuclei 丘脑特异性中继核 They comprise the ventral tier of the lateral nuclear group and subdivided into two groups:
Ⅰ) Specific Sensory Relaying Nuclei 特异性感觉中继核 This group includes ventral posterior nucleus (腹后核), which is divided into ventral posterior lateral nucleus(VPL/腹后外侧核) and ventral posterior medial nucleus(VPM/腹后内侧核).
Anterior nuclear group Internal medullary lamina Medial nuclear group Medial geniculate body lateral geniculate body Ventral posteromedial nucleus(VPM) Ventral posterolateral nucleus(VPL) Ventral lateral(intermediate) nucleus Ventral anterior nucleus
The ventral posterior lateral nucleus(VPL) receives the fibers of medial lemniscus and spinothalamic lemniscus. The ventral posterior medial nucleus(VPM) receives the fibers of trigeminal lemniscus,
and the fibers from the rostral part of solitary nucleus(孤束核) and the vestibular nuclear complex(前庭神经核复合体).
The ventral posterior nucleus gives rise to central thalamic radiation(丘脑中央辐射), which passes through the internal capsule to the somatic sensory center (躯体感觉中枢) of the cerebral cortex.
Ⅱ) specific motor relaying nuclei 特异性运动中继核 The specific motor nuclei include ventral lateral nucleus and the ventral anterior nucleus.
Anterior nuclear group Internal medullary lamina Medial nuclear group Medial geniculate body lateral geniculate body Ventral posteromedial nucleus(VPM) Ventral posterolateral nucleus(VPL) Ventral lateral(intermediate) nucleus Ventral anterior nucleus
They receive data from the cerebellum, corpus striatum(纹状体), and substantia nigra(黑质), and project fibers to motor areas of cortex in the front lobe.
(Ⅳ) The nonspecific thalamic nuclei (非特异性丘脑核) They have reciprocal connections with association areas of cerebral cortex.
This group includes the dorsomedial nucleus and the dorsal tier of the lateral nuclear group, i. e. , the pulvinar, lateral posterior nucleus, and lateral dorsal nucleus.
Anterior nuclear group Dorsal medial nucleus lateral dorsal nucleus lateral posterior nucleus pulvinar Ventral posteromedial nucleus(VPM) Ventral posterolateral nucleus(VPL) Ventral lateral(intermediate) nucleus Ventral anterior nucleus
The anterior nucleus of thalamus is included conventionally under this heading, even though it is a thalamic component of limbic system(边缘系统).
Ⅱ. The epithalamus (上丘脑) It occupies the caudal roof of the third ventricle together with adjacent areas and includes the right and left
habenular trigones(疆三角) and the habenular nuclei(which situated deep to the floor of a habenular trigone), the habenular commissure (疆联合), posterior commissure and the pineal body (松果体).
Dorsal thalamus Caudate nucleus Thalamic medullary stria Habenular trigone Habenular commissure Pineal body Superior colliculus
The pineal body is also called pineal organ or pineal gland. In adults, it is 4×7 mm in size and 0.2g in weight, and lies below the posterior part of the corpus callosum(胼胝体).
The pineal body becomes calcified in adolescence(青春期). Its principle function is to inhibit the release of gonadohormones and prevent the precocious puberty in children.
The hormones secreted by the pineal body are melatonin (褪黑素), adrenoglomerulotropin (促醛固酮激素) and serotonin (5-羟色胺).
Ⅲ.The hypothalamus (下丘脑) It is ventral to the hypothalamic sulci and surrounds the third ventricle.
Dorsal thalamus interthalamic adhension Hypothalamic sulcus Lamina terminalis optic chiasma Pineal body Hypophysis (pituitary gland)
The hypothalamus includes mammillary bodies(乳头体), tuber cinereum(灰结节), optic chiasma(视交叉), lamina terminalis(终板).
optic nerve Hypophysis optic tract Tuber cinereum Mamillary body
optic nerve Hypophysis optic tract Tuber cinereum Mamillary body
dorsomedial nucleus Posterior nucleus Paraventricular nucleus Medial and lateral preoptic nuclei Anterior hypothalamic nucleus Supraoptic nucleus Mamillary body ventromedial nucleus adenohypophysis Infundibular(arcuate) nucleus neurohypophysis
The hypothalamus is the neuroendocrine center(神经内分泌中心) and has an intimate relation with the entire endocrine system. It is also the high level center of visceral nervous system under
the cortex and regulates the visceral activities such as body temperature, taking up of food, reproduction, the balance of water and salts, endocrine activities etc.
Besides, the hypothalamus is related to the regulation of emotion and the rhythm of day and night.
Ⅳ. The metathalamus (后丘脑) Metathalamus is located posterolateral to the thalamus. It includes lateral geniculate body and medial geniculate body(内侧膝状体).