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On-going Training Examples: CPR and First Aid Presented by: Tricia Rogers, Angie Lee, & JoAnne Thull Objectives for a successful On-Going Training program Provide a clear definition of the purpose of the meeting. Let team members know what is expected of them.
On-going Training Examples:CPR and First Aid Presented by: Tricia Rogers, Angie Lee, & JoAnne Thull
Objectives for a successful On-Going Training program • Provide a clear definition of the purpose of the meeting. • Let team members know what is expected of them. • Allow interaction and feedback throughout the training session. • Summarize and debrief at the end of the meeting.
Provide a clear definition of the purpose of the meeting • Prior to meeting, make agenda to clearly state purpose.
Let team members know expectations • Make certain that each staff member has the information needed to get the job done including: • Accuracy • Timeliness • Interpretability
Allow interaction and feedback throughout training session • During the meeting • 1.The leader sets the tone for each and every session. • 2. Give everyone a chance to contribute
Allow interaction cont. • 3. Truly listen to participants, treating them with dignity and respect. • 4. Involve everyone in team problem solving.
Summarize and debrief at the end of the meeting • Sense of closure • Evaluation of the meeting • As an instructor • As a participant
Objectives After completion of this presentation, the employee will be able to: • Understand your responsibilities in an emergency situation • Be knowledgeable in an emergency situation • Perform CPR properly • Perform First Aid when necessary
Understanding Your Responsibilities in an Emergency Situation
Responsibilities (cont.) • Check • Call • Care
Responsibilities (cont.) • When to call in an emergency situation: • If victim is unconscious, call 911 immediately
Responsibilities (cont.) • When to call in an emergency situation: • If the victim is conscious and does not want you to call for an ambulance, call anyway if the victim • Becomes unconscious • Has trouble breathing • Has chest pain or pressure • Is bleeding severely • Has possible broken bones • Has injuries to the head, neck or back • Appears to have been poisoned • Is vomiting or passing blood • Has pressure or pain in the abdomen that is persistent
Responsibilities (cont.) Before caring for an injured or ill person, you must receive victim’s permission. To receive permission, you must explain who you are, how much training you have, and how you plan to help.
Knowledge (cont.) • Before you can give help, you must be able to recognize an emergency situation • Unusual noises • Unusual sights • Unusual odors • Unusual appearances or behaviors
Knowledge (cont.) • Once you recognize an emergency has occurred you must decide whether to help and how you can best help. • In order to help, you must act.
Knowledge (cont.) • After establishing that a victim is unconscious you must act by checking to see if the victim: • Is breathing • Has a pulse • Is bleeding severely
Ways of Reducing Disease Transmission While Providing First Aid Knowledge (cont.)
Knowledge (cont.) • Reducing disease transmission • Avoid contact with bodily fluids when possible • Place barriers, such as disposable gloves or a clean dry cloth, between the victims body fluids and yourself. • Wash your hands with soap and water immediately after giving care.
Knowledge (cont.) • Reducing disease transmission • Wear protective clothing, such as disposable gloves, to cover any cuts, scraps, and skin conditions you may have. • Do not eat, drink, or touch your mouth, nose, or eyes when giving First Aid.
Knowledge (cont.) • Reducing disease transmission • Do not touch objects that may be soiled with blood. • Be prepared by having a First Aid kit handy.
Knowledge (cont.) By following these guidelines, your risk of receiving or transmitting an infections disease will decrease.
CPR • What does CPR stand for? • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CPR • Rescue breathing • When a person stops breathing, you have to breath for that person. • It is a way of breathing air into a person that supplies him/her with the oxygen needed to stay alive. • Given to anyone who is unconscious and not breathing, but has a pulse.
CPR • Rescue breathing cont. • If, when you check, the person is not breathing and your breaths do not go in • Retilt person’s head • Give breaths again
CPR • Rescue breathing cont. • If air still will not go in, begin abdominal thrusts. • Place heal of one hand against middle of abdomen, just above the navel. • Give up to five abdominal thrusts. • Lift jaw and tongue and sweep out mouth. • Tilt head back with chin and give breaths again.
CPR • Rescue breathing cont. • If breaths still do not go in, continue the sequence beginning with retilting the victim’s head. • Continue this sequence until the breaths go in or the victim starts breathing on their own.
CPR • Administering CPR • If the victim does not have a pulse, begin CPR. • Breaths and compressions are different for adults, children, and infants.
CPR • Administering CPR to and adult • Call 911 immediately or designate a specific person to make the call. • Find hand position on breast bone. • Position shoulders over hands and compress chest 15 times. • Give 2 slow breaths.
CPR • Administering CPR to an adult • Give 2 slow breaths. • Do 3 more sets of 15 compressions and 2 breaths. • Recheck pulse and breathing for about 5 seconds. • If there is no pulse, continue sets of 15 compressions and 2 breaths.
CPR • Administering CPR to a child • Find hand position on about center of the breastbone. • Position shoulders over hands. Compress chest 5 times. • Give one slow breath. • Repeat cycles of 5 compressions and 1 slow breath for about 1 minute.
CPR • Administering CPR to a child cont. • Call 911 if you have not already done so. • Recheck pulse and breathing for about 5 seconds. • If there is still no pulse, continue sets of 5 compressions and 1 breath. Recheck pulse and breathing every few minutes.
First Aid Each year in the United States, thousands of people will die, millions will be injured, and over 100 billion dollars will be spent, all needlessly. The cause…many injuries that could have been prevented.
First Aid (cont.) • Injury prevention quiz • Do you wear a safety belt when driving or riding in a motor vehicle? • Do you refrain from operating motor vehicles after drinking alcoholic beverages? • If you own a gun, do you keep it unloaded and locked up in a safe place? • Do the stairs where you live have handrails? • Do you use a stepladder or a sturdy stool to reach high out-of-reach objects?
First Aid (cont.) • Quiz cont. • Do you have adequate lighting in halls and stairways? • Do you wear a helmet when riding a bike, motorcycle, or skateboard? • Do you wear a life jacket when participating in activities on or near the water? • Do you wear safety protection (i.e., goggles and hearing protection) and follow equipment safety recommendations when operating power tools?
First Aid (cont.) • Types of wounds • Bruise • Scrape • Cut • Avulsion • Puncture
First Aid (cont.) • Control Bleeding • Cover wound with dressing and press firmly against the wound with hand. • Elevate arm above the level of the heart. • Cover dressings with roller bandage. • If bleeding doesn’t stop… • Apply additional bandages. • Squeeze artery against bone.
First Aid (cont.) • Burns • Superficial burn (1st degree) • Partial-thickness burn (2nd degree) • Full-thickness burn (3rd degree)
First Aid (cont.) • Care for burns • Stop the burning. • Cool the burn. • Cover the burn.
First Aid (cont.) • Four basic types of injuries to muscles, bones, and joints • Fractures • Dislocations • Strains • Sprains
First Aid (cont.) If you suspect a serious bone, muscle, or joint injury, you must keep the injured part from moving. Splinting immobilizes an injured muscle, bone, or joint.
First Aid (cont.) • Types of splints • Anatomic Splint • Soft Splint • Sling • Rigid Splint
First Aid (cont.) • Signs of Sudden Illness • Feeling light-headed, dizzy, confused, or weak • Changes in skin color,sweating • Nausea or vomiting • Diarrhea • Changes in consciousness • Seizure • Paralysis or inability to move • Slurred speech • Difficulty seeing or breathing • Severe headache
First Aid (cont.) • Care for Sudden Illness • “Don’t second guess call EMS” • Help the victim rest comfortably. • Keep the victim from getting chilled or overheated. • Reassure the victim. • Do not give anything to eat or drink unless the victim is fully conscious.
First Aid (cont.) If the victim:
First Aid (cont.) • Four ways a person can be poisoned • Swallowing the poison • Inhaling the poison • Absorbing it through the skin • Injection
First Aid (cont.) • Signs of poisoning • Nausea • Vomiting • Diarrhea • Chest of abdominal pain • Breathing difficulty • Sweating • Changes in consciousness or seizures
First Aid (cont.) • Actions to take for those poisoned include: • Check the scene to make sure it’s safe and to gather clues • Remove the victim from the source of the poison • Check the victim’s level of consciousness, breathing and pulse • Care for any life-threatening conditions • If victim is conscious, ask questions • Call poison control center