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Development of Cognitive and Neural Processes Underlying Conflict Resolution. B.J. Casey, PhD Sackler Professor and Director Sackler Institute for Developmental Psychobiology Weill Medical College of Cornell University. Conflict Resolution.
Development of Cognitive and Neural Processes Underlying Conflict Resolution B.J. Casey, PhD Sackler Professor and Director Sackler Institute for Developmental Psychobiology Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Conflict Resolution Ability to suppress inappropriate thoughts and actions in favor of appropriate ones (cognitive control). - adjust/alter thoughts and actions (when predictions about what and when things should happen are violated) - self-imposing limitations or adjusting behavior when limitations are set externally
Development of Cognitive Control Accuracy Reaction Time Behavioral Performance 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Age Figure 2
Behavioral Paradigms Stimulus Selection Task suppress attention to salient, irrelevant stimulus set Response Selection Task suppress a competing behavioral set in favor of alternative set Response Execution Task suppress a compelling response altogether (avoid)
Stimulus Selection Task Which object is different?
Stimulus Selection Task Which object is different?
Response Selection Task Press 1st button if you see a “1”, second if you see a “2”... 1 Display Response Box
Response Selection Task Press 1st button if you see a “1”, second if you see a “2”... 2 Display Response Box
Response Selection Task Now reverse it so if you see a “1” press the 4th button, if a 2 press 3rd button and so on. 1 Display Response Box
Response Selection Task Now reverse it so if you see a “1” press the 4th button, if a 2 press 3rd button and so on. 2 Display Response Box
Spiderman NoGo Task “Try to catch Spiderman, but no, no, never catch the Green Goblin or you’ll be sorry!”
4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Normative Development - Response Latency Stimulus Selection Response Selection Response Execution* 1600 r = -.70 r = -.66 r = -.56 1400 1200 RT in msec 1000 800 600 400 200 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Age in Years Age in Years Age in Years * The response execution task is plotted on a different scale. Casey et al. 2002 Dev Psychobiology
Normative Development - Accuracy Stimulus Selection Response Selection Response Execution 100 95 90 85 80 Accuracy 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 >15 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 >15 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 >15 Age in Years Age in Years Age in Years Casey et al. 2002 Dev Psychobiology
Behavioral Results from Clinical Samples 75 50 25 0 90 60 30 0 * Difference from Matched Controls (%) Reaction Time * * * * Errors Schizophrenia OCD** Tourettes ADHD Stimulus Selection Response Selection Response Execution (DLPFC Circuit) (VLFC Circuit) (MOF/AC Circuit) Casey et al. 2001, 2002, in press ** Sydenham’s chorea patients with OCD Dx
Cognitive Control: Neural Circuitry DLPFC (Stimulus Selection) VLPFC (Response Selection) OFC, ACC (Response Execution) PREFRONTAL CORTEX THALAMUS BASAL GANGLIA
Dorsolateral PFC .50 .25 .00 -.25 -.50 Casey et al 2004 Dev Sci Casey et al 2002 J Neurosci Casey et al 1997 JCog Neuro % MR Signal Change 550 400 450 500 Mean Reaction Time (msec) .50 .25 .00 -.25 -.50 Ventrolateral PFC % MR Signal Change 0 10 20 30 40 50 Percent Difference in Accuracy 30 20 10 0 Orbitofrontal Cortex Number of False Alarms 2250 0 750 1500 Volume of Activation
Dorsolateral PFC Activity 1800 1500 1200 900 600 300 0 * Volume of Activity Children Adults Casey et al. 1997 JoCN * p < .05
Parametric Manipulation of Interference- vary # of preceding Gos before a NoGo Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Time Ventral Prefrontal Activity during Go/Nogo Task Behavioral Performance during Go/Nogo Task Adults Children Adults Children % MR Signal Change Number of False Alarms 1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5 1 3 5 number of go trials preceding a nogo trial number of go trials preceding a nogo trial
Use fMRI maps to examine connectivity Durston et al 2002 Neuroimage
Use fMRI maps to examine connectivity Liston et al submitted
Using nonhuman primate studies of dopamine function to drive behavioral assays in imaging studies
Role of Dopamine in Prediction and Reward unexpected event=INCREASE lack of expected event=DECREASE Shultz, Dayan & Montague, 1997 Science
ADULT IMAGING RESULTS (n=12) Unexpected Event Expected Event (Rare Nontarget) (Frequent Target) = Violation of Expectation or Prediction of Event Type VS = vs Striatum Davidson et al 2003 JCN
IMAGING RESULTS (n=12) Unexpected Event Expected Event (Rare Nontarget) (Frequent Target) = Unexpected Stimulus at Expected Time VS = vs Striatum Davidson et al. submitted
adolescents adults 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 Striatum * % Change in MR Signal Omission of Stimulus at Expected Time Unexpected Stimulus at Expected Time
IMAGING RESULTS Expected Stimulus at Unexpected Time Unexpected Timing Expected Timing of Event of Event VS = Cerebellum
0.2 adolescents adults % Change in MR Signal 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 Cerebellum * Omission of Stimulus at Expected Time Unexpected Stimulus at Expected Time