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Office of Human Resources BOM Meeting Friday, March 26, 2010 MU 230 Pima 10:00am to 11:30am Watch webcast at http://live.asu.edu/. Agenda. HR Announcement/Reminders Payroll Reconciliation – Financial Services Online Renewals and Pay Options Recruitment & Selection Updates
Office of Human Resources BOM Meeting Friday, March 26, 2010 MU 230 Pima 10:00am to 11:30am Watch webcast at http://live.asu.edu/
Agenda • HR Announcement/Reminders • Payroll Reconciliation – Financial Services • Online Renewals and Pay Options • Recruitment & Selection Updates • Workplace Violence
HR Announcement/Reminders One-Stop Shop for ASU’s Business Operations Manager – Click Here! Performance Evaluations HR Business Center Units on the calendar year cycle for evaluations, should complete and deliver them by March 31 and send the original to the HR file room.
Payroll Reconciliation Lynne Davis Assistant Director, Financial Services
Why Reconcile Payroll? • Departments should prepare a monthly reconciliation of payroll expenses for each employee in order to establish stronger internal controls over payroll and ensure that all payroll transactions are accurately processed and recorded.
Five Steps for Reconciling Payroll • Verification of the compensation rate for each employee is supported by the contract, offer letter or other official documentation. • Verification that wages/salary paid are correct for each employee.
Five Steps for Reconciling Payroll • Verification employees were paid from the correct account. • Verification time reported has been approved by a supervisor. • Verification that payroll expenses by account tie between PeopleSoft and Advantage.
Payroll Reconciliation Dashboard Reports • Compensation Rate:Displays salary information and status, by pay period and employee, and highlights any changes therein. • Biweekly Payroll:Provides a report of gross pay by employee compared to the calculated pay for the pay period.
Payroll Reconciliation Dashboard Reports • Non-Exempt Hours: Displays hours per pay period for hourly employees (standard, recorded, approved, denied, etc.). • PeopleSoft to Advantage: Reconciles amounts paid, by fiscal month, to amounts recorded in Advantage.
Getting Access to the Reports • Users who currently have access to the Human Resources (HR) dashboards also have access to the Payroll Reconciliation Reports. • To request access go to the ASU Dashboard home page and request access to Human Resources http://www.asu.edu/dashboard/
RESOURCES To enroll in a Payroll Reconciliation Training class please go to the Learning Management System website: http://www.asu.edu/hr/training/ To find the updated Payroll Reconciliation Best Practices on the Financial Services website http://uabf.asu.edu/best_practices
Questions/Comments? If you have any future questions regarding the payroll reconciliation process or the Dashboard Reports, please contact your accountant in Financial Services: http://uabf.asu.edu/accounting_services
Online Renewals and Pay Options Cynthia Webler Assistant Director, HR Data Management
REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION • Copy of a signed letter, memorandum or email that clearly displays supervisory approval for: • For All Faculty Hires and Transfers (including Faculty Associates with appointments of 6 months or more and Academic Professionals) • Copy of the Applicant List (or focused recruitment form) • Search Plan, CV or Resume of the person being hired, and • the signed and accepted offer letter • New Hire Packet
REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION • For All Graduate Students, Faculty Associates with less than 6-month appointments, Post-doctoral Scholars, Staff Hires and Transfers • Copy of the signed and accepted offer letter • New Hire Packet • For Hourly Student Workers • Copy of the signed student hiring form • NOTE: Newly hired students will continue to submit the payroll packet at the Employee Service Center. • For Salary Changes, Promotions, Changes to Title, Changes to FTE and Demotions
Pay Options • ACD 514: http://www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/acd/acd514.html • FORM: http://www.asu.edu/hr/forms/index.html • DEADLINE: APRIL 30, 2010 • Faculty/Academic Professionals • Only one option agreement may be completed for each fiscal year and will continue until changed. • Option 1 = 20 pays (ACD or 9 mos. pay) • Pay from any local or sponsored program area/organization, or any non-budgeted state appropriation • Pay for fewer than two semesters or less than 50 percent full time equivalent (FTE) • Option 2 = 26 pays (A12 or SAL)
Recruitment & Selection Updates Dan Klug Assistant Director, HR Recruitment & Selection
Recruitment & Selection UpdatesMotor Vehicle Record Check ASU employees who operate motor vehicles as part of their jobs are being asked to complete a drivers authorization form to comply with the university and state policies. Each department received an email with list of their identified employees Department was to verify this list. Employee must return completed Drivers Authorization Form and copy of License to OHR no later than April 1, 2010.
Recruitment & Selection UpdatesPersonnel File Review Departments must review the Personnel File of all ASU employees who are rehired or transfers. Department will request offer approval for candidate Recruiting & Staffing will request email confirmation that the personnel file review has been completed. Department will confirm with an email to R&S. R&S will approve offer. R&S will keep email on file with the job where approval to recruit is kept.
Recruitment & Selection UpdatesPeoplesoft Enhancements-Evaluations Resume Icon Disposition/Reason Disposition Reason Resume Reject Lack MQ R R Interview 1st Choice R Reject Lack DQ R Interview 2nd Choice Drop-box for “Y” or “No”
Workplace Violence Jillian McManus Director, EAO/Wellness Sign-Up for Training Here! Advertisement/Flyer Here!
Questions/Comments? For further questions, please email Patty Rosciano