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My child. … knows exactly what he/ she wants to do professionally . go to Parents / What does your child want / knows exactly what he or she wants to do ... has no concrete career wish yet . go to Parents / What does your child want / No concrete career wish
Mychild... … knowsexactlywhat he/shewantsto do professionally.gotoParents/Whatdoesyourchildwant/knowsexactlywhat he orshewantsto do ... hasnoconcretecareerwishyet.gotoParents/Whatdoesyourchildwant/Noconcretecareerwish … hasmanyinterestsandideas.gotoParents/Whatdoesyourchildwant/hasmanyinterestsandideas … still has a lotof time fordeciding.gotoParents/Whatdoesyourchildwant/has a lotof time … is not readyyet.gotoParents/Whatdoesyourchildwant/is not readyyet
... has no concrete career wish yet. Don't worry - this is true for many children. Now you have to act strategically! For a start, it is important to realistically evaluate your child and his/her chances.go to Parents/Is my child ready?/See for yourself There are two essential questions for a career choice: How is your child doing in school,go to U18/Sand how much timego to Parents/Together let's/Career choice planis left until starting a professional career? Speak with your child and together do an interest check.go to Parents/Together let's/Partner exercize/Interest check In case you child is not doing so well at school it is important to make an appointment with a career counsellor of the employment agencygo to MO/Partners/Employment Agency/Make an appointmentin order to discuss the situation. The career counsellor will help your child to analyse his/her situation and find a good solution. You can use our checklistgo to Parents/It's your turn/Counselling by the Employment Agency/Checklist/Conversationin order to prepare for the conversation. But there is more interesting information for children in similar situations. Why don't you and your child visit theWeb site for youthsgo to U18/“I have no idea“ . The Salvete team wishes you and your child fun and success in this process! Collect information on our trainingsgo to U18/Ton career choice for youths and information seminarsgo to U18/E2for parents!
...still has a lotof time. Your child is still very young or you believe a career choice is still far away? With our Career choice plango to Parents/Together let's/Career choice planyou can check whether your assessment is correct. In case your assessment was wrong and your child has to hurry up, together visit our start pagego to Parents/It's your turn/What does my child want?and look for the statement that suits your child best. The more time, the better. Speak with your child and together do an interest checkgo to Parents/Together let's/Partner exercize/Interest check Maybe your child already has a dream professiongo to Parents/Together let's/What's it all about and you can start looking for more information? Why don't you and your child visit theWeb site for youths go to U18/“I still have a lot of time“and together look for more possibilities. The Salvete team wishes you and your child fun and success in this process! Collect information on our trainingsgo to U18/Ton career choice for youths and information seminarsgo to U18/E2for parents!
... knows exactly what he/she wants do professionally. Fantastic! Yourchildisalreadyonestepahead. Nowyouhavetoreallygettoknowthedreamprofession: Whatistheworkroutinelikeandwhichwaysof professional trainingarethere? Whichcareersarethereforyourchild after his/her training? Find out whichfinancialsupportschemesgotoParents/Money issuesexistforthefuturetrainingpathofyourchild. Learnmoreaboutthesearchforinternshipsand professional trainingopportunities! Togetherwithyourchildstart a virtualapplicationtraining. Whydon'tyouandyourchildvisitthe Web siteforyouths.goto U18/I knowwhat I wantto do. The Salvete team wishes you and your child fun and success in this process! Collect information on our trainingsgo to U18/Ton career choice for youths and information seminarsgo to U18/E2for parents!
... has many interests and ideas. Your child is interested in several professions and is unable to choose one? Firstly, look at the time line to find out how much timego to Parents/Together let's/Career choice planyou need for your search. Speak with your child and together do an interest check.go to Parents/Together let's/Partner exercize interests Try a checklistgo to U18/several ideas/Decision check listin order to decide. Together with your child collect more information about ways to find a dream profession on our web site for youths.go to U18/I have many ideas The Salvete team wishes you and your child fun and success in this process! Collect information on our trainingsgo to U18/Ton career choice for youths and information seminarsgo to U18/E2for parents!
I don't feel ready yet The mottois: Don'tdespair! The wayintoworklifeisdifficultfornearlyeverybody. For a start, itisimportanttorealisticallyevaluateyourchildandhis/her chances.gotoParents/Is mychildready?/See foryourself Speakwithyourchildandtogether do an interest check.gotoParents/Togetherlet's/Partner exercize/Interest checkIn caseyourchildis not doing so well atschool, itisimportanttomake an appointmentwith a careercounselloroftheemploymentagencygoto MO/Partners/Employment Agency/Make an appointmentin order todiscussthesituation. The careercounsellor will helpyourchildtoanalysehis/her situationand find a goodsolution. YoucanuseourchecklistgotoParents/It'syour turn/CounsellingbytheEmployment Agency/Checklist/Conversationin order topreparefortheconversation. But thereismoreinterestinginformationforchildrenwho do not feeluptocareerchoice. Whydon'tyouandyourchildvisitthe Web siteforyouths.goto U18/I don'tfeelready The Salvete team wishes you and your child fun and success in this process! Collect information on our trainingsgo to U18/Ton career choice for youths and information seminarsgo to U18/E2for parents!