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BATAN programMES ON NUCLEAR DEPLOYMENT in indonesia. Dr. Ferhat Aziz Deputy Chairman of BATAN. Presented in the WS on Advanced Reactors and Small and Medium-sized Reactors (SMRs) For Embarking Countries Jakarta , 19-22 August 201 3. INTRODUCTION. General Information.

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  1. BATAN programMES ON NUCLEAR DEPLOYMENT in indonesia Dr. Ferhat Aziz Deputy Chairman of BATAN Presented in the WS on Advanced Reactors and Small and Medium-sized Reactors (SMRs) For Embarking CountriesJakarta, 19-22 August 2013


  3. General Information • An archipelago with 17,508 islands • 1.9 million square miles total • Fourth most populous country in the world, 237 million people (2010) • 59% of population reside in Java, in a 7% total area • 400 volcanoes, 100 active, 112 in Java island • Air temperature : 27.6° to 36.8° C (day) and 14.6° to 24.6° C (night) • Humidity: 63% to 83%

  4. National energy needs will continue to increase along with economic growth, population, living standards, technology and the demands of environmental requirements. • The tendency of the use of energy types in the future will shift towards technology-based energy than the resource-based energy (fossil fuel), this was felt as a result of depletion of fossil energy supplies after being exploited for so long.

  5. To meet the energy needs through optimum energy mix, i.e., by utilizing all types of energy without discrimination and not to wait for another type of energy is running low (non-depletion). • Energy Security and the mitigation of climate change is absolutely necessary for the survival of the nation and state.

  6. Fossil energyresources remain (as 2010 without extended exploration) - Oil: 21 years - Gas: 61 years - Coal: 80 years

  7. ENERGY CURRENT SITUATION • Fossil energy still dominated, the resources are limited; • Electrification ratioin 2011still low (72.9%) • Utilization of New and Renewable energy not yet optimal; • Environment issues: • Climate change mitigation; • Carbon trading; • National commitment on emission redcution 26% in the year2020; • Financing for energy sector development still limited. Oil still dominated with 47.2%

  8. ENERGY POLICY The Presidential Decree No.5 year 2006 indicates the target of energy mix until 2025 and the share of nuclear energy is about 2% of primary energy or 4% of electricity (4000 MWe). The first two units of NPP is expected to be operated before 2020 as stated in Act No. 17 year 2007 on National Long Term Development Planning 2005-2025. The Energy Law No. 30 of August 2007 creates a National Energy Council (NEC) chaired by the President with the authority to design and formulate energy policy on behalf of the GOI. The policy then must be endorsed by Parliament.

  9. Biofuel > 5 % Coal >33 % Geothermal > 5 % New & Renewable Resources >17 % Gas >30 % Nuclear, Hydro, Solar, Wind And biomass >5 % Oil< 20 % Liquefied Coal >2 % PRESIDENT DECREE 5/2006 Target of National Energy Mix 2025 YEAR 2005 Oil : 54.76% Natural Gas : 22.24% Coal : 16.77% Hydro : 3.72% Geothermal : 2.48% YEAR 2025

  10. DRAFT OF NATIONAL ENERGY POLICY By NATIONAL ENERGY COUNCIL Coal 2010 2025 Oil New & Renewable Gas 2030 2050

  11. YEAR DESCRIPTION UNIT 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2040 2050 ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION High Scenario TWh 148 245 397 628 933 1680 2710 Low Scenario TWh 148 208 341 511 733 1330 2100 Per capita (high scenario) kWh 620 980 1521 2316 3332 5619 8827 Per capita (low scenario) kWh 620 832 1308 1886 2618 4448 6840 Growth (low scenario) - 7 7.1 10.4 8.4 7.5 6.1 4.7 % Elasticity 1.06 0.89 1.30 1.05 1.00 0.9 0.7 GENERATION CAPACITY GW 35 58 92 145 203 340 550 GW 35 49 79 115 159 270 430 AVERAGE UTILISATION - Hours 4722 4731 4791 4805 5065 5435 5420 Hours 4722 4754 4834 4977 5157 5468 5470 ELECTRICITY DEMAND PROJECTION High Scenario Low Scenario High Scenario Low Scenario

  12. INFRASTRUCTURES FOR NPP • Self assessment of 19 NPP infrastructures readiness finished in October 2009. • IAEA INIR mission for phase 1 conducted in November, 2009 • Result of the INIR mission shows that Indonesia has done extensive preparatory work on most infrastructure issues that would allow the country to make decision to further consider introduction of nuclear power, i.e. to go from phase 1 to phase 2 in Milestone approach.

  13. INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME & NPP PROJECT PR 5/2006 Law 17/2007 NPP Dev . Current Status Source: IAEA NG-G-3.1, 2007

  14. SITE STUDY Bangka Sites: Feasibility study (2011-2013) Muria Site: Has been evaluated (1991-1996), Now: monitoring of meteorology and microseismic Banten Site:Underpreliminary study

  15. HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT • Establishment of Center for Education and Training. • Establishment of Polytechnic of Nuclear Technology • IAEA Technical Cooperations • Bilateral program • Education program in foreign countries • International and National Scholarship

  16. National Team for Nuclear Power HRD Consists of some members from various institutes: • Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources • Ministry of Research and Technology • Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration • National Nuclear Energy Agency • National Nuclear Regulatory Body • State Owned Electricity Company

  17. PROSPECT OF NATIONAL INDUSTRY PARTICIPATION • Civil part and Civil Construction of NPP • Some components of Balance of Plant (condenser, inner and outer casing of turbine and generator, electrical components) • Radioactive waste management


  19. Made in Indonesia Supplied for Olkiluoto 3 (1600 Mwe) PT Siemens Indonesia, Cilegon 19

  20. Value Added of NPP (world bank, denganpembulatan) “nuclear industry became an integral part of South Korea development, changed the country from importer country to be export-oriented country, and became also igniter of technology inovation, accelerator of development, of infrastructure and education”. (IAEA, 2009).

  21. PUBLIC OPINION POLLING Nationwide NATIONAL Java-Bali Island BABEL Island

  22. Polling Result (end of 2012) Don’t know Agree Don’t agree

  23. Challenges for NPP Role in Indonesia • Public perception • Political climate/Democratic condition • International confidence • Financing

  24. Thank You for Your Kind Attention

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